
Saturday 19 February 2011

CES DT Card..........Some more Kenny K for you

Good morning again.....its guessed it was didnt you???? Or did you peek & see me peeksking round the corner?
Well it is wet & miserable today up here in the NorthEast.....really yukky.....I'm hoping it stops soon tho as I have a lot of stuff to move back into my craft room I want to get it finished cus at the mo my stuff is here there & everywhere.....which just does my little head in lol....
Well this is my 2nd post today scroll down for my Sweet Stampin one or click here.
We loved seeing all of your cute & cuddly last week over at CES Challenges altho some may not know what cute & cuddly is as we got a wee bit confused when we had cake entries.....
Anyway this week it is the lovely Jane to choose the theme & it isssss.....
Spots & Stripes.
So get out those stripies & spotties & head them over to us girlies we will sure love seeing them.
I chose to do another Kenny K card but this time I merged 3 digi images together...,dontcha just love digi's I wish all companies did them to be honest as much as I love stamping you can do so much more with digi's.
Anyway here is my card..........

I have used 2 of the older images, I've not used them for so long & I've used one of the latest ones. I loaded all my KK girlies up so I could choose the best 3 that would look great in this stance.....this pretties won.

They look fab dont they. From the left you have 'Troublemaker'( who I decided had hair inside her hood cus when you have long hair & you put your hood up you can always see the hair at the sides, I did it the other day with my Bench one lol) In the middle you have 'ClubKid', I think this has become my fave & I will def be using her again. Lastly on the right you have 'Download Diva' who I think is sooo pretty. They have all been coloured with Copics & then I cut around the image so I could then pop them on foam squares to make them pop a bit. If you look at the pic above I actually cut a strip of blue of another piece of paper so I could 3D it & make them look as they were standing on it....not bad for someone who sedation in them.....yes I had to rush this one last night!!

The paper is just 1 sheet of the gorgeous Prima - 'Annalee'. The flower on the front is supposed to be white but I added some spots to it & put a prima gem in the centre. I added bakers twine along the top & criss crossed it & put a bow made out of lovely seam binding & added a gem to the middle. All of these except the binding you can get from Crafty Emma's store. The scalloped card is also from Emma's.

Inside is decorated to compliment the front. This is a slighty larger flower & already came with spots on.

I love the writing that goes along the top I just love what it reads - 'Time with friends is the best way to spend the day', unfortunately day wouldnt fit on lol.
I am quite pleased with how this turned out cus it was a rush & my head just wasn't thinking properly I'm stupid enough without sedation lol.
Pop on over to the challenge blog to see my fabulous teamies creations they are all gorgeous.
Do hope you can join us this week we look forward to seeing your spots & stripes & there is a fab prize on offer as well but you must stick to the theme to qualify.
Well I woke in pain this morning at 5.30 so bang went my lie-in but I have spent 4 hours catching up with all you lovelies...if I have missed anyone just give me a kick please.
I will love & leave ya for now thank you again for sparing your time to look at my creations I sooo appreciate it very much & also thank you for your messages again regarding my hospital app yesterday I have to say I am extremely pleased with the result of the 1st test...
Challenges I'm Entering....... - Circles (I got circles & spots lol)

Love & huge hugs to you all mmwah

Sweet Stampin' DT Card............Red, White & Blue

Good morning all you lovelies hope you are all fit & well for those that aren't I'm sending Get Well wishes & hugs to you. Thankyou to everyone who left me messages & e-mails regarding my hospital visit. I am back home now feeling rather groggy from the sedation but never mind. My test for my bowel came back clear & altho I still have to suffer constant pain every day while they investigate my kidneys & abdomen my bowel has nothing sinister going on......the tiny cancer growths stayed away woo hoo. It kinda puts things into prospective really lol....I'm not one to moan about illnesses & stuff anyway I look at what other people go through & just thank my lucky stars.
Anyway its been such an hectic week I have managed to do all my DT work....well just about lol altho I've had no time to just play for me but hopefully once I've caught up with all your lovely blogs then I will play. In between sorting my craft room lol.
Right onto my post which is for the new challenge at Sweet Stampin this week. It is of course Team Fluff's turn to inspire you this week & we have a colour theme........
Red, White & Blue
Now I have to admit this colour threw me a little, I will work with any colours from pastel to bold, from dark to light & even mono & sepia, but I've never used these 3 colours together so to top it off I did a male card as well.......yeah push them boundaries lol.

Of course you will know who this guy is....he is 'Huge Hero' from Kenny K. I've had this image so long & not used him so when I saw what this weeks challenge was he was the natural choice for me.

My mojo really had done a fly away when I did this so plzzzzzzz excuse the colouring. He is coloured with Promarkers.....I think & the shading on the blue was done with Prisma!!! Sedation has made my brain like cotton I know it was like that before!!

The stars I made myself then added letters cut out using my Tim Holtz die to spell 'DAD'. The card was also made for Cards For Men who want 2 paper - check, 1 image - check & 3 embellishments - check. I've made the 3 stars as my embellishments.

The papers are from Bearly Mine Volume 3 CD & the striped ribbon is from my stash & I cant remember where it was originally I've sorted my ribbons into better storage I can see what I've got & I didnt realise all what I had lol.....dontcha just love it when that happens lol.

Inside is decorated to compliment the front altho in hind-sight maybe I should of used the same shape for the inner panel on the front but never mind its done now.
Really looking forward to seeing your creations this week so we hope you can all join us. Please pop over to the challenge blog & look at what my other teamies have created, they are an incredibly talented bunch you know & they would love to see you.
Well this is a scheduled post, it is really 01.39am & I'm now going to go to bed, poor hubby is waiting for me & nodding off next to me on the sofa.....why dont men like to go bed on their own lol....he will only go bed when I go lol. Bless him!!
Well I will say tatty bye for now I will be back with my CES DT card in a bit. So all of you take care & keep on smiling. Thank you soooo much for popping in to see me I know how busy you all are so I certainly understand if you dont have time to leave me a comment......that darn thing called life does like to get in the way lol.....just joking!!!
Huge hugs to you all mmwah
Loves ya.........
Challenges I'm Entering......

Thursday 17 February 2011

Crafty Purple Frog DT card...

Hello all you lovelies out there....yayyy its nearly the end of the week thank goodness. Well I've still not even got half way thru sorting my craft room I'm reorganising everything & thinking up better storage. I have done my ribbons & done better storage which is fabulous however it took me over 3 hours to do it all & now I've ran out so need go back Ikea for more as I still have lots of tibbon to sort thru......not sure about the lace tho. I have only been doing this for 11 months how do you all manage when you have been doing it a few years where on earth do you put all your accumalated stuff......honestly my mind is getting stretched to the maxi thinking the best ways to maximise storage...I have got a few clever ideas but I'm open to any more if you have any suggestions peeps lol.
Anyway this was supposed to be a short post would you believe lol I started my meds today to prepare me for the test tomorrow & they have made me really ill.....I'm also not allowed to eat anything from 4pm today aaargggghhhh. I have come to the conclusion that the NHS are trying to KILL me they are starving me & giving me drugs to make me ill..........they are bad people lol.....I hope they give me a bacon buttie in the recovery room after lol.....fat chance of that tho!!!
Anyway I'm gonna get on with this post I am mega mega late so I'm really sorry & I've only took 1 piccy which again I'm so sorry :0(
Today over at Crafty Purple Frog the challenge this fortnight is...
A Touch Of Magic.............its a kind of magic...magic....magic
(sorry I was howling, erm.....I mean singing again.....)
I have used one of Amy's new sheets that are due to be released.
'Under The Moonlight' which is I think being released tomorrow 18th Feb here.
My mojo ran off in a sulk yesterday its hiding in one of the million of drawers in my hobbit lol so I'm sorry about the card!!!!

Isn't she purrrdddyyy... The papers are from Crafty Emma's which are the gorgeous Websters Pages....these are made for stroking lol. The pink beautiful seam binding which I twisted is from the enormously talented Rachel thank you so much again sweetie mmwah. Go over to her blog I got a huge bruise on my chin where my jaw hit the really hurts!! lol. The flower is from my stash as are the gems. The card I actually coloured with Promarkers cus as my craft room is looking like an araqi war zone I am crafting inside still with stuff that hasnt gone out yet. Unfortunately I took all my coloured card out to the hobbit & just left my self with all the cream & white A4 card inside.......hopefully it will look nice afterwards & it will be more organised, I like everything to have a place & with a label lol.
Hope you can join us this fortnight we have Crafts & Me as the 1st prize this week & they do the most fantastic stuff gosh I love that shop.
I'm off to do 2 DT cards ready for Saturday. I will be round to you all later I'm so behind....I really am missing you tho I've got serious withdrawal here I really have.
Love you all & thankyou for stopping by I soooo appreciate it I really do.
Mahoosive hugs to each of you.
Huggles, tatty bye my friends. xxx

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Candy winner.......

Good evening peeps I'm here to quickly do my candy draw before I do some DT work.
I want to say a huge thank you to everyone once again for entering. Only 1 person can win it unfortunately & the winner is chose by Random.Org
True Random Number Generator 1 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
The winner isssss.....
1. Lorraine
Well done sweetie guess number 1 was lucky for you lol.
Can you please e-mail me with your details & your choice of images & I will try to get them posted before I go into hospital on Friday.
I will be holding another candy in 4-6 weeks to celebrate crafting for a year.....its gone so quickly its hard to believe its been nearly a year when I brought my 1st I'm a huge addict & it costs me a small fortune.....ahem I mean erm big fortune lol.
Thank you to everyone about message regarding hubby as well. He has gone fishing tonight fingers crossed NOTHING happens lol.....he always rings me at 8 to make sure I'm ok I should be making sure he is ok lol. I dont know how many times I told him be careful before he went lol......was gonna get him rubber ring & armbands lol......dont think he will wear them tho lol.
Anyway I'm going now peeps I will catch up with you all tonight & tomorrow morning tho I promise.
Love you all & thank you once again.
You dont want to miss the next candy peeps.....I started buying things for that few weeks ago lol.
Tatty bye & take care & thank you all for the well wishes for Friday it means a lot. I'm not going to let myself worry tho, people go through worse than me every single day, I never take anything for granted I count myself lucky for so many things.

Crafts & Me DT Card........Come Fly With Me......

Come fly with me, lets fly, fly away............
Well good morning all you lovely peeps sorry about that you know when a tune comes into your head as you are typing.....its a good job you cant hear me singing it tho.......dogs are howling!!!!!
Anyway before I start with my post I want to sincerely appologise if I'm late getting around to your blogs I have such a busy week. I'm moving back into my craft room so a lot of my stuff is packed up, its also my busiest week for DT work.....I have 5 cards to do.... Also I'm in hospital on Friday for sedation for a yukky cancer test....I had a trace of it 3 years ago & because I'm in so much pain everyday they want to check it....its a horrible test I hate it so from now til friday I'm on a special diet.....blurrrrrrrr yuk!!! So I have so much to do before Friday me to pick this week to move back into my ickle hobbit......not the brightest bulb in the box am I lol.
Right I'm not gonna bore you any longer & move onto my DT card which of course is for
Crafts & Me Challenges
This week our lovely Amy has picked the theme & its my fave actually even tho I only made it last night at a rush lol. I got my DT pack yesterday from Teresa & I've been wanting a stamp for sooooo long but everytime I missed out it would be out of stock....well its in now & I got it in my DT pack woo hoo.
So I've used it on this weeks challenge which is......
'Things With Wings'

This is 'Hiding' by Molly Harrison which is only available at Crafts & Me.

She is coloured with Copics, I wanted to keep her skin light & pale which I think suits her cus of the colours I've done her in. I added little dusting of glitter to her wings. The frame behind her I used a Marianne die on A4 purple card & then sprayed it with CC spray & shine to give it a slight sheen.

The bling I got for crimbo so not sure where its from sorry peeps. The flowers are from.... ooohhh bugga I forgot..............The seam binding is however from Ribbon Girl.

The paper is a digi from Crafty Chaos. AH-AH wait the flowers come from Crafty Emma's I have darkened them with a mulberry promarker so they were a darker purple to match my card the buds are still the same colour tho. Oh & the scalloped card is also from Emma's.
Well that is it from me I will be back later tho with a few awards which I feel so honoured to receive & I will also be annoucing the winner of my candy. Thank you to everyone who entered it & put the pics on your blog you are all fab mmwah.
Please pop over to the challenge blog & have a look at my teamies cards.....they are all soooo gorgeous!!
Jasmine Becket-Griffith has been released this week & they are only available at Crafts & Me so be quick to get your stamps as they are proving quite popular & I think 2 are sold out already you really dont want to miss out on these they are just too gorgeous.
Thank you so much for stopping by I will be around to your blogs tonight I'm off back to my craft room now so put more furniture together lol.
Tatty Bye for now loves ya all.

Monday 14 February 2011

Some Candy Just For You

This post will remain at the top please scroll down for any new posts!!
Hello everyone. I have been greeted today by a delivery van & a was of course my things I had ordered from Sir Stamp-A-Lot.....I was soooo excited. I'm like a kid at crimbo when I get crafty goodies lol. Anyway I couldn't even remember what I had ordered cus it was just after crimbo & I didnt read that they didnt open until the 8th January so its been a long wait. I had ordered a couple of Magnolia stamps as they were half price but unfortunately I only got 1 cus the others were out of stock. Anyway I also ordered 'Flying Angel' Tilda from the crimbo 2010 collection.....well I totally forgot I had won it in a candy off the fabulous Marley, thanks again sweetie. So when the new 1 arrived today I thought why not pop it on here for my lovely followers, its kind of a thankyou for following me & for all your wonderful comments, I really do appreciate them soooo much. However I didnt just want to offer you 1 stamp so as I only got 1 other Magnolia stamp today I have put that in. I'm also having a sort out of my stamps cus I have such a huge pile that have not even been inked so I've added 2 more here they are.

There are only 4 stamps you get a Popcorn Crafters Companion stamp, Tilda Animal Keeper, Tilda Flying Angel & a Whiff Of Joy Willow with Bread. I have put a pic of Willow underneath so you can see which one it is....

There will also be a surprise Sweet Pea Stamp in as well......that I am keeping as a surprise until you get the package.
1. This is open to followers so be or become a follower.
2. Post a piccy on your side-bar with a link back here.
3. Enter your name & a your bloggy below in the Mister Linky.

Thats it them are the only rules. It is open world wide I will post anywhere.
This really is to say thankyou you all totally rock, crafters really are the best!!!
Hope you like my little candy.
This will be open until 14th February....thats right Valentines day as its a romantic day I may even pop another surprise stamp in for the winner. I will announce the winner on the 15th February.
Thats it all you have to do now is enter......
Thankyou bye-bye for now.

Crafts & Me DT........... The Silentness....

Hello everyone how are you all? We actually jave a little sun up here in the North today woo-hoo. I am late with this post I actually forgot I had not put my post on & went to Ikea to get more storage for my craft wrists have been slapped!!!! Over the winter I brought some of my crafting stuff out of my hobbit & hubby let me use half the conservatory which was fab but gosh it was hard not having loads of room & to be honest I've forgotten half of what I have in my craft room lol. This week however I'm moving back in there so hubby took me shopping lol.
Anyway how have your weekends been? My was eventful you could hubby went fishing & nearly drowned thankfully he was helped by others.... I tell ya that man will be the death of me....I've told him I've putting some live fish in our little pond/water feature in the back garden & he can sit there with his rod. He can be my life size gnome, I will even get him a hat lol...Then the following day he became ill & has been really ill all weekend which is why I didnt have time to craft cus I was busy looking after hubby & Natalie has been miss grumpy pants this weekend.... Thankfully tho he is alright now & on top form again.....phew!! So what turned out to be bad luck was in fact good luck cus I have my hubby here with me instead of it been much much worse!!!
Well that was my weekend. So here I am to show you a card I've made with a stamp available at 
I did have a little time over the weekend  & I mean a little I decided to get my distress inks out obviously I'm still in practice mode on these.....I tried months ago but havnt used them since. Well I wanted to use a sweet pea stamp from the artist Ching-Chou Kuik but give it a different this is where the inks came in.....I went for soft colours & that a word???
Anyway here she is she is called 'The Silentness'
Isn't she so beautiful & just chillaxing there........ooohhh wish I was chillaxing outside on a lovely warm summer day.......anyway back to reality. She has been painted with Distress Inks which made a nice change.
For the card I followed the fab sketch on 'Friday Sketchers'

I added diamond dust stickles to her wings & bits of flowers. I also edged her wings with silver liquid pearls which looks fab in real life. The sentiment is from Lilli Of The Valley I got it to go with my Molly Harrison stamps which are still sealed in there packets.......bad bad me!!

The flower at the bottom I made myself & added a pearl button to the middle.

The paper is Prima 'Botanical' which is a new released pad & OMG the paper is gorgeous, I need another pad just for stroking!! All edges were distressed with my stressy tool & inked with Vintage Photo. The punched edges was made using  a MS punch around the page set.
Now if you have been over to the store today you will have seen that Teresa has released
Jasmine Beckett-Griffith so if you are wanting any of these beauties get yourself over there quickly cus you wont want to miss these, 1 variety have already sold out. The other new releases will be released very soon. Teresa has her hands very full at the moment as her daughter is her time is with her daughter as we can all understand.
So sending her daughter huge get well hugs for her to get well real soon. You can still place orders & they will be dispatched as quickly as possible.
Well thats it from me for now. Dont forget we still have our challenge 'Red' over here if you fancy entering 1 of your fabulous creations....there is still time.
So I will say tatty bye I'm off to have a romantic night with my hubby.
Look what he got for me.....

I got a big bouquet of flowers which were harder to photo than an easel card & I got a  huge 'Me To You' bear holding red roses........I love my hubby he's just the best.
Because its valentine I wont be around tonight but I promise to blog hop tomorrow morning to catch up with all creations made today. I hope you all have a lovely night....Happy Valentine to you all.
Thankyou for stopping by you know how much I appreciate each & every one of you, huge hugs to you all.
Dont forget my candy ends at midnight tonight peeps, good luck.
Challenges I'm Entering.....

Sunday 13 February 2011

An Update About My Candy...............

Good evening my lovelies how are you all? Are you having a chillaxing weekend? Shame it has to end doesn't & urghhh its the dreaded Monday tomorrow....yuk yuk yuk!!!
Well unfortunately I've had no time to craft this weekend so with what time I had I've been trying to catch up with all your blogs cus I hate being behind & missing out on what you all create cus you all inspire me so much so if I only have time to do 1 thing I would rather come & visit you all........after all I am what I am because of all of you. I would like to welcome all my new followers & send you all big hugs & big big sincere thanks for following me. Now my candy ends tomorrow night & I didnt expect quite so many enter to be honest cus its only a little one so I am putting in an extra surprise stamp as well as the surprise sweet pea stamp also I will do 10 stamped images & the winner can choose what images they would like....the choice is as follows..
Crafts & Me
Sugar Nellie
Sugar Nellie - Elisabeth Bell range
Sugar Nellie - Simply Sassy range (none of latest set tho)
Kraftin Kimmie
The Greeting Farm
Lilli Of The Valley
Lilli Of The Valley - Molly Harrison fairies
Whiff Of Joy
Now as I'm quite busy most of the time I wont do mix & match, so it will have to be all of 1 character i.e. 10 Tilda images, 10 Whiff Of Joys etc. These are my largest sets & the sets I know I have 10 or more of as you will not receive 2 images the same. My largest set which is sweet pea is tied up at the min cus I'm starting to have a sort out & really need to organise storage for these as its a very big collection.

As there I've not made a card this weekend I am posting a quickie one that I did for Teresa over at Crafts & Me for the its a card front with no flowers & flat as it had to go in an album for Vix.
I totally forgot I hadnt posted it & this one is in my fave colours on a card.

Its my all time fave stamp 'Butterfly Keeper' by Hannah Lynn & I just wanted to do this in delicate colours. She is coloured with Promarkers I think & the papers are from Nitwit Collections.
The card candy is from Emma's.
Well that is it from me but come back tomorrow for my Crafts & Me store creation.
Thank you for the really lovely comments about my CES card this week it really did mean a lot its been an eventful few days so its cheered me up mmwah you are all awesome!!!
Thankyou so much for popping in take care everyone & keep smiling.
Tatty bye for now....