
Saturday 12 February 2011

CES Challenges DT Card.......... Cute & Cuddly....

Good morning my lovelies......guess what its Saturday yayyyyayyyyy.....I hope there are some woo-ing hoo-ing going on out there mind........I love weekends 2 whole days with my family what more could we wish for. I was asked a strange question by my hubby the other day he loves sci-fi especially people with hidden powers...... his new program on sky is No Ordinary Family'. Anyway he asked me what power I would have if I could have any power in the world......absolutely anything......
The question may of being weird but the answer was immediate there is only 1 power I would like & thats the power to heal.......what more would you need??? To be able to heal the sick & suffering WOW that would be just amazing!!! So what power would you have if you could have any???
Whilst you are thinking about that I will ramble on throught my post obviously its Saturday, yes another woo-hoo lol. So of course that means it a brand new challenge over at CES Challenges & this week its our lovely Kaylou's turn to choose a theme, she has of course chosen...
Cute & Cuddly
 what do you mean you already knew.............oh yeah the post title doh!!!
Anyway the other day I was at the talented Rach's blog.....I love her blog you gotta go along there!! Anyway as I was saying she posted the most gorgeous card as always but this one had the cutest bear I have EVER seen so of course I had to do find them you can imagine my excitement when I found they were digi's yayyyyyyaaayyyyy!!!! Whatever size, flip rotate & get them immediately!!!
So here is my cute & cuddly....
This is 'Knitting Bea' is she just soooo cute I'm gonna have to get the full collection of these rofl.

I couldn't decide what to colour her with I nearly went for inks but I had already printed her out onto smooth white she is just coloured with Copics. I think I can remember which ones so I will post them on later......

All materials used areavailable from Crafty Emma's Store. I used Basic Grey 'Olivia' papers, Button, Doily, Flowers, Bakers Twine & Fibre thread & Scalloped Card.

All paper edges have been distressed with my stressy tool. Pink & white A4 card & pink pearls from stash.

Inside decorated to compliment the front. Please pop along & show my fab teamies some love cus they have made some fab cuties for you again this week. So grab them bunnies & bears & come & join us. Also pop along to Emma's she has fab new stuff in. I pre-ordered the new Prima papers which arrived yesterday OMG they are delicious mmmmm mmm, I need order more tho & keep mine for stroking purposes only!!
Well thats it from me I'm off to straighten my hair cus some daft fool went to bed with wet hair last night.......not good at all when you have very long hair........hedge backwards...Esmerelda...get the pic lol.
Thank you to those who clicked on my little erm mishap on Lou's blog I'm glad it gave you a chuckle I still laugh hubby says he aint paying for that delivery lol.
Tatty bye for now peeps loves ya & big big hugs to you all for stopping by it really does mean the world to me.....mmwah.
Challenges I'm Entering.......


Thursday 10 February 2011

My recovery..............

Hi there all my lovelies. Are how you all? Ooooh I'm getting excited its Friday tomorrow & I soooo love weekends yayyyayyyy..... A big warm welcome to my followers you all make me so happy you know you really mmwah.
Well tonight I am recuperating from my CAS card last night so I have made another card.....not make up for missing all my foofy stuff they were not happy with me.
So I have indeed used Penny Black again I am really sorry to use the same make again & I dont normally but I want to enter the Penny Black challenge for the 1st time & I also wanted to see if Penny Black works for foofy type cards as well as CAS........guess what they do lol. I do love my foof.....
Here is another stamp I've never inked up......yes I know I need hanging......
The challenge over at Penny Black is 'Love Is' so I choose these little guys....arnt they so cute. My fabby boss Emma sent me an e-mail the other day for some digi papers over at Pink Petticoat so of course it would of been rude not to go over & buy some lol. So of course thats where these papers are from they are sooo pretty.

These little fella have been coloured with Prisma's & the love hearts were coloured with Copics & I added glossy accents to them.

The lace & the flower is from Wild Orchid which I also sprayed with 'Gold' Glimmer Mist & added a little sprinkling of Diamond Sparkles. The silver corner is from Ebay.

All card is from Paper Mill Direct

This is the inside which is decorated to compliment the front. Usually I decorate the insides when they are ready to be given to someone but I am going to pluck up the courage & start selling them......I think lol. Also its a nightmare doing the insides at a later date where its so much easier doing it this way.

The sentiments are from my stash but cant remember where I would of got them from I've had them since I 1st started in March.
Well thats it from me peeps I have fully recovered from my CAS card now phew!!! lol.
Before I go though I want to say sorry as I'm behind on commenting. Yesterday I was doing my rounds of all your blogs when I came to my fabby blogging friend Loopy Lou who I love to bits. Anyway I left a comment on her gorgeous card which also had an image with a box of chocolates......mmmm which I cant resist.
Anyway about 5 mins later I got an e-mail off her telling me she had spat her coffee out everywhere & nearly peed her panties laughing at my comment & that she still was chuckling whilst writing the e-mail. When I read my comment again......well put it this way my panties got wet too rofl. So now I'm double checking my comments he hee!!!
So if you would like a chuckle please pop over here & have a lookskie.......Lou also does scrummy cards so have a look round while you are there.
I'm off to link up then finish some DT work before I come & catch up with some bunny hopping.
Tatty bye for now peeps loves ya loads & big big thank you for popping in to see me, I sooo appreciate it.
Challenges I'm Entering......


Wednesday 9 February 2011

A Bit Of CAS With Penny Black

Good evening all you lovelies. First I would welcome & send hugs to all my new followers thank you sooo very much I really appreciate it.
 I thought I would make something with a new image tonight 1 I've had a while & not got around to stamping up but I fancied a change I like to use different stamps or I get bored & there is soooo much choice out there.
Anyway there is a new challenge called
'Less Is More'
Basically its all about CAS.....clean & simple....
Boy was this hard I dont do CAS.....what I class as clean & simple isn't so tonight I've made 1...well its the closest I have got to CAS anyway so here it is....

Here is my little Penny Black which I got from here.
Apparently CAS is mainly all white background well I had to add the ribbon & gems....this little hedgehog made me do it.....he said he wouldn't blow me anymore hearts........what do you do???

These little fella's are soooo easy to colour. I coloured the hearts with Copics & coloured the hedgie-hog in Prisma pencils. I added some glossy accents to the hearts to give them some dimension.

Well what do you think of my CAS............I'm not too sure I dont think I will be doing a lot of these altho these Penny Black stamps do make it very easy to do you never know.
I've only just come into blogland I havnt been on since about 7 I've just been that busy......some-one is stealing my hours again!! Anyway when I came on & went to my dashboard the top post thing was a challenge & all I could see was my card........yes I won right here with my WOJ Ben & Nora card woo hoo I'm so chuffed lol.
Well I'm off to link up then I'm off to bed Natalie is asleep before midnight yayyyayyyy doesn't happen very often so I'm making most of it.
However I have had a few people asking me about the boxes I send my cards in & if I would do a tutorial. I was going to do 1 this week but the fabulously talented Rach has done a tute so instead I will put a link in the Crafters Tutorials page at the top of my blog & you can pop over to see Rach's tute.....have a look at her cards as well..........OMG she is amazingly talented its through seeing her cards that got me into Copics to be honest lol. She is awesome.
Thank you sooo much for stopping by I loves ya all mmwah
Challenges I'm Entering....


Monday 7 February 2011

Look at me I've learnt something new.....yayyyyhayyyyy.....

Edited To Add; I totally forgot to post this on my own blog DOH!! So excuse it saying good morning unless you feel like another Monday then we could pretend he hee.....but I'm thinking you dont want to do that one lol.
Well good morning peeps its Vicky here....are you feeling bright eyed & bushy tailed after a nice restful weekend? No......neither am I I had an eventful 1 to say the least, well you know that Tracey Payne well it all started when she passed her 'Bad Luck' onto me.....yes thats right she did you know. My pipe burst on my radiator saturday morning in the passage way, now remember I have a disabled daughter so its a big bungalow I live in.......well everywhere in the passage was flooded....its now been fixed of course. The only thing is I have wooden flooring all the way thru & we laid it just after the bungalow was built before we moved we did it all the way through with no joins at the door ways so it would be easier with the wheelchair.... Unfortunately the water has seeped everywhere so far it could be the whole of the bungalow that needs re-doing.....cus they dont do the same flooring anymore arrrgggghhhh!!!!! Think I will be calling mr insurance Tracey just for you sweetie you can now have a chuckle lol.
Anyway today Teresa will be announcing when the new stamps on being released in store unless that is you were lucky enough to go the show......sadly I wasn't :0( so keep checking the store today.
Today I have learnt something new.....dont you love learning new things. I love digi images & I mean love them they are just soooo versatile in so many ways. Well I thought I would combine 2 digi images together to form a scene. I brought an image from here to go with the image I already had from here & went along to the fabulously talented Vix & followed her tutorial on how to do it.....let me tell you if I can follow it anyone can, I'm not the brightest quid in the shopping trolley!!!
Here is the beautiful 'Dusk' from Crafts & Me.

This is the close-up

Of course its an easel card which is just my fave type of card. This is the inside which I decorated & theres room to write your message

The image was coloured with Copics & Promarkers. The sky I did with chalks but it doesn't show up too good on this piccy I'm afraid.
The papers are Prima & you can get them & the flowers from here. The gorgeous crush ribbon you can get here.
Well thats it from me dont forget the 'Red' challenge we have running over here.
Hope you have liked my card peeps.
P.S. For the messages & e-mails about my stamp collection I'm glad I didnt show all of them but can I just say I would love to share & let peeps borrow them if I lived close to any of you as I dont know anyone who crafts who lives near me.....awwww isnt that sad lol. Hubby has spoilt me since I started this but there is a reason. I have NEVER had a hobby when people have wanted to buy me things I wouold always ask for things for the home or money which I could then spend on Craig & the kids lol. I got excited when I got new washer or hoover for crimbo or a new microwave nan said it would insult most women.....I loved it. Anyway this has gone on for over 20 years so last year towards the end of march when I found out about Promarkers & stamps.....well hubby was overjoyed as it meant finally he could buy things for me & that now I could have time for me instead of running around after everyone else......I enjoyed doing that I still do but I now have something for me. I just have the sweetest hubby lol & I am extremely lucky. I'm enjoying it while it lasts pmsl.....only joking..... but thats why I have sooo much in sooo little time & cus of that I think its nice if I share it sometimes with all my fabby blogging friends cus you all rock!!!!
Take care & enjoy the rest of your will soon be the weekend lol.
Tatty Bye peeps, huggles
Vicky xxx
Edited to add......The link for merging digi images is now in the crafters tutorials link at the top of my blog if you fancy giving it a really is fab!!!
Entering this into.... - 2 images

Sunday 6 February 2011

I Love You.............

Good evening all you lovely jubbly peeps. Hello to my new followers, welcome to my blog & thank you so sooo much for following me mmwah. I have been trying to have a sort out of my stamps to try & re-organise them, I have so many & they are here there & everywhere so I've decided to do a system putting them all in cd cases so I ordered 10 mounty cushion thingys from Emma's to mount all my stamps (I usually use the temp spray glue by CC) & I've just ordered more cd cases cus I've not got many left.......I already store my Magnolia's in cd cases & also all my nestie's except the xxl ones lol. So hubby went up argos today with Jake & brought a new cd unit to store them all in, it holds over 350 cds so I should have enough room......I hope anyway!!! The unit tho was a bargain it should of been £64.99 & its on sale for £ thats a bargain & they just had one left in my nearest it is. Anyway I'm gonna get on with my card. Now I had a new stamp quite a few weeks ago but it just got thrown in the tin along with all the other hAnglars.....yep its a hanglar stamp it seems soooo long since I've used 1 of these I've got loads sitting waiting........(I am now bowing my head in shame)

Isn't she a sweetheart....this I got from hAnglar in Sweden from their ebay store....their delivery really is sooo fast. I've coloured her with Promarkers |& Copics, I decided have a change & go for a pale complexion, not sure about it but I like to change things about or I get bored. Its good to expand your horizon so to speak lol.

The paper is Basic Grey 'Curio', which I won just before crimbo.....I was sooo chuffed about it its extremely rare I win anything....I'm not lucky much on that randomy thing lol but if I'm being honest I just like entering the challenges they open my mind to more crafting possibilities. The ribbon is from my stash 7 I folded & stapled it which I really like & will be doing again lol.

I loved creating the layers on this, I didnt have a lot of time to play tonight its been rather hectic to say the least today. Inside is decorated to compliment the front.

Card was made from A4 card. I get asked a lot how do I mail them? Well every card gets a box made for it unless its a flat one which is rare to be honest lol I always make a box to put the card in I just think it finishes the look off & looks nicely presented.....everything is handmade why stop at the
Well I'm away now to iron uniforms before I go in the shower. I will be catching up with your fabby blogs as well. I've also got this lot to mount on cushion & sort out.....wish me luck peeps :0(

I wont show you the rest.......the box on  the left just has all sorts in it that have not been inked up yet. Altho I will say there are some in there ready to go to my 1 year anniversary candy give away. I cant believe that in 2 months time I have been crafting a year its gone so fast but yet I've learnt so much from everyone in blogland........gosh a year ago today I didnt know what a promarker was never mind rubber stamps lol....but then I came across a blog in the March & that was it hook, line & sinker!!!
Anyway now I've bored you with my ramblings I better move my butt as I'm running rather late tonight.
Thank you so much for stopping by & visiting my little crafting space on the WWW I really do appreciate it soooo much.
Tatty bye see you all soon, come back tomorrow for my Crafts & Me card, I've learnt something new woo hoo lol, take care everyone.
Challenges I'm Entering......