
Saturday 18 December 2010

CES Challenge DT card.........Challenge 17

Sweet Stampin post is below
Howdie doodie everyone. Hope you are all wrapped up warm cus its absolutely freezing.....even snowmen will shiver today!!
Well although my last post was scheduled I completely forgot about I hadn't scheduled this 1 it was late last night & I was tired & rather pooped. I'm still unwell & in pain but there is just so much to do for crimbo I just have to power on....but hey I'm tuff pmsl it just takes me twice as long to do anything lol.
Anyway onto this post know today is Saturday so you know what challenge is next.....
Thats right & this challenge will last until January 7th as this is our last challenge of 2010 we will be back January 11th it feels so weird putting 2011 lol.
Anyway the challenge this week has been set by the lovely Shell & it is everyone's favourite challenge.....well it is christmas....
Anything Goes
Thats right whatever you make enter it in our challenge we want to see everything......craft wise that is lol.
This week we have a wonderful young sponsor....we have the talented daughter of Shell her name is Didge & she kindly gave the DT a few images to play with....
This is mine......

This is 'Party Bear' which you can buy here....this is actually 'Christmas Party Bear' but I think this little cutie could be used for a variety of things so thats what I've shown you. I wrote the invited on in before I printed it out....isn't she sweet, or he if you do it a diff colour lol.

She has been coloured with Promarkers & stickles added to her party hat.

The gingham paper is from my stash which I've had ages & had totally forgot about it lol.

For the shape of the card I used my Grand Calibur which I love & I think I will be doing a lot of shaped cards lol. The smallest & last layer I used the co-ordinating nestie 1 & inked it with 'Tattered Rose' distress ink.
Materials used & links.......
Paper (not gingham) is WRS Japan which with the Card Candy, Dew Drop & Mulberry Ribbon (which was cut in half lengthways for my card) all of this you can get from Crafty Emma's Store
The sentiment is a set I won a short while ago from The Cutting Cafe & I inked with the same ink & then covered with Ultra thick embossing powder, my new jar arrived yesterday thank goodness lol. I also stuck a Dew Drop onto the tag for decoration.
Well thats it from us at CES Challenges but we would like to thank you for all your support these last few months we really do appreciate it mmwah. Please pop over to my wonderful teamies & show them some love, they really are wonderful girls & I have sooooo enjoyed working with them & Emma is a fab boss.
Love you all girlies xoxox
Merry Christmas from the gang at CES hope you have a great time & we wish you all the best for the new year ahead. See you in January.

Thank you for stopping by & taking a peekskie at my creations I appreciate it sooooo much.
Huge hugs to you all
Vicky xxxxxxxxxx

Challenges I'm entering.....

Sweet Stampin Challenge DT card

Good morning peeps......actually its a very early good morning cus its actually 1.10am & I'm scheduling this post this is a quick post as I'm ready for ma bed lol.
Thank you for all your fabby entries last week over at Sweet Stampin
This week is actually a fortnight's challenge to give the DT a bit of free time over crimbo to spend with our families so both teams have joined in on this challenge.
So this fortnight the challenge isssssssss....
This fortnight we have 2 fabby sponsors
The DT were given a few Prairie images to use on their projects a few weeks ago when they last sponsored us so a few of us have used them. However on the last challenge I won Top Spot which I was soooo overjoyed about & I got 2 pick 3 images free so I've used 1 of my winners.
This was a new release at the time & I just had to have her....
This is 'Carol Singing Gilly' & I think she is lush.

She is coloured with Promarkers & I've added a sprinkling of glitter dust to the fur on her coat & ear muffs.

I have also added Glossy Accents to her glasses to make them more realistic which I always think looks fab.

The holly is actually a decoration from Wilkinsons & I;ve just added Diamond stickles around the edges of the leaves.
Materials used & links.......
Papers are Websters Pages - Crafty Emma's Store
Organza Ribbon - Crafty Ribbons
Sentiment (freebie) - Bizzy Becs
Gems are from my stash.
Well thats it peeps quickie post but do pop over to my teamies as their creations for you are totally gorgeous.
From everyone at Sweet Stampin may you have a wonderful christmas & all the very best for the New Year & we hope you will join us again in January 2011.
Thanks for popping in come back soon though as I have my next DT creation to post.
See ya soonies.
Love & hugs to you all
Vicky xxxx

Challenges I'm entering....... - Christmas - Christmas Cards - Merry Christmas - Christmas Inspired

Thursday 16 December 2010

Finally its up up up.................

Good evening everyone. I've been busy tonight, very busy. I've had 1 of my DT cards to make then I've had to cut my eldest sons hair cus he has his works crimbo party tomorrow & FINALLY after spending over a week ill I have our crimbo tree up & decorated.....wooooo hooooo.....I've just gotta tidy the living room back up which can wait til tomorrow though now........ Thought I would show you my tree & at the bottom a bemused dog cus he is not sure whats going on as he wasnt here this time last year bless him lol.
It is soooo hard to take piccy's of a crimbo tree isn't does actually look sooooooo much better IRL

There are actually blue lights & white lights but the pics is not showing them up very well :0(

Yes hubby was playing on his xbox whilst I was doing the tree lol. Next to the tree is his crimbo prezzie that I got him, a touch-screen pc thing lol I have got him something to open on crimbo day though as well....every year he has his prezzies early.....he's like a big kid lol....actually I'm just as bad lol. You can just see a white box on the floor by the sofa well that was a surprise prezzie off my hubby for me for crimbo day however I was at docs yesterday & a parcel came while we were out. This morning I went to pick the parcel up from Royal Mail thought it might do me good get out, also I have missed driving lol. Anyway Craig told the company to write xmas on the parcel so he would know not to let me open it (sorry I do hate the word xmas but thats what they wrote...yuk) When they handed the parcel to me it was wrapped in pink plastic with the words 'Shoe Fashionista' all over it.....mmmmm wonder what it could be????????? lol Bless him he was not impressed when I got back lol so he said I may as well have them now lol. Its a pair ofsuede knee high boots that you can also wear just above the knee.....I absolutely love boots especially knee highs I live in them nearly I think lol & the ones he got me are sooooo gorgeous they really are....unfortunately his surprise was ruined tho...ooops!!!

This is bemused Charlie our youngest Yorkie he is not quite sure whats going on lol. Sorry about my leg being in the was cold today so on went woolly tights & Ugg boots.....darn weather. Altho I am praying for a white crimbo cus I think its soooo beautiful for crimbo day & it would make my kids happy as the eldest has only ever seen it white once on crimbo day & Jake has NEVER seen a white crimbo.....isn't that just so awful, well I think so anyway lol.
Well thats it I'm off to bed I have Natalie to get off to school at 7.30 in the morn for her last day & I have 1 more DT card to make in the morn then that is it til after crimbo......altho I still have loads of stuff to make still for other people....arrrgggghhhhhhh!!!! I need help!!!!!!
Well night night peeps take care & keep warm see you tomorrow.....I'm still catching up on commenting I'm afraid but I will be there soon.
Loves ya all
Vicky xxx

Crafty Purple Frog DT Card......

A snowy good morning to all you lovely peeps in Blogland.....yes I say snowy cus its snowing yet again here by the North sea....its like a blizzard!!!
Anyway you havn't come here to hear me prattle on have you? I know why you are here.........
Its Thursday & so that means just 1 thing....its time forrrrrrrrr
This is our last challenge this that sounds weird lol. Anyway we thought we would give you a crimbo special for all those who still have last minute makes to do......yesssss me included.....
Christmas Themed Something
Yep as long as its crimbo themed then enter our challenge & dont forget you enter as many times as you wish get all them makes in to us. Whats more there are 6....yes thats right 6 chances of winning prizes..... fab is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This week we have 2 fab sponsors offering prizes as well as CPF, so I have used products from everyone on my cards......I have made 2 as some of the DT have done so there are a few pics I'm afraid. I will post all links at the bottom of post.
1st Card
Starting with a gorgeous CPF decoupage & Bearly Mine DP's...
This beauty is Cherish Christmas & you can get her here

The card was cut out using the grand nesties in my Calibur....which might I say is FABULOUS, I absolutely love has large suction plate underneath so you can stop it from wandering & the handle is big & chunky which is also is however huge lol!!!
I didnt finish these til late-ish last night so pics were took in the light tent, which I'm starting get used to lol.
2nd Card
The next card is a KK image & Bearly Mine DP's....our 2 sponsors this week...

This beauty is 'Mistletoe' which you can get here 
The papers are Bearly Mine which are lush, I have even decorated the inside to match...

I have just added 2 snowflakes & a nestie shape to the top & all I added to the bottom was a gem to the centre of the bow.

She has been coloured with Promarkers & Copics & had glitter added to her fur & blue stickles added to her pom-poms.....I love this colour theme & I think she looks fab in it....also their are a couple of challenges with this colour theme lol.

All edges of paper inside & out have been heat embossed with Snowflake embossing powder.

The mirrored-shiny card was cut out using nesties....cant remember where the card is from as I've had it since I brought my 1st lot crafty stash. The flower underneath the poinsettia was cut out using Magnolia's Doo-Hickey & then was covered in clear embossing powder & zapped with my heat gun.....I love the effect this gives which is gorgeous IRL. The snowflakes were made using my small snowflake punch & added a gem from my stash to the centre.
Materials Used & Links......
All card - Papermill Direct
Papers - Bearly Mine
Ribbon - Crafty Ribbons
Poinsettia & Cream Rose - Crafty Emma's
Sentiments (freebies) - Bizzy Becs
Hat Pin made by myself & everything else from my stash.
Pop on over to have a peekskie at my fellow teamies, they have made awesome cards....totally gorgeous.
Also check out the prizes.......they are fab....all 6 of them!!!!
Thats it for now but thankyou for stopping by I really do appreciate it especially now as I know how busy everyone is getting.... Take care & keep warm where-ever you are.
Love to you all & huge hugs
Vicky xxx
Challenges I'm Entering..... - Silver, Blue & White (2nd card) - Sparkle & Shine (2nd card) - Black & White with a splash (1st card)

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Moody Blues CupuDOTexe Style..........

Good evening peeps I'm back again but this time I have a card.....isn't it hard to find your mojo when you are feeling somewhat I will post my bad with my good lol.
Actually I found a fab website that sells digi stamps & fell in love with them straight away so had to use one for the fab challenge over at Crafts & Me which this week is 'Moody Blues'......I am starting to love all the blues I am seeing around blogland & I certainly enjoyed doing this card....I especially loved colouring the image. Here is my card.........
This is 'Goth Mizu' & you can get her from here as well as some fabulous others. I love these manga style images!! She has been coloured with Copics & Promarkers. The papers are from Bearly Mine Designs & I just added embossing powder on little parts of the pattern & the edges & then zapped it with my heatgun.....powww. Sorry I'm thinking the drugs have gone to my head....that Calpol is some strong stuff....phew!!!!!

The bow is from my stash & the chain & charm I think were from Ebay, I've had them quite a while.

The gems are also from my stash. The shape was made using my grand nesties which were the middle sized 1s which I think makes it a 6x6....I havn't measured. The card I actually cut out this morning before my new Calibur arrived....I drew around the template & then cut out using scissors, I am sooo glad I no longer have to do that...I'm lazy lol!!

The roses are from Wild Orchid Crafts & the Cherry Blossoms are from Crafty Emma's Store. The pin I made myself using bits from my jewellery craft stash.
Well thats it from me hope you like my card. Thank you once again for all your kind messages you really do know how to cheer a gal have all put smiles on my face many times over the last couple of days...thankyou mmwah.
Well I'm off to link up then refresh my hot water bottle lol....actually Craig has just grabbed it bless him & he is doing me a cuppa to go with it, just what the doc ordered lol, he would make a really good nurse lol!!
Tatty bye peeps take care & keep warm where ever you are.
Lotsa huggles Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm Entering.....  -  J is for Jewels & Gems

Have you posted all your may be too late!!!!!

Hello there all you lovely crafters. First of all I would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for your kind messages & e-mails it really did mean so so much. Unfortunately until they find the route of the pain I have to suffer it but at least it is somewhat better than it was.....I'm just living on lots of drugs & have a hot water bottle attached to me lol. I have sooo much to do though so dont really have time to be ill.........
Anyway do you remember me saying that my darling hubby Craig had ordered me the new Spellbinder Grand Calibur??? Well guess what has arrived today............
Yep this was ordered on the 2nd December to be delivered by Parcelforce on a 48 hour express delivery!!! Whats blooming express about it???? They have hundreds of parcels waiting to be delivered, they are wayyyy behind on their deliveries & they dont think they are gonna be able to deliver all the parcels for crimbo!!! What I dont understand is why are they not telling people.....people are paying extra money for this service, a service that they can no longer keep up with!! When Craig questioned the driver here was his response...''If people are stupid enough to pay for express service then that is their problem''...isn't that nice of him! They should be telling people about this as a lot seem to think we have up til the 21st-22nd December to post parcels....truth is we dont whatever you have to post, post it now & keep your fingers crossed. There is more snow due so postal services will fall even more behind. The driver today has been given well over 100 parcels but he says he will go home with about 70 as he wont have time to deliver them all today so tomorrow he will have them 70 & whatever else the depot give him. I just wanted to put this post on to let you know, I wouldn't want you wasting money or thinking you still have a bit of time....crimbo is expensive enough without paying for services you will not receive......we have done it 5 times now & everytime being let down!!!!
To cheer you a little bit maybe, this little fella that my hubby saw wanted to say ''hello'' to you all.....

Isn't he a sweetie..........
Hope I havn't bored you too much & hope this info has been of some help to you.....
Will be back later with a card....I'm having to do it in little stages but I find it takes my mind off things & gives me some pleasure lol.....also I have so many things still to make for crimbo & birthdays lol.
See ya soonies peeps thanks for stopping by
Hugs to all
Vicky xxx

Monday 13 December 2010

An Apology To Everyone

Good morning everyone I have no card all I have is an apology. I am soooo sorry for not visiting anyones blogs I have been really poorly so poorly I ended up getting admitted to hospital & didnt get out until Saturday afternoon. I couldn't even do my DT cards which made me feel awful I hate letting people down....thankfully the 3 DT teams I am on are the best in the whole world & they have been so good & so I want to a HUGE thankyou to all my teamies...'I loves ya & you are the absolute best each & every 1 of you, mmwah'
I quickly came on the internet to apologise to my DTs on Saturday afternoon otherwise thats the only time I've been on the internet, I've just felt too ill. Hubby felt sooo sorry for me & he had brought a ton of stamps for crimbo from Funky Kits & Crafts & Me & gave them to me early....which I have not even inked up :0(
I am hoping to try some crafting today as I'm missing it soooo much I've not done any for a week altho late last night I did manage to colour a gorgeous Mo Manning image in....maybe I could get it on a card today lol.
Anyway I just wanted to say sorry for not been to your blogs I've really missed coming to see you all & once I catch up with my DT commenting I promise to come see you all.
Love you all, you all rock.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx