
Saturday 23 April 2011

CES Challenges DT Card.........Teddy Bo Bunny

Good morning & Happy Easter everyone how are you all? Well it looks like we are in for a fabulous day weather wise hope so as we are packing a pinic & having a day time. I'm sorry for not getting round to everyone yesterday I ran out of time. We took Natalie to the Alan Shearer centre yesterday as they are having her for weekend respite to give us a its weird we kept going in her room last night to check on her & this morn was up at 6.20 whats that about....typical lol. Last night my eldest had deliveries to do until 2am & my youngest went with him so for the first time in 20 years me & hubby had a night to it was soooo quiet. So we had some true quality time together so my lappy was turned off.....I will catch up today boys prob wont get up til din time that will be when we go out.

Anyway onto the reason you are here for my card of course & its a new challenge at CES Challenges
we had our lowest amount of entries last week for the sketch so we are giving you an easy one this week to bring you all back to play............. It was the fabulous Sue's turn this week to pick a theme & its fab..
Spring Colours/Image
With all this glorious weather we have been having it shouldnt be hard. I have done my first easter card which I made on Monday but only took piccy's last night so redid them in the sunshine this morning.

Yes its another Teddy Bo image I've never made an easter card before so the only stamp I had that could of suited was a magnolia stamp...yes un-opened from last year. However I went onto Teddy & well a few kinda leaped into my basket........I think they are really frogs indisguise you know.....cus wow do these little bugga's jump

Dont look too close but I forgot to colour the leaves so guess what my job is later lol.
Yes its an easel card & I followed the fabulous sketch on sketch & stash....I did the bottom the same but without the corners

The gorgeous papers are Prima these & websters are my fave paper companies. ANyway this pack is the 'Jack & Jill Celebrate' 6x6 pad which of course you can find here.

Of course what would eater be without a cross somewhere so I added a small silver crosse to some chain from my jewellery making stash.
Papers & flower & leaves are from Crafty Emma's Store.
Everything else is from my stash
I've had a few e-mails asking where I get my card from, I get all my coloured & cream & white card from Papermill Direct they do fabulous deals on their card & its good card. The yellow is bright let me tell ya so I toned it down by adding blue as well lol.
Pop over to see my fabulous teamies creations they are sooooo gorgeous.
Hope you can join in with the fun this week.
I hope you all have a fabulous easter weekend & please enjoy it with your families dont worry about commenting.....enjoy the holiday & make the most of it with your loved ones. What could be more important. Hope you gets lots of choccy I sure plan on it lol.
Well I'm off to have a hop before I go in the shower, can you believe I still havnt worn my new skinny jeans, I know I's useless......I'm putting my ass into them today tho lol.
Thank you sooooo much for popping by & if you do have time to comment I thank you again but please dont think you have too.........
''Live life to the full, we dont get a practice run at it, we only have this one shot so live it to the max & with no happy, be loved & most importantly love each other''
Challenges I'm Entering......

Will be back with the candy winner later, sorry its late.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Bald bare patches......& maybe babies!!!!!!!!!!!

Good evening my lovelies how are you all? Isnt this weather just soooo beautiful I've actually spent the afternoon out in it today.......yeah not relaxing unfortunately. No instead I've spent the day gardening etc with hubby. I've jet washed all the decking which took me 3 hours & now looks patchy where half of the stain has come off lol, but its ready for re-staining tomorrow. The conservatory has been scrubbed & hubby has cut the lawn & we've removed ALL of the dead plants & dead conifers.........I have sooooo many bare patches now I am gutted!! I like evergreens in the back garden cus then it looks beautiful all year round. I keep the containers for flowers & also we have a huge garden at the front as well which I can throw loads of flowers into lol.
Look at how bare it all looks....
Soz about the pics I've only just took them & we've got sea mist coming in so the telletubbie hill at the bottom of the street is dissapearing slowly lol. See all the empty bits.....yeah well there were conifers & grasses & things big bad winter killed them..........I knew I should of got artificial ones......

Removed the dead grasses from the back of the water feature so even that looks bare & we've thrown all the flower containers so there is barely anything on my patchy looking decking now lol.

The conifers down the side used to go along the back as well thats how many we have lost.....not impressed got them all to replace now.........damn garden costs too much. How is it we want big gardens then when we do get them we moan at about the upkeep........ This was all just mud when we moved in cus it had just finished being built so its took us 4 years up to now......we had planned to do the front this year & give it a good overhaul............mmmmm we'll see!!
Are you wondering about the heading.........babies..... Yes well my doggies went outside in the back yard, they not allowed in the garden without us. Anyway I had to give Natalie her meds so by the time I went to check on the dogs & get them in they were ermmmmm.........stuck!!!!!!!! Yes those damn dirty doggies should be ashamed.... Rang hubby as he has gone fishing & he thinks its so funny he laughed even harder when I told him she is walking like she has just got off a horse!!! ROFL So we not have to wait to see if we will be having yorkie babies.....thousand shames...........a thousand shames they should be feeling!!
He did it!!!!!

So anyway I'm shattered to say the least it was not good for the kidneys I'm suffering now lol so there may be no card from me tonight.....I will re-phrase that there will be NO card from me tonight but I will catch up with you all later on your blogs.
Toodles for now peeps mmwah
xoxoxoxox Keep On Smiling......uses far less muskulls (I know its spelt wrong its spelt how I'm saying it lol)

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Winking Student.......;0)

Good evening my lovelies well I said I might be back & here I am he hee. My card tonight is my new stamp that mr postie pushed thru my letter box at lunch time.....we dont get morning post it more like dinner time lol. Now I know I shouldn't cus I still havnt inked all my others but they had a deal on, if you brought the full set of 6 you only paid for can you refuse that??
I have to say I think this is my fave, well this & another 1 from the same set which I've half coloured lol.

This little beauty is 'Winking Student' & she is of course from the Simply Sassy range Set 6 which of course you can get from Funky Kits. I've kept the card VERY simple....for me that is....I really want this image to be the focus cus she is just delicious....maybe my fave sassy to be honest.

The beautiful paper is a digital download from Nitwits.

The scalloped card is from Crafty Emma's Store & everything else is from my stash.

Oh I've forgot take a photo of her close-up....oh bugga!!!
I was sent an e-mail today asking how many rubber stamps I have.......please dont ask me to count them I just couldn't, you really wouldn't want to know. Put it this way do you remember me starting to put the sticky-foamy-ma-jig on them, yeah well all I've done are my SN's & WOJ's & half of my hanglars.....magnolia come with it already on thank goodness lol. I will say tho that at the mo I keep my Sweet Pea stamps in a shoe box that belongs to a size 11 foot & its full to the brim.........I'm on sorting out my stamp storage & I will show pics when I've finally done it.....I do say when it wont be soon tho lol.

Thank you sooooo much for the comments on my last card you all really do put a smile on my really are all the best & dont let anyone tell you any are all awesome!!!
See you soon, I'm off to have a hop xoxoxox
Challenges I'm entering....... - Make It Sassy (she is a Sassy lol)

Love Letter - Teddy Bea

Good afternoon all you wonderful people what a glorious day we have had here I sure hope its been as nice where you are. Normally when the kids break up for their easter hols they get poop weather but we are on the 2nd day & so far so good. We weren't quite sure this morning what was in store cus we had a lot of sea mist but once it cleared the sun popped up to say......helloooooooo!!! Good enough for bbq but I got chicken fillets out this morn & put the slow cooker on this afternoon.......Country French chicken with taglitelle....mmmm....bbq another me thinks!!
Right anyway I'm drooling now so I'm gonna get on. I have another Teddy Bea card for you I do so love these bears I must do I've done 2 in 1 week lol.
This is called 'Love Letter' & is of course from the Teddy Bea range at Teddy

The card is made for 2 challenges Mojo Monday & Teddy Bo.

Papers are K&Co from my stash I think its the classic pad. Everything except the image & the flower is from my stash. The flower is from Crafty Emma's Store.

Teddy Bea is coloured with copics this time. I love the effect you get with Prisma's when doing bears as I just couldn't find the browns I wanted in PM's or copics so today I decided to make my own up. Thats the fab thing about copics you can get refills which of course you can then use to mix & form your own colours. You can even buy the blank pens to then transfer your ink to, which does make these the best buy in the long run......its just the initial layout thats pricey. So I've had my test tubes & pipettes out & mixed & got the ink colour I is very happy. Altho I will still use my prisma's as well of course.

Well thats bout it peeps but I'm hoping to be back later with another new image, a stamped image this time. I'm off to finish cooking the tea now apparently my son feels like his throat has been cut & he is dying lol.

Thank you soooo much for all your comments you leave for me I really do appreciate them. Also welcome to my 2 new followers I'm so sorry I did mean to welcome you yesterday. Thank you so much for coming along & I hope you like what you see in my ickle crafting world.
See ya all soonies mmwah xoxoxoxo
Challenges I'm Entering....... - Fabulous Sketch (hope its ok where the tag is, if not just delete my entry) - Tag It (there is a fabric tag/label thing & a small tag with the sentiment on, hope it counts.)

Monday 18 April 2011

Make A Wish............

Good morning everyone how are you all this morning? It was soooo beautiful yesterday even had a nice run in the car with the roof was lovely. Natalie was fine at the Alan Shearer centre the staff there are soooo lovely & Natalie loved it altho the facilities downstairs were shut so she didnt go into the cave to the censory area or the giant ball pit.....I soooo want to go in there with her!!! We had a lovely 2 hours at the metro centre went macky d's for dinner. 2 hours is nothing tho at the metro centre its too big!! We didnt even spend much money I brought no crafty stuff can you believe.....I did buy myself 2 new tops & another pair of skinny jeans lol.
Anyway onto my card which I made for The Sugar Bowl challenge which is a fabulous sketch altho the colour of purple & green kinda threw me out of my comfort zone......but I do like to thrown out of that & it turned out not bad in the end. I even got to ink up another forgotten stamp yayyy
I rotated the sketch just to be different......I do like to be different lol.

This is 'Make A Wish' by Sugar Nellie which I got from Funky Kits. I actually found I had a big pile of purple & green paper but dont know who they are by they were just lieing at the bottom of my 8x8 paper drawer sorry.

The image I coloured using distress inks I've been playing over the weekend with my pencils & inks, I'm trying to practice more. I sprinkled glimmer dust over her wings & wand.

All the flowers, except the small green ones are from Crafty Emma's Store along with the scalloped card.

The lilac & mint green card used for matting were from my stash as is the hat pin & pearls.
Well thats it from me I'm gonna get my next load of washing in then I'm doing some hopping to come catch up with you all. Unfortunately yesterday took its toll on me & I ended up bed ridden last night droll I know but it was worth & me & my sons girlfriend kept looking at baby things lol......awwww so cute & sweet.

I will see ya soonies thank you for all of your lovely comments I really do appreciate each & every one mmwah.
Toodles xoxoxoxx
Challenges I'm Entering....... - Sketch & use Purple & Green

Sunday 17 April 2011

Kenny K DT Card..........She's All That

Good morning my lovelies how are you all? Hope you are having a fabulous weekend. We are off to take Natalie to the Alan Shearer centre again today but this time we've got to leave her there with the carers to see how she goes. Its a respite centre for disabled. As anyone knows when caring for a severly disabled person who is totally reliant on you its equivilent to having 10 kids lol....apparently!! So carers need to have breaks sometimes to recharge their batteries so to speak lol.......ooooh cant remember what that is lol!! So we are going the Metro centre for 2 hours for a bit of shopping get some treats for everyone. Fingers crossed she is ok....
Anyway onto my post now which is my Kenny K DT Card & this week they have everyone's favourite theme which is......
Anything Goes
Yayyyy we all love an anything goes challenge. For my card I made a step card I havent done one since last year & they are so easy to do. This time instead of the centre step I've gone for the basic one.

Look NO flowers again........I'm ill get a doctor, a medic anyone........quick!!!!!
Now we have our Kenny K cards done for a wednesday & I really cant remember what paper I used something is telling me it was maybe from my Prima drawer...........maybe.

This is of course  'All That' from Kenny K who else lol. She is from the first set released which I still absolutely love. I used copics to colour her & I did write the colours down I was ever so good......only thing is now I cant remember where I put the list........DOH!!!

The scrolls were cut out using a marianne die. Yes I've used my new nestie again it suits this sooo well tho I couldn't help it!! The butterfly, ribbon & pearls are from my stash & also all the A4 card is.....the pink card used for matting has a beautiful shimmer to it. The sentiment is a wood block stamp off my shelf which I heat embossed as well as the scrolls. Usually they get neglected but I'm doing well at the mo lol.......I just need to get my House Mouse stamps off the shelf now & dust them off lol.
Well thats it from me peeps but do pop over to see my fabulous teamies they are soooo talented & have made stunners again.
We do hope you will play along & join in the fun with us KKK girlies we love seeing your creations.
The prize this week is of course Kenny K images & a $15 spend at Michele's Scrapbooking.
Well I better go get dressed, actually I better get my daughter in the shower & her dressed first lol. First I'm gonna get the new sassy's lol. Will come see you all laters. Thank you sooooo much for popping by I did have cake but.......well I ate it!!!
Loadsa huggles to you all mmwah xoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering......... - Bingo (Top row. Heat embossed sentiment & scrolls)

EDITED TO ADD - Just been over to Funky Kits to get the new Sassy's & if you buy all 6 together you actually only pay for 5 you get 1 free, click here for the offer.......well who can resist that....I was only gonna buy 1 but....well its an offer not to be missed you cant turn your nose up at something free can you girls???