
Friday 30 March 2012

Candy Winner...........come on down......

Hello all my lovelies out there how are you? Hope you have all been enjoying this glorious weather, would you believe I've not sat out in it once. The only real time I've been out in the garden is when I've been walking my grand-daughter around to try settle her lol.
Anyway I'm finally here with the candy winner. I am soooooo sorry I'm a bit late Natalie had a huge seizure last night which took us a while to get her out of it so we stayed in the living room all night with her. She is a bit better now tho so I will be catching up with you all tonight.

Anyway enough of my rambling lets get on with the winner chosen by Mr RandomOrg himself.
Drum roll please..................the winner is...........
Well done Jude hun can you please e-mail me & I will send you your Saturated Canary voucher hun.
Hope you enjoy your images hun.

I want to thank you all sooooooo much for entering my candy I am going to do start doing this sort of candy often as its so much easier to give you vouchers. Before my next one tho I'm going to do a survey to where you lovelies would like your next voucher from.
Wish I could win the lottery cus then I could treat you all lol.
I would like to welcome all my new followers & I hope you will continue to like what you see.

Well thats it from me I will be back in the morning with my CES DT Card. Thank you again everyone will be back another candy real soon.
Loves ya my lovelies xoxoxoxo

Thursday 29 March 2012

My Thank You Candy...........

Hello all my lovely poppets out there. Well I'm here with the candy at last. The beautiful Krista is feeling a little bit better today bless her so she sent me the  gift certificate.
Now I was going to sort through some of my crafty stash for some candy but as I hop along blogland I see what a lot of people are loving at the moment & hey who can blame them, they are my fave digi's I love them soooooooooooo much I really do. I also know that there are peeps who havn't had chance yet to try these beauties so I asked the lovely Krista to draw me up a gift certificate to an amount that I thought would allow you to pick a good choice of images........

 So the amount for my Thank You Candy is for $40 from Saturated Canary 
Isn't this image just sooooooooooo gorgeous & I soooo love her bow!!!
This will allow you about 10 images unless you choose more expensive ones of course.
 This gift certificate will be sent to the winner via e-mail there is a little bit missing a the bottom which contains the code, obviously I cant reveal that so I've cropped the image. The winner will of course get the full certificate which then they can redeem at Saturated Canary for the value of  $40. 

Now for the few little rules............
1. You DONT have to be a follower, only follow if you like my blog & like what you see. This is a thank you to all the ones that follow me & have to put up with me lol.
2. Put a piccy of the fabby image Krista drew for my candy in your sidebar with a link back here.
3. Only crafters with blogs can enter, no candy only blogs please as its not fair on crafters who regulary blog
Thats it...........easy peasy.
The candy will close 29th March 8.00pm GMT

So enter your name into Mr Linky below & I will choose a random winner 30th March.
Well thats it from good luck my lovelies
Huge hugs to you all mmwah xoxoxoxox

Saturated Canary DT Card..............Thinking Of You

Hello my lovelies how are you all? Are you all enjoying this totally gorgeous weather, I'm hardly using my tumble dryer, except for underwear, socks & towels of course........
Anyhoo its time for a new challenge over at Saturated Canary Challenges, your Twine creations were stunning. This time we have another fabulous challenge & it is.......
I love to send cards to just let someone know that I'm thinking of them, that they are in my thoughts.
For mine I've gone a bit shabby chic, I got these papers from Etsy, cant remember who tho or when tho, but I will try find a link to the shop itself......fingers crossed.
You cant see much of the papers but let me tell they are soooooooo pretty & perfect for shabby chic. I've inked the edges & matted on kraft card. This is also one of my fave colours on cards, love pink & brown............tbh I lurve brown lol.

The corner I've cut out with a Marianne die from My Crafty Heart, also the Melissa Frances pearls are also from love these pearls!!

Flowers, ribbon & lace are from my stash. The leaf is cut out with another Marianne die.

The image is the oh so pretty is 'Hand Me Downs Ragamuffin' I really love the raggamuffins they are my fave. You can of course get Krista's fabulous images from her Etsy store here.
I cropped the image & then coloured her in Copics & added 2 tiny pearls to her ears as earrings.

The doily is from my stash & the heart I cut with a die & crimped it. All the kraft die cuts also got sprayed with white spray paint slightly. The butterflies are from my punch, my most favourite punch lol. The gorgeous pink fabric flower is from Crafts & me Store.

Pop on over to see the uber talented girls creations over on the challenge blog as they are always stunning.
Cant wait to see your SC creations I never tire of seeing these totally gorgeous images.

Thank you sooooooo much for stopping by I really do appreciate it soooooo much mmwah xoxoxox

Dont forget my candy ends tonight so there is just a little time left to enter it. Thank you to everyone that already has entered & I wish you all good luck

Challenges I'm Entering.......
Saturday Challenge - Shabby Chic/Vintage

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Midweek Magnolia's DT Card - Sketch

Hello again my lovelies wow today has been soooooo hot, its gorgeous!!
Anyhoo I'm back again with my Midweek Magnolia DT card.........yep wee bit late but its me & I'm ditzy, I really am..........I think I should have been blonde you know!!
Anyway this week we have a super duper sketch for you, you know I love my layers & this is fab for it plus scope to add my foofy bits.........a girl has to have foof lol.
I've used an image that I coloured up last year & I heard her crying from my box of images, so just had to use her & give her a home on a card..........
As her dress was blue it suited me to do my fave colours which on a card is blue & brown followed very closely by pink & brown lol.

The gorgeous papers are again the new Prima 'En Francais' & have been inked at the edges & matted onto thick kraft card. The thin strip is a scrap of Magnolia paper called 'Blue Wedding'. I  also punched 3 holes & attached gold eyelet things lol & threaded string through.

The gorgeous satin ribbon is from my stash. I've used 2 magnolia doo-hickey dies, the flags (bunting)
the swirl, I edged the flags with ink & threaded bakers twine through them & stamped the letters on them.
Flowers & bakers twine are from Crafty Emma's.

This is 'Farewell Tilda' from the Bon Voyage collection & she was coloured with copics. No idea which ones & the colouring I did soooooooo long ago lol.

Blue sparkly gems are also from my stash as is the die that I used to cut out the arrow thingy & stamped 'You' on it.............miss you....

Hope you can join us this week for our fabby sketch & please pop on over here to see my awesome teamies creations. Right I've actually forgot to put my card on the challenge blog would you believe so thats what I'm gonna do now lol.

Thank you for stopping by will be round to see you all very soon mmwah xoxox
Challenges I'm Entering...............
Magnolia Down Under - Bingo - middle row going down.
My Mum's Craft Shop - Stamp It.

Crafts & Me DT Card - Elegant Fairies

Good morning my lovelies how are you? Hope you are all getting this lovely sunshine that us in the north are getting.
Well today its time for a new challenge over at Crafts & Me Challenges & this week its the Rockin' Rubbah's turn to entertain you & this week our uber talented Karina has set the theme which is.......
An easy one dont you think, basically bring us those gorgeous winged fairies.....we all love 'em!!
Here is my Elegant Fairy which Teresa over at Crafts & Me has an abundant supply off in rubber & digi.
I have used the so so beautiful 'Night Blossom' this pretty little thing has only ever been inked for a show sample so I thought she deserved proper attention lol. The thing with Teresa's stamps is you can make them subtle & soft go to Karina's here to see or colour them boldly they really do suit so many styles. I sooooooooo love Teresa's stamps, always have!!!!!!!!
The flowers are from my stash, the middle rose is from WOC & the larger flower was from Crafty Emma's.
The little scrolls are actually tickets I rolled up so thats why you can see numbers on them.

Of course 'Night Blossom' is by the fabulous artist Janna Prosvirina. She was of course coloured with Copics colours used are.......
E13 E21 E00 E000
C9 C7 C5 R46
R59 R46 R05
C3 C1 COO & white gel pens for her wings & to highlights the spots on the flowers.
Her hair I was originally doing black but then decided to add red for a bit of drama lol. It looks lush IRL.

The gorgeous paper is the new Prima paper 'En Francais' which is so gorgeous. I inked the edges & matted onto grey card. The fence is from a memory box die 'Wrought Iron Fence' & I've used Melissa Frances pearls in the top corner. All these you can get from My Crafty Heart.
Lace, ribbon & muslin are from my stash.

Well thats it from me hope you will join us this week with your fairies & why not pop along to Crafts & Me to see the whole range of things there are. Also why not sign up for the newsletter, there are new releases coming soon & newsletter readers get a 10% discount on all new rubber.........

Will be back later with my Magnolia card. Thank you sooooo much for stopping by mmwah
Challenges I'm Entering............
Bearly-Mine Challenges - 321 - 3 pearls, 2 scrolls & 1 DP
Cute Card Thursday - Anything Goes

Monday 26 March 2012

Whatcha Doin????????????

Hello all you levely jubbly people how are you all? Wow we got clear blue skies again, my we are being spoilt ssssshhhhhhhh tho or we might scare the sun away............
This card I just made for the sake of it, its not very often I have time to look at the challenges now so most of my cards I make then look after to see what challenges there are....... Its nice tho cus I'm making what I want to make, so they really are being made with love....if you know what I mean lol.
Anyway here is a Tiddly Inks-er image that I coloured up ages ago........
I've done a diff size but forgot the measurement lol.........I see the fabby Lou Mac doing these size cards all the time & they are always so fab. I did really enjoy doing this but when I want my foofy bits then I will do my normal sized card me thinks lol......not much room for foofy.....

The papers are again My Minds Eye 'Be Happy' I really love this pad & I will have to get more. I've inked the edges with vintage photo distress ink & matted onto thicker kraft card. The gorgeous pearls are 

The butterfly is cut with my Magnolia Doo Hickey die & I placed some MF pearls on the body.
Lace & bow are from my stash.

This little cutie is 'Whatcha Doin......?' from the Wryn & Friends collection.........I soooo love these!!
I cut her out using a round nestie then placed her behind a Tim Holtz clock die I added sparkly gems all around...........a girl needs her bling...... I also added a wee flower to her hair where her hair clip is.

I cut a corner out using a Marianne Die & inked the edges. Inside of course is also decorated.
Papers, pearls & corner die from My Crafty Heart.

Well thats it from me will see what challenges there are then have lots of DT work to do, busy busy lol.
Will pop around to see you all later my lovelies I'm nearly catching up.......nearly lol.
Thanks sooooooooo much as always for stopping by mmwah mmwah xoxoxox

Challenges I'm Entering.........
Cupcake Craft Challenges - Sounds Of Music - A Few Of My Favourite things (thanks Lesley mmwah)
Sweet Stampin' Challenges - Anything Goes
My Mum's Craft Shop Challenges - Lets Get Digital

Sunday 25 March 2012

My Crafty Heart DT Card - Dance & Be Happy

Hello my lovelies how are you all? Its soooooo bootiful here by the sea today lovely blue skies & lots of sunshine. A bit late today as I've got my grand-daughter still cus Ben & Megan have taken my youngest & gone Wet & Wild, its a water theme world, lots of slides etc, its canny actually!!
Anyway I am here with my card today with a new stamp that my fabby boss Teresa from My Crafty Heart sent me, these are new to her store & are sooooooooo cute!!!
This is a Mabel Lucie Attwell stamp & this one is 'Let's Dance' which is soooooo me lol!!!

Papers are the gorgeous My Minds Eye 'Be Happy' which I thought suited this image so well. I've edged the edges with chalk ink & matted onto thick kraft card.

I've decorated inside to compliment the front except I've put the 2nd layer straight instead of at an angle. I've also added Hug Snug Seam Binding & stapled it on. I've also made a double bow with the seam binding.

The image I have coloured with my Copics & added bit of shading with a Prisma pencil. I've also paper pieced her apron & added some shading. I've used a 'Butterfly Delights' Memory Box die on the image matting. The stamps also come with a range of sentiments included, I've used the 'Dance & Be Happy' & some musical notes.
For more Mabel Lucie Attwell stamps look here.

I've used another one of the sentiments inside saying 'From Me'. I've cut 2 corners out using the 
'Macarena Corner' Memory Box Die. I also added Melissa Frances 'Cream Pearls' to the top corner & a Resin Flower to the bottom corner.

Well I think that is it from me why not along to My Crafty Heart for some gorgeous crafty shopping..........sssshhhhh dont tell ya hubsters I dont told to....

Thank you so much for stopping by today it means the world to me, big hugs to all that stop by
mmwah xoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering...........
Kaboodle Doodles - How Cute Is That
Crafty Purple Frog - Anything Goes
Creative Inspirations - Anything Goes