
Monday 29 April 2013

Crafts & Me - Janna Prosvirina

Hello all how are you all? Well we have some lovely sunshine up here by the sea today, its gorgeous. Now this card I'm showing today I should have posted last wednesday for the Crafts & Me challenge, however things have happened in real life that put a stop to everything.

Megan has been having a lot of problems with this pregnancy with bleeding & threatened miscarriage etc. Now she has kept losing fluid from around the baby, so for nearly the last week she has been on total bedrest & not allowed to do anything. We've helped by looking after Payton & helping cook meals, Ben has took time off work. The docs have said they dont expect the baby to survive, but he has a strong heartbeat & he is still very we are praying our little Arjay will survive this!!
We find out more this afternoon when Megan goes for another scan. Obviously my family has come first so no crafting, blogging, decorating or sorting out the craft room has been done.........everything is on hold!!! Its awful seeing your kids go through things like this, I know what pain they are going through cus I've been there a few times. 

So this is why I've been absent & why I will be absent, I've not even been able to read my comments on my last card yet :(

Anyhoo enough of my sad babbling & here is my card for the challenge, there is only one pic I'm afraid though.

This is another one of the new rubber stamps in Crafts & Me by Janna Prosvirina & this one is called 'Ivy' & isn't he fabulous!!! He was of course coloured with Copic Cool Grays.
The challenge is 'Peaches & Cream' which are not my colours tbh so I struggled. In the end I looked at the artists colouring, saw it was greyscale so that gave me the idea do him greyscale & add some colour to the leaves lol. Tbh I'm not happy with it but hey I tried lol.

Papers, lace, seam binding & cheesecloth are from Live & Love Crafts. Large fabric flower & die used for the sentiment are from My Crafty Heart.
Sorry I dont have time to put in all links like I usually do.

Ok thats it from me I have a little girl waiting for her nanna to play with her ;0)

Please pray that my grandson stays put & stays healthy until it is safe for him to enter this world, we really couldnt bear to lose him. I also dont want my family to have to go through more heartache, enough is enough now.
Thank you soooooooo much for your wonderful support you always show me.

My candy is still running & has another day left so you still have chance to enter here.

Lotsa of hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxx