
Saturday 21 January 2012

Enjoy The Rain with Saturated Canary

Good evening my lovelies how are you all? I'm sitting snuggled up with hubster watching Vampires but we've stopped to have a bite to eat. So I thought I would quickly post this card I made the other day but best do it quick before I lose my nerve. 
Yes as most of you know the lovely Krista has a GDT Call on which I know I probably dont stand a chance I mean my goodness have you seen the talent over there!!!!!!!!! Seriously freakin' good!! I do however love her fab images, especially her digi's......I think I nearly have them
My fabulous hubster found my light tent last night I've been looking for.....forever.....he's so fab my hubs is.
Isnt this image just you know I think I say that on every one........well they are all awesome!! Even tried a new colour combo for this........well new for me lol

I made a crochet flower & stuck a paper rose on the top.

The lace & stuff is from my stash. Papers are Prima 'Londonerry'  & I did some faux stitching on a couple of the layers.

The fabulous image is 'Enjoy The Rain' from Saturated my head I'm singing kiss the rain by Billie Myers lol........ She was of course coloured with my beloved Copics.

The beautiful fabric leaf & the large blue rose are both from My Crafty Heart

Well I think thats it my lovelies I'm off to link up then I'm gonna cross my fingers, my toes, my legs............aye I'm even walking into walls here cus I even have my eyes

Thank you sooooooooo much for stopping by & thank you a bzillion times for all your lovely comments you always make my day mmwah xoxoxo

I'm Entering this into............

CES Challenges DT Creation - Anything But A Card

Well good morning me lovelies how are you all? Well I'm a bad bad girl today I'm running mega late as I have a poorly daughter, I do have quite a few makes to show you but forgot to put them on my blog yesterday with her being poorly. So will put one of Krista's on laters for ya.
Anyway onto why I'm here & of course its time for CES Challenges & this week the theme is set by the lovely & sweet Shell & it is..........
I have used this to make my grand-daughter something. I coloured the image the day she was born after I saw her dark brown hair, this is how I imagine her in a year or 2 lol. Its for her bedroom.
This stamp I've had since the release last year & she finally got inked up beginning of this year....I know shame on me cus how cute is she...................

Its a double frame thing I have painted a put a poem in this side & the image in the other.

The flower & seam binding holding the heart are from Crafty Emma's Store there is also a sale on so pop yourself over to grab a bargain!! 

This little cutie is 'Sweet Cheeks' by Elisabeth Bell for SCACD & its from the Peekers 2 range, I sooooo love those collections..............yeah I know even tho I've not inked them yet!!

This is the personal poem to my grand-daughter which I made up myself. I started doing poems after my nan died I did one for her funeral then it spiralled from there......before then I couldnt string 2 lines together lol. When my dad passed away I did a poem for his funeral & even stood up & read it out (very hard to do) but since then I've not done any. So this is my 1st one since then & I felt really proud that I was able to do this for her..........its something I'm hoping will be a forever kind of keepsake.

This is the finished project which I'm rather quite happy with. I wanted to keep it white cus then no matter what colour her bedroom it will go with it. Of course I added odd bits of pink.....well you have to dont you lol. I didnt add anything baby-ish tho as I want her to grow up with it.

Well thats it from me please pop over to see my DT buddies as their creations are gorgeous, they totally rock!!!
Thank you soooooooooo much for stopping by I loves ya all mmwah xoxoxoxo
Challenges I'm Entering...........
Waste Not Wednesday with Lisa - Use up old stamps or digi images

Thursday 19 January 2012

Little Miss Muffet Challenge DT Card.

Good morning my lovelies how are you all?
Well today sees a new challenge over at Little Miss Muffet Challenges & the challenge is a lovely easy one
Love these colours altho I've kinda gone brown as well oops............
I've used an image I brought before I got onto the DT & I brought it the night Megan went into labour on New Years Eve..............
This is 'Payton' from the Little Misses Collection. I got her cus in my mind I thought little girl fishing with her grandad.........little did I know Megan would have a girl........should of put the lottery on as well lol.

Papers are Prima 'Jack & Jill' which I thought was perfect for this image.

Yayyyy she caught a fishy.......... She has of course been coloured with copics & then fussy cut out as I found this sticker of a pire in my stash & it reminded me of the pier Craig sometimes goes fishing on. Fish button is also from my stash.........they hide ya know!!

I've also used Prima Flowers & gorgeous resin flowers, love these.....the flowers are from
  My Crafty Heart. Card & ribbon from my crafty stash.

Pop along & look at my DT teamies gorgeous creations they are soooooo yummy. Dont forget you dont have to use a Little Miss Muffet image but if you do the theme is 'Anything Goes' & you enter more than once as we just love to see Little Miss Muffet images.

Well thats it from me will catch up with you all later as I've got to take Megan & Payton-Lea to the docs the poor little princess has oral thrush bless her.

Thanks sooooo much for stopping by huge squishy hugs to all mmwah xoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering..........

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Crafts & Me DT Cards - Use Pins

Hello my lovelies how are you all?
Well Crafts & Me Challenges are back to normal after our christmas hols, wow there were a lot of stunning entries.
This week its the Rubbah Girlz to challenge & the challenge has been set by our lovely Gina & she has set the challenge of..................
How easy is that!!! I have got a couple of show samples to show you using 2 images by the artist 
Now I have to make these flat so they can be put into a book........:0(
These just measure 5 1/4 inches & these stamps are larger than normal which is fabulous for me doing these sorts of know I love my

First up we have the beautiful 'Black Rose' (well pink but ssshhhh) I have to say that this one is soooooooo easy to colour & was prob my quickest ever colouring in all honesty lol.

The skirt part is a very light pink but the camera hasnt picked it up too well & the stocking tops are actually dark pink & not red like they look here. The flower & pin are from My Crafty Heart & I cheated & just placed them on for the photo lol........they will be removed before posting lol.

This beautiful lady is called 'Belladonna' & I really enjoyed colouring her altho I have made a couple of mistakes with my colouring but never mind the cards are not getting sold so I dont mind lol.

The pin again is from My Crafty Heart & the pin & bottom flower will be removed before posting.....I know its cheating but.......erm...........well its hard for me ;0(
Both stamps are of exclusive to Crafts & Me Store.

Anyway pop yourself along & look at my fabulous teamies creations they are all stunners!!!

Well I'm away but I will be round soon to catch up with you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by & for your wonderful comments you really do put a smile on my face mmwah

Monday 16 January 2012

Eeeny meeny miney mo..........with Saturated Canary

Hello all my lovelies how are you all? Well you may be wondering about the title of the post? Yeah well the lovely Krista from Saturated Canary released her new scrummy images & I just had to buy them all..........its the law!!!!!!! Anyway I got them this morning & well how the 'eck do I pick which 1 to colour 1st? So I did 'eeny meeny miney mo''s the chosen image to show......
The chosen one isssssssssssss.........'Pricilla Pie' & ya gotta roll the rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....Isn't she sooooooooo darn pritty!!

The papers are First Edition 'Summer Breeze' edges inked with vintage photo & all matted onto kraft card.

This pritty little ragamuffin was coloured with copics.

Flowers & seam binding from my stash. Pearls & hat pin from My Crafty Heart
I've been asked quite a bit about my layouts so I've added 'My Sketches' to my pages along the top for this card I did Sketch 002 here.

Well I'm off to catch up with you all whilst watching Street Dance 3D on dvd...........I'm sitting on my bed tho incase my lappy falls off my lap cus I always end up dancing with my upper part...........catching up with you may be slow but I will get there lol.

Huge squishy hugs to you all for stopping by really does mean a lot mmwah
Challenges I'm Entering........... - Fave Colours (pink & brown) - Anything Goes - Something New (New Image)