
Saturday 2 July 2011

CES Challenges DT Card........Woodland Creatures

Good morning all my lovelies how are you all? I hope you are all getting glorious weather where ever you are at the moment. I'm sorry for being absent this week this pain really is a pain in the butt.....well not literally the butt lol. Yesterday however I got fed up & decided to decorate Jake's bedroom as his & Natalie's furniture FINALLY arrived on wednesday after a 2 month wait. So my weekend is decorating but I will get round to you all later I promise peeps.

Well I did actually write this post at 1 this orning but mr blogger did not only not post it but its blooming dissapeared so its a good job I've just come on to check.
So I will try make it quick from here.
Of course its Saturday so that means CES Challenges time & this week the theme is
Woodland Creatures.......boy I struggled with this one.....I do norm do creatures lol.
I found this cutie of an image over at Tiffany's Doodles. It is Owl & Branch I layered 2 branches up & the wol up on foam squares to give it some dimension.

Tim Holta tag been inked with Vintage Photo & staples added to the ribbon for looks.

Papers I've had for ages & only just got round to using them....yes I've slapped my hand.
They are Fancy Pants 'Its the little things' & I've inked them with Vintage Photo & put brown faux stitching all around the edges.

This little cutie has been coloured with Copics & I've added Glossy Accents to her eyes, beak, feet & to the leaves on the branches.
Copics used are E37 E35 E33 E31

Smooth white card, 6x6 Scalloped Blank Card, Card Candy & DP's are all available from
 Crafty Emma's Store she also has lots of new stock coming so pre-order now for 20% off retail price, pop yourself over they are gorgeous!!!
Pop on over to see my fabulously talented teamies they have done corker creations....really really!!!

Ooooo I ordered 8 of the new Sugar Nellie stamps yesterday only 8 I was good but all of the cute Pips, they have arrived today how is that for fabulous service & delivery wooo hoooo.
Shame I'm painting :0(
Thanks for all your comments they have meant so much & thankyou for stopping by I will come see you all later I promise.
Tatty bye for now my paint brush is calling me..................
Huggles to all mmwah xoxoxoxox

Monday 27 June 2011

MMMMMM the sweet smell of new Rubbah.........

Aloha my lovelies how are you all? Isn't it just sooooo hot here in the uk, we have now got thunder & rain sadly no lightning yet tho :0( hopefully tho it will clear the air a bit.......I hope so. It doesnt help cus for how warm it is & I have to sit with hot water bottle a lot of the time cus I find it gives me a bit of comfort so like now I have 3 fans blowing on me pmsl.
Anyway remember me telling you I had some new rubber from Teresa at Crafts & Me well its not very often I ink up new rubber nearly as soon as I get it, however Hannah Lynn is my favourite artist & I could just colour her in every day I really could. So yesterday as a bit of therapy I sat in bed with me hot water bottle & I put Avatar dvd on & sat colouring in 2 of the new Rubber releases exclusive to Crafts & Me only & due to be released at any time now.........please hurry Teresa I want the others lol.
Anyway as I'm not up to crafting just yet altho I'm hoping to try tonight or tomorrow just instead of taking 3 hours to do a card it may take me about 5 lol. I thought I would show you the images that I've coloured you can see the gorgeous stamps Teresa is bringing to her store.
Now this first image I've altered with my colouring slightly......

This is 'Sweet Selena' mermaid mmmm look at those strawberries dipped in choccy delicious. Anyway she has of course been coloured with Copics. Now her arm she is actually wearing a glove but instead I did a naked arm & where the gloves end I made them to look like long finger nails & of course painted them red. Her fringe is a hlf fringe but instead I just coloured in part of it so it was just a wispy bit coming down & drew in the rest of her eyebrow, I love the look of it actually. I also enhanced her eyes with a dark grey copic as I thought black would be a bit too harsh. You can view the original here.

This one I fell in love with as soon as I saw her over on Hannah Lynn's website & I always hoped Teresa would turn her into rubbah..........& she did yayyyyyyyyyyyyy.
This is 'Genevieve Steampunk Fairy' & I coloured her the same as the original well her hair colour anyway lol. I also gave her make-up to match. Have you noticed they both have green eyes, I just love green eyes....not that I am bias at all cus I have green eyes lol. I havn't done the background yet you will have to wait til this beauty is on a card to see it completed. There are bits of glitter on both images but were really hard to photo this morning.
Thank you everyone for all the messages you have no idea how many times I've had leaky eyes since coming out of hospital you really are fantastic & dont ever let anyone tell any of you different.
I love you all mmwah
Lots of squishy hugs to you all I'm off blogging now as I really have missed you

Sunday 26 June 2011

I'm back my sweeties.........

Hi my lovely friends how are you all? Hope you are all having a gorgeous weekend wow is it warm & sunny here!! Well as you can tell I am back home now they let me out last night after a wee bit of begging......let me tell ya if it wasn't for my pain I would of even begged on my knees.....but.....well the floor is hard & cold &......well I'm.....well to be honest just blooming
Anyway....see my babbling is still here no damage to that........I can hear ya sighing....awww I can even hear sobs of tears lol.
Anyway as I was saying I got let out last night, kinda like on parole lol....they are keeping my bed for 24 hours incase the pain gets too bad & I need go back in.....ya know for the good drugs they give you.....ohhhhh heaven lol.....basically its so I dont have to go through the whole A&E process.
I have Pancreatitis which is either caused by alchohol or gallstones....well the last time I drank anything alcholic was 5 years ago I cant touch the stuff for some reason anymore. So I had a scan & apparently I have loads of gallstones & altho I've had them a few times & not really been that much bother mine have decided to take a different route & go into the Pancreas.....OMG I have never had pain like it....EVER!! For those who have had it you will know!! Its been going on for the last few weeks at least b ut they dont know if its the answer to all of my pain we've just got wait & see. Anyway the other morning the pain had gone into all of my ribs & it felt like I was being crushed, I could barely breathe after 35 mins of putting up with it I collapsed on the passage floor trying go the bathroom & I couldnt get up again & I was begging Craig to ring the ambulance. Craig & the kids were worried sick bless 'em as normally I really do put up with a hell of a lot of pain without a wince but this can bowl over the toughest of people.....WOW!!!
Anyway the long & short of it is I have to have this special scan thing & then they are going to remove my now I just have to wait for the NHS to let me know when. I have got to watch what I eat & basically put up with the pain but if it gets too bad go back into hospital where they can administer the gooooooooood drugs lol.......they really should of given me them to bring home with me lol.

I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart soooooo soooooo much for all the messages & e-mails I havnt worked through them yet but I will & I will be round as soon as I can I'm just taking things really slowly & doing things bit by bit.....but I will be round to see you all....I've missed ya all heaps!!
I want to say a BIG HUGE special thank you to my fabulous friend Lisa who let me tell you is an absolute gem she really is.....mmwah loves ya hunni & thank you sooooo sooooo very VERY much hun.
I would also like to say a HUGE sorry to any of my DT teamies for letting you down & I promise to back with you asap my lovelies. Altho I have to say I work on the BEST DT's they are all absolutely fantastic & I could wish to work for & with better people I love you all girls mmwah!!!!

Well I think I've bored you enough now my darlings so I will love ya & leave ya for a bit.... Oh but before I go when I came home I had a fabulous DT package from my lovely boss Teresa.....yes new rubber stamps & OMG.....well if I could I would be dancing they are absolute gorgeous & 1 I've been waiting to be turned to rubber as its......well you will have to wait & see but do keep an eye on the Crafts & Me Store blog to get your sneak peeks..........these you dont want to miss.....I promise you!!!!

Right I really am going now lol.....goodness I do go onnnnnnn!!!
Hope you all are having a great weekend, enjoy the rest of it my lovelies & I will see ya soonies MWAH
Huge huggies to you all xoxoxoxoxo