
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Crafts & Me Challenges DT Card

Good morning everyone, how are you all? Things are still hectic here but hopefully things will start calming down in the next week or 2. HUbster gets his plaster taken off tomorrow & the remaining pins removed, he may need physio after though.

Anyhoo's I'm here today as its time for a new challenge over at Crafts & Me & this week you have us Rockin Rubbah's ;-) The theme this week is just sooooooooooooooo super duper easy.......
............see what I mean, now come on we all love our dies & punches..........well I prefer dies tbh!!
I have used a new rubber stamp coming soon to CRafts & Me Store.

This is 'Heather' by the uber talented Hannah Lynn, I loved colouring her & I did this in one of my fave colour combo's, Blue & Brown ;0)

I've used Magnolia Doo-Hickey 'Swirl & Leaf' dies. I made a double bow with Shabby Seam Binding & attached that to a bow made with Cheese Cloth & then attached the gorgeous Pearl Trinket to the centre, I soooooo love these beauties.
The tag I cut from 'Huntington Garden' paper & added a Tim Holtz 'Trinket Pin' which also got the gesso treatment ;0) The rose is from WOC & added gesso to it & the butterfly is from my jewellery crafting stash.

I added gorgeous Pleated Tulle & added Organza Rose trim on top. I also painted a Silver Metal Corner white with Gesso, I also added it to the Tulle & Rose trims & other bits here & there.

Of course this lady was coloured with copics, I think I can remember the colours.....
E13, E21, E00, E000, E0000, R20
E29, E27, E23, E21
B97, B95, B93, B91
E55, E53, E51

I've added a LOTV postcard which I stamped onto kraft. The papers are Fleamarket 'Ladylike' & Fleamarket 'Notes' & I've inked all the edges. I've decorated inside & added 'Doilies' inside & on the front which I stained & aged to compliment the card.

Well thats it from me I'm off to do a bit of blog hopping before I take Megan the hospital for a scan. She has been having a lot of trouble with this pregnancy bless her & Ben unfortunately cant get the day off work. I will however catch up with the rest of you lovelies later when I get back.

Pop on over to check out my fabulous teamies creations, stunners they are trust me!!!
Thank you for stopping by & for your lovely comments mmwah.
Tatty bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Challenges I'm Entering...............
Bearly Mine Challenge - Anything Goes

Sunday 24 February 2013

Candy Winner

Hello all my lovelies, how are you all? Well those darn clocks are running too fast again which now makes me look as though I'm late.......... ;0) I am sorry for being late though, I was showering Natalie & forgot to do the post & schedule it before-hand.

Well its been a canny heck of a week but I wont bore with the drivvle & instead I will just get on with announcing the winner.

Can I first say thank you to all who entered & thank you all sooooooooooo much for all the lovely comments you have left me, you all totally rock!!!!!!!!!  

Ok now for the winner..........drumm roll please.........the winner, drawn by random org is..........

Congratulations sweetie, could you please email me with your address & I will pop these in the post asap.

I wish I could give candy to everyone, wouldn't winning the lottery be wonderful lol. However I will be back with more candy...........I have another small one then my big candy coming soon so keep your eyes peeled.

Thanks again for all the support you give me, I really am such a bad blogger at the mo but hopefully real soon I will have more time to visit you all & hopefully more time to craft................I'm really missing not crafting much :0(
Anyway I will be back with a card tomorrow so until then my lovelies tatty bye & take care
mmwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Some candy to say.............

This post will remain at the top, for newer posts scroll down.

Hello all you lovely crafters out there, how are you? Hope you are all having a lovely jubbly weekend, we actually have sunshine here by the sea.......... ;0)
Well I was supposed this little candy a few days ago but Natalie became poorly again & it wasnt possible to get on my lappy apart from the odd email :0( She is feeling better though today thankfully.

Ok enough of my babbling on..........think I need get out more lol. Now I have 2 gorgeous stamps for you from the gorgeous talented Krista. I am truly honoured & feel VERY privileged that I get to work with these awesome images all the time & get to work with Krista & all the other fabulous girlies over at SC. So I thought these 2 I would offer out to you, my lovely bloggy friends, its also my way of saying ''Sorry for being the worlds worst blogger'' at the moment.

So would you like to see the stamps............of course you would ;0)
*NEW* Saturated Canary  stamp "Little Lady Bug"  *NEW* Saturated Canary "Rebecca"
''Little Lady Bug'' & ''Rebecca'' these are of course brand new rubber stamps.

Of course if you dont want to wait for this candy to finish you can of course buy these & other SC stamps here.

Ok now for the rules.....................well there are none ;0) 

If you would like to win my ''Sorry Candy'' lol then simply add your name with a link to your blog.............easy as that!!

Candy will run for 1 week so will end 24th Feb 10am & I will announce the winner drawn at random
 at 7pm. These are both UK times. I will of course post worldwide.
Sorry but NO CANDY ONLY blogs as this is unfair on other crafters.

Good luck everyone :0) mmwah xxxxxxxxxxx