
Wednesday 5 December 2012

Crafts & Me Challenges DT Card

Hello my lovelies how are you? The weather here by the sea is rather cold, in fact we have SNOW!!! We normally get off lighly a lot of the times when the north east gets snow due to us being next to the sea. However we have it the worst today as when hubster took Jake school (about 5 miles away) the roads were clear by the time he got to the school. It does of course make hubster happy ;0)

Anyhoo enough of my babble onto my post today which of course is for Crafts & Me Challenges & this week we have a super duper easy one for you...............
ANYTHING GOES with otional Christmas Ornament
So its 'Anything Goes' which we all love but you have the option to make a christmas ornament, remember tho its 'Optional'
As you can see I took the easy route lol...........actually I have made an ornament but then my mojo went & I  couldn't decide what image to use so I'm gonna use it for a different image, will show it tomorrow.

I added 'Snowtex' to the 'Tree Branch' & added a wooden snowflake on top which has been heat embossed. The 'Reindeer' has also had the snowtex treatment. I added a Whimsy sentiment & some pretty pink lace & dotty ribbon & added a 'Snowman' charm.

The poinsettia is cut from a Marianne die & I've heat embossed it with some Stampendous Shabby Pink embossing powder. I've only recently got this but OMG this stuff peeps is just gorgeous I really wish you could see how beautiful it is, I've gone & ordered the Shabby white so I can see what thats like. Sooooo pretty!!!!!

She was of course coloured with copics & I added dots to her with a white gel pen. I added glitter dust to the whites on her clothes, this pretty lady deserves sparkle.
She is called 'Wintergreen Wishes' by Hannah Lynn.

The gorgeous oh so pretty papers are 'Christmas Memories' by Mindy Baxter & they are a digi set available at her Etsy Store, these are just sooooooooo pretty!!! The die behind the image is of course from Joy Crafts I lurve these dies ;0)

Pop on over to see my uber talented teamies creations, we have a coupleladies  missing this week :0(

Wow its snowing again & its like 50 pence pieces coming this rate my wi-fi will need Gelly Wogs (wellies) ;0)

Thank you for stopping by & for your lovely comments on my last post it really does mean so much. I stayed up til after 2 this morning so I could do some catching up with you all, I got around to half so I will be round today my lovelies.
Tatty bye, take care & stay safe................oh & be good cus the jolly santie is watching ;0)

Challenges I'm Entering.........
Cute Card Thursday - Snowflakes
Sweet Stampin' Challenges - Ribbons & Snowflakes

Tuesday 4 December 2012

GDT Creation For My Step-mom

Good morning my lovelies how are you all? A few weeks ago I had a lovely email from Sharon asking me if I would like to be Guest Designer for December & January over at
  Papertake Weekly...........well she didnt need ask me twice I am soooooooooo honoured to be guest designer for them wooooooooo hooooooooooo!!
Anyway the new challenge this week is..........
...........the lovely sponsors this week are LOTV.
I have designed & made something new for my step-mum as at christmas time we buy her a few small gifts to open on the day but then give her £100.........well what do you buy a woman who has everything more or less....... At least this way she can buy what she wants & likes ;0)
I have used 'Christmas Angel' by the uber talented Krista at Saturated Canary, I sooooooooo love this image & of course I added sparkles to her wings & baubles ;0)
This is a card & gift in one............

This is the inside, the gorgeous digi paper is from the lovely Inger Harding, its so pretty as soon as she released it I brought the whole lot, including the side panels & the tag on the front.
I added 2 corner dies, a reindeer, doilies & some lush lace.

These are the 2 panels either side & I'm going to put a keepsake poem in & some photo's. The corners are open so things can be slotted into them & keep them in place.

This is the pocket I made for the centre & here I can put the money.

It is kept closed by a velcro button.

I wanted the pocket to be expandable so I created a file-type pocket so I'm not restricted as much when putting things in.

All the flowers are from WOC, hubster treated me to a big box full last week bless him.

This is the other side of the tag which also came from the same paper digi set. The wooden snowflake I added some paint, glitter & a glitter pearl to the centre, its so sparkly.

I added 2 organza ribbons to keep it closed. The brackets are a Joy Crafts die which is
 'Middle Fleur-De-Lys' I lurve these dies!!! All the dies I've also inked with Walnut DI.

Ingredients used..............
'Christmas Angel' digi image - Saturated Canary
Digi papers by Inger Harding - SquiggleFly
Joy Crafts die
Marianne Creatables 'Corner' die - MCH
Stardust Stickles - MCH
Flowers - WOC
Marianne 'Holly' die - MCH
Marianne 'Reindeer' die

Pop on over to Papertake Weekly & see all the fabulous creations of the DT girls.

I really need to say a HUGE sorry for not coming round much but last week all I had was 5 presents eeeekkkkkkk, I have been saving though so the money was in the bank for christmas. So at the weekend I decided to get stuck in & when ever I get chance sit on the net & shop, shop shop!!!!!! Most of my crimbo shopping is done online, thank goodness lol. I have given myself a week to get all of christmas finished with just food shopping to do, so I have til this saturday. I'm doing well so far & I've got Natalie's completely finished & Jake's nearly finished, Payton's is half done :0)

December is so so hectic for everyone so please dont leave a comment if you dont have time I know how busy we all are & know how precious time is at the mo...........I do think we get robbed of hours more in december mind.......think we should get more than 24 hours each day......WE NEED IT!!!!!! lol.

Anyway thank you so much for stopping by & sorry for the long post lol. Will be round to see you as soon as humanly possible lol ;0)
Tatty bye mmwah xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Challenges I'm Entering........
Stamptacular Sunday - Photo Inspiration

Sunday 2 December 2012

My Crafty Heart DT Card - All That Glitters

Hello everyone how are you all? Thankyou so much for all your lovely messages about Natalie, she is no better but she is no worse either so thats a good thing. I am still angry about the centre doing this & making her so ill, she relies on all those looking after her to keep her warm & safe.........its not like she can say when she's cold. Surely common sense should have prevailed!! Hubster is ringing them tomorrow cus he is more diplomatic than me, when it comes to my family I get really mad & I'm not diplomatic at all............I would end up shouting at them tbh!!

Anyway this is a card I made for My Crafty Heart but I used a Magnolia stamp as this one has been coloured up for ages & thought the colours suited this card tbh lol.
I have kept this sort of on the flat side.....well for me it is lol. The papers are the gorgeous 'Blitzen' by Bo Bunny & I've inked all the edges.

Used a couple of silver bells from my stash, these are so hard for me to use as Minnie hears them & comes running ready to play with do you explain to a bengal they are not hers lol.

I added lots of sparkle to this card & a few dies..........I sooooooooo love my Ebosser!!!! ;0)
I've added Stickles to the reindeer that is on the paper, this paper really is gorgeous I love it!!

The sentiment I cut from the paper & inked the edges.

This is of course 'Tilda With Snowheart' & she was coloured with copics, I dont remember the colours as she has been coloured up for ages.
I've also added Stickles to the heart & I've added dots of snow using my Snow-writer.

I decorated the inside as always love the paper as its like a little scene inside the card ;0)
I've added 'Tiara' Stickles to parts of the dies & also some Blue Gems.

Ingredients used.........
Bo Bunny 'Blitzen' papers 
MB Snowflake Ornament die
MB Frostyville Border die
MB Snowflake Corner die
Stardust Stickles
Tiara Stickles
MeiFlower Gems
Winter Ribbon Collection

All of the above items are from My Crafty Heart & dont forget the gorgeous & fabulous new Saturated Canary stamps are available there to pre-order ;0)

Well I have family coming for tea in a bit, I'm cooking beef in red wine, we dont always have a roast dinner every sunday.......we get bored lol.
I will also be coming round to visit you all today & tonight as I really do have soooooo much catching up to do.
Thank you as always for stopping by, welcome to my new followers & thank you soooooooooooo much for being here it means the world mmwah.
Tatty bye, take care my lovelies xxxxxxxxxxxx