
Saturday 5 February 2011

Sweet Stampin DT Card..........Love Me, Love Me Not!!!!!

Good morning all my lovely blogging friends. I am back in Blogland I missed you all wayyyy too much. Before I get on with my post I want to thankyou all for all your kind messages & e-mails you really have helped from the bottom of my heart I thank each & everyone of you, you are all amazing & awesome!!! We are going to remain positive at the moment, basically no drugs are working for my brother & 2 more growths have appeared so the plan is to give him a break cus sometimes chemo can actually aggrevate they think that if they give him a break which he does need he will then have another scan next month & go from there. So its fingers crossed until then.....hopefully they will have shrunk or stayed the same which is ok we just dont want them to grow again.
Anyway onto this post I will try to keep it short for you especially as my next DT card will be along shortly. This is actually scheduled.
Over at Sweet Stampin this week we have a theme & the theme is....
Spring Flowers
Now for those who have maybe not followed me for long I love Magnolia. However Sweet Pea stamps & Crafts & Me stamps have taken over my heart so Magnolis are now 3rd.....ssshhh tho dont tell them.
Anyway I thought I would pull out an oldie which in all honesty I cant even remember if she has been inked before............I have wayyyyyyyy too many stamps!!!

Yes Tilda has come out to should of heard the sobs :0(. I have tried something new as I do like to expand my mind lol....I stamped her on Kraft card & coloured her with Prisma's.its the 1st time I've done it so do need more practice but really enjoyed it.

This is a tag made from Kraft card & I made the actual card from Kraft. The clip on the tag is of course Tim Holtz which I've had for a while. The sentiment is from a set of Penny Black stamps I have in my collection. The heart is from my stash.

All papers are Websters Pages.

Flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts they have been sprayed with Gold glimmer mist from here & then a sprinkling of glitter just for bit extra sparkle. The doily is from my stash.

For the card I followed a sketch altho it supposed to be a sentiment in the bottom corner but as I've wrote one at the side of the image & stamped a sentiment on the tag I put a heart there instead.
Hope that you can join us with your lovely Spring Flowered themed cards we look forward to seeing them all. Please pop over to the blog to check out my fab teamies creations.....they have done spring a lot better than me honestly..... I actually had to rush 2 DT cards last night my fab bosses I know wouldn't of minded if I missed but crafting helps to occupy the stops it from roaming!!!
Anyway peeps thankyou sooooo much for stopping by hope you can pop back later for my CES card
 Until then tatty byt, take care & hope you all have fabulous weekend.
Challenges I'm Entering..... - Valentine without red or pink (if you squint REAL hard the 2 little pinky flowers should dissapear.....sorrrrryyyy)


Thursday 3 February 2011

An appology to you fabulous ladies

Hi peeps this is an extremely quick post just to say I've tried catch up on commenting tonight but I've had some bad news about my younger brothers cancer so I'm switching off & cuddling up to my family for the night I've not even so as picked up a pencil today never mind a stamp. I will catch up tomorrow with everything. Thank you to you all for the fabulous comments you always leave me you really do brighten my day. Sometimes we get dealt with really rotten smelly lemons but I'm off to count some of my blessings cus it could be worse & there are plenty others who have got it a lot worse. It will teach me to moan about the little things in life that could easily be swept away.
Anyway I will see you all tomorrow & over the weekend.
Love you all mmwah
Sending huge hugs to everyone of you.
Night night xxx

Crafty Purple Frog DT Card.............Romantic

Good morning I am here again peeps lol.
This one is my DT card for
Thank you to everyone who joined us in the last fortnight all of the entries were awesome.
So onto this fortnight this time our theme is.....
Romance/Valentine's Day
Make anything you like as long as it has hearts, kisses, love, red, long as its romantic in some way then come & join us girls & dont forget you dont have to use a CPF image to play along.....even tho we love seeing them.
This time I have used my fave CPF image....I hope Sweet Pea stamps eventually do this in rubber, I tell ya I will be beating down there door cus its just gorgeous.
Anyway here she is......

This is 'Night Rose' decoupage & is available here.

I added a toucl of glitter to parts of her hair cus I thought she deserved a bit of bling.

The sentiment is a digi which I cut out using my circle nestlie & then cut a slightly larger one out of lilac card using my scalloped circle nestie. The sentiment was a freebie from Bizzy Becs.

The flowers are from Wild Orchid & Crafty Emma's. The paper is from Bearly Mine. Gems are from my stash & the flower centre thingy on the bow I got for crimbo so not sure where its from sorry. The ribbon is of course seam binding which I got off ebay, I'm addicted to this stuff. Now my camera well actually its Craig's lol but its a really good one & I never struggle with colours when I use this one not even reds & other awkward ones but for some reason this ribbon is shhowing up dark blue when in fact it is deep purple. So I've not lost my sense of colour co-ordination....god- for-bid lol. 
We hope you will all join us girlies for this challenge we love looking at all your creations.
Well I must go now as I've got my daughter off school today, I had my youngest son off yesterday & today its Natalie lol. Not actually sure whats wrong with her TBH but she is just not happy at all today so just wasn't happy about sending her school.
May be back later but not sure you know how hectic things can be when your kids are poorly lol.
Yep she def not happy now she screaming her head off so more meds me thinks
Tatty bye peeps thank you again for stopping by I loves ya al
Huge huggles for you all....I will look for challenges shortly lol

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Something Racy For My Hubby.....

Good evening my lovely friends how are you all tonight. I'm making this a real quick post as I'm having a night with the hubby.....well & the kids at the mo lol....we have all just finished chinese so we are pretty if you hear a KER....BOOM whilst I'm on doing this post dont worry I've just blown up lol.
Anyway as you know it is hubby's birthday today I brought him new fishing stuff which arrived today thank goodness & got him some new jeans I had seen having a peekskie at lol. We've had a good day.
I left his card til last minute so had to be rather quick at making it lol so I thought what better image than to use one of KK's nothing is better than a sexy lassy from KK to say whatcha mean lol.
Here is Racy Roxie......whcih you can get here

This I won from Bearly Mine in their 1st challenge I got to pick 5 KK images....I was woo-hooing I can tell ya & hubby helped to pick them & this is 1 he picked, the rest were males so of course I had to use this 1 for his card lol.

She is of course a digi image, I sooo love these for their versatality & so they can be resized. She has been coloured with Copics & Promarkers. The bottom paper is from Bearly Mine & the top one is

The ticket (which he has used a few times today lol) & the sentiment at the bottom are from a set of stamps I got a while back & until now hadnt inked up....ooops!!! The bead is home made.....well the colouring is home-made lol.

The black organza ribbon is from stash.
Well thats it I think but if I've missed anything please feel free to ask away peeps.
Thankyou soooo much for stopping by I always appreciate you all everytime you stop by....mmwah you all totally rock!!!
My new stamps came today maybe I will get chance to play with them tomorrow lol but come back tomorrow anyway cus its Crafty Purple Frog's new challenge tomorrow.
Tatty bye for now peeps....I really must go....loves ya hunni's
Challenges I'm Entering........ - Fave Things (its for hubby & he is my fave thing lol)
if it doesnt count tho just delete it!!


Crafts & Me DT Card............

Good morning peeps how are you all today. Well its the head of the households birthday here sexy Craig is 41.....ssssshhhh dont tell him I told you!!! I will post his card later cus he does go on my blog so I couldnt post it before.....its shexxxxxyyyyy lol. Altho I did leave it to last minute not good when I have 5 DT projects to do before Friday eeeekkkkk.....mojo usually does a runner round!!!
Anyway we have a new challenge over at Crafts & Me today but first we want to thankyou all for your monochromatic were they stunning picking a top 3 is not gonna be easy.....
This week our lovely Tracy has chosen the theme, a nice easy one & with whats around the corner this will come in handy.......
With Valentine just around the corner this should be very easy lol......or you could even go as I've done & actually make something ready for whats around another corner.....well its actually more like a train ride away but how quick these weeks are flying by it will soon be around the
I brought some new stamps off Teresa a few weeks ago & this one I have wanted forever so I just HAD to ink her up.........
See you could make crimbo cards as well as valentine or any lovey dovey cards.....I said that I would make 1 maybe 2 crimbo cards a month until August time to get ready for crimbo....last year was my 1st crimbo making cards & OMG it was manic half got lost in post cus of late posting & a lot were VERY late. So this year I'm sending them out in the 1st week of December to make sure everyone gets 1 in time lol. So far on my plan I've made......none.....until now yayyyyy my 1st crimbo card of 2011...dum dum dum!!

Anyway this little beauty is 'Wintergreen Wishes' by Hannah Lynn which of course you can only get from Crafts & Me. She has been stamped with Memento on this card & coloured with Copics & Promarkers.

The fur around her hat & clothes I covered with 'Ice' stickles & the snow on the trees & around her I used my snow-marker which I've had for a few months but forgot about it. The white dots I used my white gel pen.

The flower & bead in the middle I made myself & then distressed it with walnut ink & spritzed it with

The paper is from 'Bearly Mine' which I distressed with my skissors & then heat embossed the edges with hologram super sparkle embossing powder.

The scalloped card & the red rose on the bow are from Crafty Emma's who has had new stamp & other bits & bobs should have a peekskie I cant wait for my new stamps arrive.......I'm sure Emma does things on purpose to make us girlies keep spending our money lol. The ribbon is of course seam binding which was cream but I dyed it red with my cosmic shimmer.....I could of entered my hands into this challenge cus they are as red as this card.........yes I forgot to put gloves on....well it is 'Thicky-Vicky' lol.
Well I think thats it from me today but pop over to the challenge blog to check out my teamies creations, they are stunning..... We are all looking forward to seeing your Red creations hot hot!!!
I had to buy my son a new pair of trainers today......I dont why he wanted new ones but never should see the size of them they have oars coming out of each side.....yeah right where the laces should go. He is 14 years old & in a size 11 shoe.......a year ago today he was in a 9 he is also now the tallest, altho he is still my baby lol....ssshhh dont tell him I said that lol. Of course hubby did the moan about the price I'm sure he does it to wind the kids up you know lol......either that or he is showing his age lol.
Well I'm away now I will post Craig's card later as I'm doing no crafting or blogging tonight as we having a nice night I will be along today to catch up with all your wonderful creations.
Oh & can you believe I have reached 300 followers WOOO HOOOO welcome you lovely peeps & a HUGE thankyou to all my newbies you have made my week.
Tatty bye for now folks
Challenges I'm Entering......


Monday 31 January 2011

New Release - Jasmine Becket

Good afternoon everyone hope you all had a good weekend, I'm looking forward to Friday already & we've only just started a new week, lol, I love the weekends cus then my kiddies are home altho I dont think my 20 year old will be happy calling him a kiddie lol.
Anyway I am running MEGA late today....yes I know again lol.
So with little chit-chat from me I will show what you have come here to see.
Yes today I have a new release to show. Teresa has the most fantastic artists working for fave artist was Hannah Lynn but now Teresa has that many fab artists I just cant choose......all the images are just fab. Anyway, I babbling again the new release I am showing is another from the oh so talented artist
Jasmine Becket-Griffith, her art is just gorgeous click on her name to check her out!!
The stamp I am showing you today I'm sure should have my name to be honest cus its my fave so it should be rightly called Vicky....yayyy lol. Its not tho ;0( lol she is called
'Making A Wish' fairy if you click on her name it will take you straight to the portrait of her.
Now I have chosen to go with the same colours for mine as Jasmine but I did a lighter skin tone, altho it looks no where near as good as hers but I soooo enjoyed colouring her, I really did!!!
Isn't she just soooo beautiful....I will be using this stamp A LOT I tell ya lol. I look at this as tho its showing that she has a little guardian angel on her shoulder.....its just fabulous!!!

The stamp was stamped onto this card (which is fabulous) with memento ink & then the image was coloured with Promarkers & Copics. The white is done with a white gel pen. She has also had a light spritz of Gold glimmer mist which you can also get from Crafts & Me.

The flower is from Wild Orchid & I also sprayed it with the Gold glimmer mist if you click on the photo hopefully you will just be able to see the sparkle. Altho its gold its not over-powering its very subtle. Even the love heart doily has it on & I than dried it with my heat gun & over-heated it in places to get an aged look to it. The love-heart doily is from my stash I've had them forever & really cant remember where I got them from. The small white doily however is from Crafty Emma's.

I hope you like this card & I certainly hope you like the stamp cus she really is fabulous & could be used for soooo many purposes.
These stamps will be released at the Stamperama show in Stevenage on the 6th February Teresa will announce when they will be getting released in store on the 7th if you would like to get your mitts on them before anyone else does then pop along to the show & see Teresa.
Pop back to here every day as the team are showcasing new releases every day until the show & you really dont want to miss out on any of these newbies cus they are all amazing.
Dont forget there is still time to enter our Mono Challenge here.
Also dont forget if you register to Crafts & Me newsletter you get 10% discount on all new that means more crafty goodies you could buy with your dosh.....who can say no to that!!!!
Well thats it from me I hope you are loving these new releases as much as us girls are. Dont forget all of these new stamps you can get at the show before they are even released at the store.
Thank you soooo much for stopping by I really appreciate it.
Take care everyone & keep smiling
Challenges I'm Entering....


Sunday 30 January 2011

YAYYYYY....finally a card.......

Good evening all my lovely friends & welcome to my recent new followers...a huge thank you for following me I really appreciate & I hope you like what you see.
1st of all I would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for your lovely comments & e-mails regarding Natalie she is a lot better tonight her fits are really bad as she doesn't get oxygen when she is fitting & for a long time afterwards her sats stay low her lips will remain blue & her finger nails will remain blue which is 1 of the signs of low oxygen level. Luckily we know now how to deal with it all now so we dont call anambulance unless we know we she is in need of oxygen urgently or we cant get her out of a fit. These things are sent to try us as they say lol. Anyway tonight I've finally had time to make a card it seems ages since I've made 1 lol, I know it isn't but this last 3 days have been long days. We have just settled her down so hopefully she will go sleep within the next hour.....I'm crossing fingers & toes here lol.
Anyway onto my quickie card cus I also got stuck into got to dance, I dont watch much tv so when there are programs I like I do try to watch them & I'm a sucker for dancing lol. Anyway tonights card is to fit a few challenges, 1 of them being a colour challenge & this colour I've never done before, eeks lol. I've also used a new stamp which hubby got me a few weeks ago.

Yes I've used 1 of my beloved Sweet Pea stamps this is 'Scorpio' by Caron Vinson & Craig got it from here plate 77.....I've started to get the plates as you save money & I'm all for saving pennies....well it can buy more stamps!!!

This is not actually the image I managed to colour last night, I'm still deciding whether I like what I've done with the other 1 lol. This little beauty got done whilst simpsons was on lol. She has been coloured with Copics & Prisma pencils....her skin & hair with copics & her clothes & wings with pencil. I coloured the scorpio with gold gel pan same as her bits of jewellery. I also added little highlights to her hair with a white gel pen. Her wings had Yellow stickles added & the scorpio had diamond dust stickles added....she deserves that bit of bling.

The gardenia Ivory flower is from Wild Orchid, I love these flowers this one is a large one but the smaller ones are just as gorgeous. I spritzed it with Gold Glimmer Mist from Crafts & Me & sprinkled a bit of diamond dust over the top.

The papers are Websters Pages. The sentiment 'Fantasy the new Reality' is computer generated, I love this sentiment & I think its perfect for a lot of my stamps especially sweet pea ones & Crafts & Me stamps. The gem corner scrolly thingy I got for crimbo. The ribbon is from my stash, forgot I had this so its nice to finally use it lol. The gems are also from my stash. The metal corner I got off Ebay last year.

Well I think thats about it.....oh no wait I have a bit of news to tell you so come here.... Its Lynettes birthday this week over at Sweet Pea Stamps so she has been having a candy give away all week.....well guess who won 10 stamps......yes me isn't that just fan-blinking-kiss-me-on-the-cheek-tastic woo hooo!!!
Huge thanks to Lynette once again mmwah.
Well I've babbled on for long enough noo I will let you peeps go. Hope you have all had a fabberooney weekend & I hope you all have an even better week. Take care everyone & keep on smiling.
Thankyou all soooo much for stopping by I have caught up with half but I promise to have caught up with the rest by tomorrow. I did most of my commenting before I even thought of making a card.
Anyway hope you can pop back tomorrow as I have a Crafts & Me new release stamp to show you which I'm sure you will love.
Tatty bye peeps loves ya 'al mmwah
Challenges I'm Entering.....


Sorry to all my friends.....old & new

Good morning all my lovely friends & good morning to my new followers/friends thank you soooo much for following me I appreciate it so much.
I have been kinda MIA in blogland this weekend I've grabbed the odd 10 mins here & there but even that has been very minimal. Natalie has been really poorly & had a bad seizure which she suffered with badly this time so I've just barley had time to come on here I'm afraid. She is not too bad now so I'm hoping to catch up with everyone today....I feel so bad & I dont want you to think I'm ignoring any of you I've really missed all of your creations but everytime I tried yesterday I would comment on 1 or 2 than Natalie would need me so in the end I gave up!! I made Craig go fishing last night cus he planned it at the beginning of the week & its a good chance for him spend some alone time with our youngest Jake. So me & Natalie watched disneys all night lol.....altho I did do some colouring later on so I may be back with a card later....maybe 2 depending how my day goes lol....1 of course will be sweet pea lol.
Anyway I just thought I would let you know I'm not ignoring any of you just with Natalie been poorly she kinda takes up a lot of time.....well a lot of extra time lol.
Missing all of you but I will be seeing you all today.
Take care & hope you are all having a fab weekend.