
Saturday 24 March 2012

CES Challenges DT Card - Photo Inspiration

Good morning my lovelies how are you all? Are you ready in the UK for your clocks going forward......I know an hour less sleep but at least the mornings are lighter & it goes dark later.........which means more sunshine..........hopefully anyway lol. We have been spoilt a bit this week with sun I've even had my roof down on my car.............yep & looking like I've been dragged through a hedge afterwards lol.......
Anyway its Saturday woop that also means a new challenge over at CES Challenges & this week our lovely Sheena has set the theme & this week its a pretty photo inspiration
These colours are so gorgeous arn't they. So you can go with the colours, or the cupcakes or the teacups or even the pretty teapot at the top.........its up to you...........
I went with the colours & the cupcake...........I lurve cupcakes mmmmmm. Kept the card pretty simple tbh just cut it into a cupcake shape & keep foofy bits to a minimal lol.

The papers are Memory Box 'Gossamer' inside is also decorated.

The fabulous sweet image I've had coloured up for a while & was coloured with copics but dont know the colours I'm afraid.
The image is of course from CC Designs & this one is 'Swiss Pixie Cupcake Birgitta' isn't she a doll!!

Sentiment is a wood block stamp from my stash. Pink & Green Bakers Twine, papers, flower & I think the button but not certain lol are from Crafty Emma's Store. Pearls are from my stash.

Well thats it from me I still have a lot of you catch up with so bear with me my lovelies. I'm over at Ben & Megans this afternoon to pick up Payton-Lea as she stays at her granny & grandpa's tonight woo hoo.
Thanks for stopping by it really does mean so much. See you all during today mmwah xoxoxox

Challenges I'm Entering..............
Fussy & Fancy Friday - Anything But Square/Rectangle

Friday 23 March 2012

Another New Release Preview

Hello my lovelies its me again. I'm here to show you another preview of some new rubber due out at the beginning of April....I think lol.
Crafts & Me are releasing some new Hannah Lynn stamps & Teresa also has a brand new artist to the store with another range of stamps..........oooohhhh exciting things!!.
I thought I would show you one of the new Hannah Lynn stamps, I have made a card for the next show so its 5 1/4 inches square & has to be quite flat............I hate flat I really do
This is 'City Girl' isn't she pretty. Her clothes are actually lilac but for some reason all I'm seeing on my screen is blue.........even the candy is purple & pink but it looks blue lol.

Here is a flower I crocheted ages ago I have them lying around everywhere.....I even have some in my knicker drawer from when I've been in bed crocheting little flowers & then just put them in my drawer to keep them

The gorgeous paper is from Michele R Designs & I've used 'Pink Butterfly Garden' from here.
Its full of pinks & lilacs & is sooooooo pretty!!

The image of course is coloured with Copics. I coloured her hair in pinks & added touches of lilacs. I also added white gel pen dots on her tail & armband. I soooooooo enjoyed colouring this image but then I always enjoy colouring Hannah Lynn images.

Well thats it from me with my ickle sneak peek, there will be more to see from the other Rubbah Girlz over the next week or 2 so keep an eye out for further releases here. Also if you sign up for the newsletter for the first week of release you can get 10% off new release stamps.......means more for ya money yayyyy.

Thanks for stopping by will see you all soon mmwah xoxoxoxox

New YUMMY Digi Release

Good morning my lovelies how are you? Just a quickie post from me will hopefully be back later with a card.
Just popping on to tell you about a new release which you will not want to miss....
Yes our fabulously talented Krista of Saturated Canary has released a lot of images & they are fabbylicious.
The image above is what our lovely sweetie Lou had an idea of & Krista did an awesome job of drawing her....but she does an awesome job of all her images!!
She is called 'Rocky Horror Show Usherette' isn't she fabulous!! So if you want to see her & many other fabulous new images pop on over here & treat yourself...........go on you know you want to...
Right I'm away to take my son school then I will catch up with you all I've been suffering with headaches just lately so yesterday on my laptop was limited. Maybe I need glasses altho I'm hoping not lol.

See ya soonies my lovelies mmwah xoxoxox

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Midweek Magnolia's DT Card - Recipe

Hello my lovelies, how are you all? I'm running late again, its hectic here at mo so I will just get on.
Well its time for a new challenge over at Midweek Magnolia's & this week the challenge is.......
A RECIPE - 1 Ribbon, 2 Pearls & 3 Flower.
Easy peasy........
I've finally got this little sweetie inked & coloured so couldn't resist using her.............
Isn't she a sweetie. The papers are from The Sweet Crazy Love collection, I've used 'Red Peony' & 'Vintage Red' & inked all the edges with vintage photo distress ink & matted onto kraft card..

Over at MUDU they want to see recycled so I've recyled corrugated card board to put the sentiment on & the slim sentiment is actually the name of the paper that you get at the bottom of 12x12 sheets. I snipped off that strip & attached it to card & it makes an additional sentiment.

Underneath the cardboard I've also used a Memory Box Die 'Floral Circle' which is so pretty. 
My Crafty Heart has this & more new dies in stock.

I've used 'Tilda With Cozy Heart' from the Magnolia Sweet Crazy Love collection & she is of course coloured with Copics.

Tulle & pearls from my stash also the lace is from my stash & I just changed the ribbon from pink to a red gingham. The scroll is a Magnolia Doo-Hickey & the flowers are from WOC. The pearl heart is from a friend.

Pop on over to see my fabulous teamies creations they are sooooooo stunning.
Well thats all from me folks I will be around at times during today & tonight to catch up with you all. Thank you for stopping by I really appreciate it mmwah xoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering..............
MDUC - Treasures, corrugated cardboard & Wording from magnolia 12x12 DP
WOC - Bingo, Ribbon & Lace, Flowers & Gems (if pearls dont count ladies then throw it away lol)
Simply Magnolia - Anything Goes

Tuesday 20 March 2012

A Thankful Thought & A Free Little Quote To Snag

Hello my lovelies how are you all? The weather up here by the sea is beautiful & sunny altho very windy again & I had to fight with it to peg my washing out lol.
 Do you ever have those moments when you are thankful for all that you have? I have them everytime I look around my home & see all the photo's of my kids & my family. We all go through hard times at some point in our life but its these hard times that give us strength & determination. We learn from them & they make us stronger, they make us appreciate what we have & make us feel thankful.
I am the person today because of what has happened in my life, it has made me stronger, it has made me show more appreciation & to love more. It has made me realise that yes altho I have lost loved ones I am lucky that I had the chance to love them & to be loved from them........nothing can ever take those away.
I am stronger, more independant, more apreciative & love the life I have been given. These I have passed on to my children in which hopefully they will pass onto theirs & the circle of life continues stronger as each generation unfolds.........enjoying life as they see it. 
No-one sees life the same way as someone else but thats what makes us unique, dont live it the way someone thinks you should, or someone tells you you it for YOU, yes we all make mistakes but those are made so we can learn from the end of the day you have to believe in yourself!!!
I heard a quote a while back & always remembered it so today I thought I would make it into something you could maybe snag for your blog or anything else you would maybe use it for..........I've done it for a book which I will show you once I've done some, still in the prep stages at the moment lol. Anyway here is the quote.......I absolutely love this saying & totally believe it.
I had someone say to me once that there cant be a God because I wouldn't have a disabled daughter, I say that it was God who gave her to me & Craig because he knew no-one would love her as much as we would & that alone gave my daughter something to fight for. I truly believe things happen for a reason & out of everything bad that happens good also comes from it. It may take you a while to see it & you may have to look real hard but it will be there, deep in the fog that is clouding it. I lost 2 sons but was also given 2 sons & God knew I would love these 2 boys & protect them with all my power, strength & most importantly love!!!!! 
We have lost important people in our family but its made us all more thankful & closer than we were, we know life can change at any given moment so we now value each other & love each other as much as we can for as long as we can.........because no-one knows how long each of us truly have.
After all its better to have loved & lost than to never have loved at all.

Sorry for my deep & meaning thought I know its a craft blog but the thing to blogging & the whole idea behind it are there are NO put on your blog what is in your heart, what you have created, whether that be cards, thoughts or even another life you have created.

Please feel free to snag my little quote, I'm not sure who would have said this original quote & I cant even remember where I heard it as it was a while ago but its something thats always stayed in my mind.....believe me not a lot does stay up there lol.

Tatty bye my lovelies see you all soon mmwah xoxoxoxo

Monday 19 March 2012

I'm Back With Baby Blues........

Hello everyone yes its me again..........I'm back with the Baby Blues....... I've been in my craft room having a wee sort out.........ok I'm having a MAHOOSIVE sort out but its taking me ages as something else always crops up. Anyway I was in there for a wee bit today & I found a card that I had made but not yet blogged cus it wasn't completely finished. Its a card for a Baby Boy, hence my title lol.....I dont actually have the blues lol.
The gorgeous cute image is of course 'Baby Boy' by Mo Manning. I added a couple of buttons & flowers & that was it finished.....

The papers I think are from fact I'm sure of it!!

Image was coloured with Copics but I dont remember the colours as I actually coloured this image the night Megan went into labour lol....I didnt know what she was having so I coloured both the girl & boy at the time.
Diaper Duty sticker is from my stash, I think its by K & Co but not certain.

I added couplpe flowers & stuck Prima pearls to each of them. Buttons are from my stash & I threaded Bakers Twine through them & tied bows. Ribbon is from my stash & I used a 6x6 Card Blank.

Well thats it from ickle old me. Thank you soooooooooo much for your lovely comments regarding my beautiful grand-daughter, I am so so lucky I really am. Thank you for stopping by huge hugs for each of you mmwah xoxoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering............
DP2 - Buttons & Bows with a MO image
Delicious Doodles - The Wonder Of Life

Mothers Day joy

Good morning my lovelies how are you all? Did all you mammy's & grandmammy's have a super Mothers Day? I had the greatest altho I think my kiddies just like to make me cry they really do lol. I love sentimental things, oh & Bouffle bear, he is just too cute for words. So I got 3 Bouffles, huge bunch of flowers, few craft items & the most fabulous little plaque off my grand-daughter.........Yes I bubbled like a baby, actually I bubbled just after having my cards especially when I read the insides on each what my kids had wrote. Even my step-mum gave me a card thanking me for being the best daughter she could wish for you can see why I cried.....lots.
Anyway I never touched my lappy all day we had a full family day & had everyone over for dinner. Think it was too much fun cus I ended up with a migraine again last night & ended up in bed lol.....I dont care it was totally worth it......Mothers Day & my 1st Grandmothers Day woooo hoooooooooo.
So I've not crafted so instead I thought I would pop on & show you a card I did for Megan off Payton & I took a few piccies off my grand-daughter yesterday...........I had to its the law
She is looking up at her daddy, he does this thing where he goes grrrrr & she loves it...... you can see lol..........she is just so precious!!

Daddy brought her a new outfit especially for Mothers Day for her mammy, it says..
'My mummy is the best'.....she is as well, honestly I couldn't wish for a better mummy for my granddaughter!
This is the card I made for our Shmeg (Megan lol, its our nickname for her) I only took a couple of pics before I gave it my son, sorry. The image is the gorgeous 'A Mothers Love' from uber talented Teri over at Delicious Doodles, I thought it was the perfect image for a 1st Mothers Day.
Its in its box here so thats what you can see around the edge.

Megan loves spots so I had to include some lol. Papers are the beautiful Melissa Frances '5th Avenue' which really are so pretty. I used a memory box die 'Butterfly Delights' on the edge. I also used a memory box die in the corner, I used 'Macarena Corner' I do love my memory box dies!! The scroll is a Magnolia doo hickey & the pink lace thingy-ma-jig is something I made & attached a charm saying Mother on from my stash. Ribbon & lace & card from my stash. Papers & dies used are all from My Crafty Heart.
I wasn't too happy with the card tbh but last week was so busy I didnt have time make another. Megan loved it though so as long as she was happy I'm happy!!

Well thats it from me I need to come catch up with you all. Sorry for the long post today ;0)
Hope you all had a lovely weekend, thank you for stopping by it means sooooooooo much. I'm off for a wander now see ya soonies xoxoxoxo