
Saturday 18 August 2012


Good morning all my lovelies, how are you all? Well the weather here in not-so-sunny-Newbiggin is poop poop poop...........yep raining......I know shocker right!!!! Well we did get some sunshine & no matter what the weather its still very warm.............also we are never happy are we so why complain lol.

Anyway I know I didnt get back last night no excuses I just fell asleep lol.........yea I know so darn lazy lol.
Anyhoos my sweeties I have a card & I actually made this before I made the Hannah Lynn one this was my first coloured image, well one that I was ok-ish about lol........the rest went to Mr Dustbin 
'Ingredientz will be at ze bottom', good job you are not here cus I added a french accent when saying that lol, not good from me believe me lmao.
Ok so for this card I used the image 'Mystria' from Tiddly Inks she is of course coloured with Copics & then I sprayed the whole image with 'Diamond Glimmer Mist' which I may add is hard to photo......grrrrr. I also added a cloud background which comes with the digi image so I merged the both together, I wanted it have a kinda mystery look to it...........well sorta lol.
Papers are Prima - Madeline edges inked with Vintage Photo DI. The leaf & scroll are Magnolia dies. I added a white Kaisercraft Paper Bloom & I added spots of pearls from a Cream & Blue Pearl Pen.
Card, lace, seam binding & small lace flower are all from my stash.

Well I'm to visit you all now. Thank you sooooooo much for your lovely messages regarding Payton she is doing much better thank you.

Oooooooh guess what, sunny-Newbiggin has become sunny yayyyyyaaaaayyyyyy. The sun has got his hat on hip hip hip hooray...........gosh its hard to do the dance with a laptop on your knee :0(

Anyhoos thank you for popping by it really means the world mmwah, toodles xxxxxxxxx

Challenges I'm Entering.............
Paper Pretties - Square Cards

Friday 17 August 2012


Hello my lovelies how are you all? Yes I know I disappeared again for a week & I really didnt mean to but last Sunday my grand-daughter Payton got admitted to hospital & she has been there all week. She had been unwell for a couple of days with mainly a bit of a temperature & a bit clingy but other than that she wasnt too bad. On sunday she was off her food & would only drink juice & she was burning hot then she had a bit of a seizure & became unresponsive for a short while, Megan called the NHS line & they sent an ambulance straight away which was there within minutes. Anyway she went A&E & then got transferred to North Tyneside where they came her in. She had got a very bad urine infection which had made her temp shoot up & her little body couldnt cope which is what caused the fit. They took her bloods & she is also anaemic. She has to go back to have some tests done on her kidneys & they are going to put a camera into her to make sure her bladder is working properly. She is back at home now thank goodness but its been a week of running up & down the hospital as I wanted to go up at nights to give them a break & Craig would take them both out for tea & I would have me some time with my little princess :0) Even though she was so poorly she was still so smiley bless her, the nurses loved her because she always had a smile for them well except when they were sticking her with needles :0(
As well as this in between we were also decorating the shower room which I finally finished last night & the plumber was in fitting a new bath in the bottom bathroom yesterday so both bathrooms were a no-go area yesterday lol. So I've had no time for my laptop never mind crafting or blogging but I will be back to normal this weekend. I will be back later as I've got a couple of things I made before Payton went in hospital but didnt get chance blog them.
I'm desperate to craft as I got some new papers from My Crafty Heart last weekend & OMG OMG they are so gorgeous, all of them I dont know which ones to use first. I do know however that at least 2 of the pads I will be ordering another set as I love them so much ;0) My Crafty Heart also has some new Wee Stamps in so why not pop on over & have a peek at all of Teresa's fabulous goodies!!!
Anyway I will be round to catch up with you all, not sure how long it will take but bare with me my lovelies lol.
See ya soonies my sweeties, I've missed yas.
Toodles mmwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxx