
Saturday 12 March 2011

CES Challenges DT Card.........

Well good morning all you lovely people, how are you all today? For those out there that are poorly I wish you better real soon......except me & the eldest everyone is poorly here.....
Guess what I finally got to craft yesterday & managed to get my DT card done for CES Challenges today, altho my fabby boss did tell me not to worry but I was having huge withdrawal I've not crafted for a week cus kids have been that poorly. Natalie is a wee bit better not much so it looks like a re-scheduled appointment to the Alan Shearer centre....her health comes first tho bless her.
Anyway its time for CES Challenges today & the lovely Crafty Emma herself has set this weeks challenge which is......Male Cards  We also welcome a new member to our fab DT this week the talented
 Donna aka Donna's Doodles pop over & show her some support as its really nerve racking joining a new team.......even a mad house like ours lol.....believe it is behind the scenes lol.
Well as I've had major withdrawal from crafting I decided to make something a little different you know me & stretching the ode grey matter I get bored otherwise lol....also its not very often I do Male cards I miss my embellies too much & you know I like to embellish lol.
So here is my offering.....

Its a shirt & tie card lol.
I sooooo enjoyed making this & I will def be making more of these & it was so easy as well.

This is the inside & of course I couldn't do without an image.

This is 'Happy New Year Ben' altho I think he can be used for so many things of course you can get him from here Emma has all the new WOJ stamps in mine came days ago so I'm itching to at least ink 1 up & make a card with one.
He has been coloured with my fave pens Copics.
E000 E00 E01 E11 E25 E29 E31 & E50 & R37 for his blowy thing....I think these were the colours as much as I can remember.......

All the papers are stitched.....faux stitching which took me ages to pierce every single hole with my pokey tool then draw up the lines to look like stitches but it was worth it & really helps make it look like authentic I think.

Of course I made a matching box to put it in the only thing different is the shirt on the box lid doesnt have a pocket instead it has a tag which I used my WOJ tag die for. The sentiment is a Cats Life Press Calender stamp which I had for crimbo off Crafty Fabby Emma......I love this sentiment stamp.

Except for the brown & cream A4 card & the buttons everything else is available from
 Crafty Emma's Store here. She has a lot of fabulous stuff in her shop I was there again yesterday shopping.....well whats a girl to do lol..... Papers are Basic Grey 12x12.
Well thats about it please pop on over to my fabby teamies who yet again have made stunning creations....they really are so talented you know.
I would also like to welcome my new followers.....(waving like mad) hi & thank you soooo much for following my blog hugs & kisses to you mmwah.
Well I'm off as I have my eldest son's hair to cut he's waited all week bless him but I've just not had time. I hope to play some more over the weekend but we'll see how my poorly babies are including hubby lol.
Thanks for all your wonderful comments this week regarding Natalie she would of been admitted to hospital but fortunately there is not much we cant handle now our cupboards look like the inside of an hospital anyway with all the stuff we have to do for her lol.....
Thanks for stopping by I loves ya all for sparing some time to pop in.
Challenges I'm Entering....... - Card or Project for a Male

Hugs & kisses xoxoxoxoxo
This is why I dont let things get me down cus there is always someone worse off, we dont know how good we have it, its just awful whats happened. I just couldn't imagine it!! Makes you thankful tho doesn't it!!

Mr scheduled blogger let me down yet again grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! so sorry this is late

Friday 11 March 2011

My Ribbon Storage

Good morning all my lovely jubbly are youa ll this bright & sunny morning? Its certainly bright & sunny up here as you will see by one of the pics that I'm showing lol.
Well I've still done no crafting all week I am having serious withdrawal now I am hoping to do some today tho......fingers crossed.
Natalie is still poorly with her chest I ended up trying some of my sons ventolin inhaler on her last night to try ease her what a task that was cus obviously I cant tell her to suck or inhale she doesn't understand any of it. So I thought if I give her a quick squirt it would make her cough & while we put her in the recovery position she would hopefully bring some of the rubbish up off her worked thankfully. The problem with severly disabled children is they get a build up of rubbish on their chest & unfortunately what they do bring up they swallow most of it back down so its like being on a roller coaster when we do manage to get her cough only half of her rubbish actually comes I bet you really didnt want to be hearing about that this morning lol.....really sorry peeps I will shush now. Also my youngest & my hubby have now caught it so I've had no kids at school this week & my man has man bless 'em.
Anyway the reason I'm here is Really Reasonable Ribbons Ramblings (wow thats a mouthful lol) they are having a ribbon organization week which basically means show them how to store yours. 
Pop on over to read all the details. I thought I would enter mine cus apparently you have to be in it to win it. I have spent half an hour in my hobbit this morning so I thought I would take piccies while I was there so I could enter this.

Told you it was sunny up here lol unfortunatley this is right by my bottom window lol. I'm on sorting my craft room out as most of you know.....its nearly done but with poorly kids I've not been in for a week :0(
This is basically my ribbon storage....I am hugely addicted to ribbon already even tho I've not been doing this malarkey for long lol.

I've closed my blind now lol.
Originally I used hooks as you can see as I had a spare packet in the kitchen lol. These are basically the bars you have underneath your cupboards in the kitchen for hanging up utensils. Ikea do these really cheap also the hooks are cheap from there as well. I however was inpatient & didnt want to go back for hooks as my nearest Ikea is about 20 odd miles away....altho I do need more bars now lol.
So I used cable ties from hubby's shed lol. The clips I brought in bulk from an online store as I knew how I wanted to store my ribbon. A lot of the time I buy in metres so I dont have that many rolls so thats why I did this kind of storage & this way I can clearly see what I have & just unclip what I want & clip it back when I'm finished....easy peasy lemon squeezy...he he

I have these still to sort out & I also have a box of lace & a tub of seam binding......yes I'm addicted to that now as well lol.

These are 2 of the drawers still to be done when I get more bars.
I also thought I would show you what I made last night or should I say early hours this morning lol whilst sitting on the sofa lol. I decided to have a play about & experiment & this is what I achieved.

This was just done with a short length of ribbon & I love it so will be doing lots more lol.
Well thats it now peeps I am going to try my best & catch up with you all now I have soooo missed your blogs. It seems no sooner I get on here Natalie needs me & I have to leave so fingers crossed....I hope so cus I've got loads of DT commenting to catch up on as well. So there may be a big ass shape in my sofa today lol cant go far anyway as my new mobile gets delivered today....I love my sons phone so I copied off him he he....its the Blackberry Torch I went for black as I dont think white would stay white especially if it comes into my craft room lol... my hubby will also NOT be borrowing it to take fishing!!
See ya soonies my lovelies & thank you sooooo much for all your get well wishes for Natalie it brought a smile to her face & mine lol MMWAH.
Huggles xoxoxoxox

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Hello my friends

Hello all my lovely jubbly friends, how are you all this bright & breezy day? Its gorgeous yet again up here in the North East & yet again washing on the line I'm loving it I can tell ya lol....altho the dryer still has to go on for towels & underwear...:0( lol.
I thought I would let you know how my angel is doing. Well yesterday we should of made the most of moments like these......which were few.....
Asleep on the sofa with a towel underneath her head incase she is sick & her pooh bear blankie over her. Really wish we had gone bed when she was alseep cus last night she didnt want to sleep at all the little bugga lol. She is still managing a smile & the odd little giggle here & there which is so weak & wheezy you cant help giggling at her lol.
She became grumpy tea time last night so we lay her on our bed & I sat next to her for a couple of hours & we watched Princess Diaries 1 & 2 which are her fave films.....I enjoy them too lol. So I did manage to sort half of my Copics out whilst sitting next to her & do my Copic colour chart finally. I even managed do  little colouring I coloured skin & hair on one of my stamped images lol It took me an hour just do the hair, I told you I take ages colouring lol.
Anyway she is back on half strength feeds today & touch wood she is tolerating them & no more sickness. She is really wheezy still & most of the time running a fever so the fan is on constantly lol.
I want to thank you for all of your sweet lovely comments you really are the best mmwah. I'm trying my best to catch up with commenting but its a bit sporadic at the moment but I promise I will catch up with you all eventually.
Missing you all loads see ya soonies.
take care peeps & keep on smiling.
Huggles xoxoxoxoxox

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Thank You

Hello my lovelies how are you all today? The weather is glorious up here today perfect for a stroll along the beach.....even tho I wont get chance to do that lol.
I dont have anything exciting for you I'm afraid its just a post to say a huge thank you to you all for your get well wishes for Natalie. Unfortunately she has rapidly gone down hill & we ended up staying in the sitting room with her all night. Colds affect her so badly extremely quickly so what was a few sneezes on Sunday is now full blown flu & now on her chest as well..... Lots of rubbish which is causing her to be sick should of seen my bath this morning full of sicky towels from in the night..yuk!!!
Anyway she has fallen alseep on the sofa now bless her she must be shattered, I know me & dad are, so goodness knows how Natty is feeling.
Anyway I just wanted to give you an update on my poorly angel & while she is sleepies I'm gonna do some blog hopping to come see your creations. So I will see ya soonies my fab friends.
Huggles xoxoxoxoxox

Monday 7 March 2011

Crafts & Me DT card.........Frosted Rose

Good afternoon all you lovelies hope you had a fabulous weekend. Mine was lovely altho I did no crafting what-so-ever I spent the whole weekend with my hubby & kids, it was fab we even watched Matilda saturday night lol. I am running a tad late today I have my daughter off school she started sneezing yesterday & by last night she has the full blown flu.....cus of her disability she gets it really bad bless her. We were supposed to go look around the Alan Shearer centre today for disabled children so just dad went & I stayed at home with Natalie.....he said its fantastic so we are all going up sunday to see what Natalie thinks of it.....I just want to go in the big ball pit with Natalie rofl.
Anyway onto my card. I've used an older image today by Hannah Lynn but its an image I've not used before but let me tell you I had so much fun colouring I loved every minute of it & it does take me a loooong time to colour images....especially hair as its my most fave part of an image & Hannah Lynn is perfect for that.
Anyway here she is...

Isn't she just so beautiful. I took the photo's outside today cus its just so lovely.

She is coloured with Copics I will put the list on at the bottom as well as all other materials used.
I added Ice stickles to her wing & her roses. I also went around her eyes with a Letreset fine marker to darken her eyes & make them pop out a bit more.....its like putting on some mascara & eyeliner lol.

The chain & friend charm are from my jewellery making stash.

The gems & the fabric used for the bow are also from my stash. I made this card to fit a few challenges.
The black ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons & the gorgeous Beaudoux Wine seam binding was off a fab blogging friend, thanks Rach sweetie....mmwah.
The black rose in the middle of the bow & the new prima papers 'Moulin Rouge' are from Crafty Emma's.
The smooth white card I use for stamping is this here which of course you can get with the gorgeous Hannah Lynn stamp 'Frosted Rose' from Crafts & Me.
Copics used are, E000 E00 E01 E13 R20
RV34 R11 R10 C7 C5 C3 C1 G17 G07 G14 & W5 for extra shading to her hair.
Also dont forget our current challenge we have going on which is 'Under The Sea' here.
Well thats about it from me hope you have liked this card its quite simple for me lol but this image doesn't need much she wants to be centre of attention so I thought I would let her be lol.
Anyway take care peeps see ya soonies, keep on smiling mmwah.
Thank you all soooo much for popping by I am off to pop on over to see you in between cooking tea, I'm making herb & garlic potatoes with some minted lamb mmmmm I love lamb, actually I love cooking but not basic meals they bore the life out of me so we leave them for hubby if we having something simple lol.
Huggles xoxoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering..........