
Saturday 12 May 2012

CES Challenges DT Card

Good all my lovelies how are you all? We have sunshine today wooooo hooooo ssshhhhh tho dont shout too loud you might scare it away again.
Well its Saturday & its a new challenge over at CES Challenges & this is our very last challenge as you know CES is closing its doors so we decided to close the challenge blog too. So as our last challenge we have an easy peasy one for you & 3 prizes so pop on over to check it out.
I made a card for a lovely lady, the image I coloured up ages ago & found it.
 I've used Prima 'Printery' papers & inked the edges with vintage photo & matted onto dark brown card. I've gone kinda mono on this one.

The flower I crocheted myself eons ago & found my little stash the other day. Attached a button to the middle. Underneath is a Memory Box 'Elegant Scroll' die-cut.

I made a bow with brown seam binding attached a button & Bakers Twine & a gorgeous
 'Clock Charm' which I totally forgot about I'm so ashamed to say.

Added lace & more seam binding from my stash & cream pearls.

The image is of course from Darcy's Diaries , this is number 015 'Beach Babe' but I think of her as she is going shopping @Time for shopping' lol. She was printed onto smooth Kraft card & coloured with prisma pencils I also added Glossy Accents to her glasses. I fussy cut her then mounted her onto Tim Holtz clock.

The 6x6 Pointed Petal Card Blank, Papers & Bakers Twine were all from Crafty Emma's Store.
Clock Charm & Elegant Scroll die & Glossy Accents are from My Crafty Heart
Image is from Darcy's Diaries
everything else is from my stash.

Well thats it from me I'm off to try catch up with you all before my gorgeous grand-daughter comes. Sorry I didnt yesterday the only time I used my laptop was to do the post & to order some Copics refills from Cult Pens. I ordered them yesterday afternoon & they were here this morning how blinking fantastic is that. Best shop for pens I wouldnt go anywhere else.
Thank you so much for stopping by it means the world to me mmwah.

Challenges I'm Entering............
Darcy's Diaries Challenge - Buttons & Bows

Friday 11 May 2012

A Plea To Lovely Crafters

Hello my lovelies how are you? I'm not here with a card today instead I'm here with a plea to all you lovely crafters out there. Firstly tho I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who commented on my card yesterday I really appreciate it. I've not been on my lappy all day til now so this has been my only chance to do this. Anyway yesterday & last night I was trying to get around as many blogs as I could to come see you all, whilst on my travels drooling along the way over your fantastic need to make waterproof laptops I'm telling ya!! Anyhoo whilst I was roaming I came across a lovely blog & noticed in her side bar a cancer symbol. Now as most of you know my family has a huge history with cancer its VERY close to our hearts & when ever I see that symbol I have to click, so thats what I did & came across another blog about a lady with aggressive Breast Cancer & her cousin/sister has put a plea on her blog to us crafters. Anyway after reading it, dont worry the link will be at the bottom for you all, I decided that my card yesterday would be perfect to send to this lady so that is where my 'Boobie Love' lady is going.

So firstly I want to thank Krista for drawing an amazing image its an image that can touch so many peoples lives & has so much meaning in it. Even if we havnt been touched by Breast Cancer 1 in 3 of us will have been touched by some form of cancer in our lives. This really is an awful disease that causes destruction & heart ache where-ever it goes. Its not picky, its not racist, it doesnt care how old you are or how young you are, it doesn't care what your gender does not care at all!!!
However we DO care, there may not be a lot we can do to erradicate this awful disease but we can believe in the power of prayers & good thoughts. We can let a person know that we are thinking about them & sending them our love & that we are praying for them. This may just seem little but it means such a lot to a person that has to suffer this terrible disease.
So please pop on over to here & read Patricia's blog. Dont worry she hasnt babbled on like me lol. If you are still here then thank you you are a total gem, thank you for putting up with me its just something that means such a lot & I get very upset when I hear of others going throught this awful ordeal.
I will also put the cancer symbol on my side bar for a quick link.

Thank you my lovelies, see you all soon mmwah.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Saturated Canary Challenges DT Card

Hello my lovelies how are you all? Well we had lovely sunshine yesterday I got all the bed stripped & pegged on the line, I hate putting bedding in the tumbler, then it started raining about 5 o'clock when hubster went fishing & it still hasn't stopped! Its not raining cats & dogs, its raining a blooming farm I tell ya!!!
Anyhoo's my lovelies its time for a fabby new challenge over at Saturated Canary Challenges wooooooooo hooooooooooo & this one you are gonna love, its...........
Told ya you would love it......I soooooo love flowers on my creations as so many of you do.
 I love this image & it means so much. I wanted to go all kinda shabby chic with a lot of girly in there.
 All the flowers are from WOC & I sprayed them all with white florist spray which is really delicate & gives a lovely effect &I  doused them with glitter.
The awesome image I have to say is my fave she is of course called 'Boobie Love' & Krista did this as a freebie which was totally awesome!!
I coloured her differently cus I really wanted to carry on the whole shabby chic thing. She has been coloured with copics but then all the shading including her hair has been done with prisma pencils. I added a resin flower to her hair.
You might be able to see the sparkle now on the flowers if you click on the image.
The gorgeous papers are from Raspberry Road they are called 'Fight Like A Girl' which is perfect for this I think. I splashed a wee bit of white gesso around the edges. On the top paper I also added the sentiment before printing it out, the sentiment is 'Fight Like A Girl' wordart.

I added tulle from my stash & some pearl hearts & pearls. I also added a Magnolia swirl die-cut & a Marianne corner die-cut. The butterfly I made ages ago using a die & ink then heat embossed it, I found it in amongst hidden stash lol.

Image, Boobie Love - Saturated Canary (shop is currently moving at the mo)
Papers - Raspberry Road
Flowers - WOC
Resin Flower & Corner die - My Crafty Heart

Thank you my lovelies for stopping by I'm off to carry on blogging, I'm slowly getting there lol.
Please pop on over to see my fabulous teamies creations.
Also I wanted to tell you I'm now a full design team member at Saturated Canary, Krista has us GDT's if we would like to stay & well of course the answer would be a giant YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!
Thank you Krista sweetie mmwah.

Challenges I'm Entering...........
Little Darlings Challenges - Shabby Chic with inspirational photo.
LMM Challenges - May Flowers (hi girls big hugs to you all)

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Crafts & Me DT Card - Dies & Punches

Hello my lovelies how are you all? First off I want to say a HUGE MAHOOSIVE thank you to all my awesome friends out there for all your comments on my new DT & card yesterday it really means the world to me, without you I wouldn't be here crafting, you all give me the encouragemeant & the inspiration from all your fantastic creations to want to create myself. So from the very bottom of my heart I thank you, I love you all mmwah.

Okie dokie onto my card which is for Crafts & Me Challenges & this week you have us rubbah girlies & its the lovely Gina this week who has set an easy theme of..............
DIES & PUNCHES........... easy is that, come on we all love to add these things to our creations. Its actually my favourite thing to add to any creation.
Lots of foofiness  & dies on this card today lol. I will put all ingredients & links at the bottom of this post.
Well I've done a card off me & hubster for my step-mum thought I would do one off Natalie next & no shes not very clued up about the internet she can just about work her email to send her brother in Australia bless her.

This oh so beautiful image is 'Petal Melody' by Lemon Shortbread exclusive to Crafts & Me & the whole range is on sale right now, this is my fave from that range. She is of course coloured with copics.
Ribbon, lace, pearls, leaf all from my stash.

Paper is MME 'Lost & Found, Breeze' which is fabulous for male or fe,ale I think.
Available from My Crafty Heart.
Faux Crochet border die along bottom, image is on Lacy Oval die, WOJ Pennants die for the flags, Fabric Ribbon flower & everything, well nearly everything got splashed with
 White Gesso paint, all of these from Crafts & Me.
Also used Magnolia Swirl die which is poosibly my fave die lol.
Butterfly punch was also used.

Well thats it from me I'm running extremely late on everything, I tried catch up last night by staying up really late but after trying for 2 hours just to upload my piccies & the net crashing on me, I gave up at 2.30am & went bed. So there will be an ass print on this aofa by the end of the day as I will def catch up by tonight.

Thank you for stopping by it means soooooooooooo much my lovelies mmwah.xoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering..........
Creative Craft Challenges2 - Anything Goes
Creatalicious Challenges - Butterflies & Flowers
Deep Ocean Challenge Blog - Wonderful Woman (NAN)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

My Exciting News............woo hooooooooooo

Good morning my lovelies how are you all? Well here along the north coast in sunny Newbiggin it is gorgeous the sun is streaming in the conservatory, makes a nice change from the rain which we had all night lol.
Well have you wondered what my exciting news is? Well the first of my exciting news is
the fabulous & uber talented Christy owner & designer of Tiddly Inks asked me if I would like to be on her DT, me a Tiddly Inker!!.............of course it was a big MAHOOSIVE YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!
I didnt even need a nano second to think about it lol & as one of my DT's has its last challenge this week it filled a spot nicely lol.

Anyway the fabby challenge this week over at Tiddly Inks is...........
Moms Day or Girly Girly
As the UK has had their mommy's day & you dont want to make a moms card then just make a Girly card. I've still made a mom card for my step-mum her birthday is in September & usually I'm terrible for last minute as I forget so what better way to be organised lol. 
I was stuck to which fabulous image to choose so I decided on my fave Tiddly Character Wryn, I love these lil ladies.

Lace, cheesecloth & hearts are from my stash.

The'mUM'  sentiment I cut out a banner using WOJ Banner Trio die & stapled a small bit of lace to it. The sentiment is also from a WOJ 'Magical Wishes' stamp set.

This is 'Fairy Wishes' Wryn who is just lush, come on she has wings & you know me & wings. She is coloured with Copics & I've added Stardust Stickles to her wings & the sky behind her is chalk.
I've also added pearls to her lil shoes & head-dress & a sparkly pink gem to her wand.
A girl needs her bling!!!

The oh so beautiful papers are Melissa Frances '5th Avenue' this pad really is so so pretty. I inked the edges with vintage photo & matted onto thick Kraft card. The bottom edge on the middle I did with my MS punch.
I added a Melissa Frances 'NottingHill Keyhole' & Melissa Frances pearls to the card.
The flowers are from WOC & I gave them a splash of white Gesso paint.

Paper, WOJ sentiment, WOJ die, Resin Keyhole & Pearls can all be found at

Well I think thats it from me please pop along & see my uber fabby teamies at Tiddly Inks they have made stunning creations as always. Also Christy has a fabby new image this week & you are gonna want to check it out...........its F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!
Thanks soooooo much for stopping by I'm off on my blogy womble now, see ya soonies mmwah.

Monday 7 May 2012


Hello my lovelies how are you? Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend. Its been a nice long one for us in the UK which we soooooooo lurve!!
Anyway onto my card which I meant to post this morning before we went over to Ben & Megans. I did this the other day along with my card for CES.
So here is another Hannah Lynn image..........
 This is another one of the new digi images that were released on the 1st May. I've kept the card to minimal foofy bits so not to hide this fab image.

The gorgeous image is called 'Vixie' & of course is exclusive to Crafts & Me. She has of course been coloured with Copics.

The paper pack I've had for sooooooo long & cant remember what its called so will pop into my craft room later & update with the name. I have inked the edges with walnut ink & matted onto black card.

The gorgeous fabric flower is cut off some beautiful ribbon I got but had completely forgot about, it was still in its cellophane. The seam binding is from my stash as are the buttons & small black gems.
Inside has been decorated to compliment the front.

Well thats it from me I will try my best get around to you all tonight but if I dont I will catch up with you all in the morning. Its mine & hubsters anniversary today, 24 years ago today is when we went for our very first date, I was 15 years old at the time & still at high school. I'm still soooooooo much in love with him, if its possible I love him more each day, he is my best absolute soul life!!!!

Thank you for stopping by from the bottom of my heart it means soooooo much mmwah.