
Saturday 20 November 2010

CES Challenge DT card.........Challenge 13

Well good morning I'm back again.......altho both of these posts are scheduled its past midnight & I'm still up in Blogland & my daughter has been screaming for the last 4 hours.....the sheer joy I am feeling is indescribable lol!!!! I'm thinking they may have pushed her a wee bit too hard at physio at school today, I wouldn't mind but she has been off the last few days cus of her fitting but thought would let her go would think they would take things easy wouldn't you!!!!
Anyway onto my next DT card & this week over at
The fabulous Claire has chosen the theme.....
'Lovely Lace'
Now most of us girlies love lace I know I do & I'm not even a girlie girl if you know what I mean lol....with cards tho its different I suppose lol. Anyway here is my lace creation...

Isn't this the most beautiful Angel you've ever seen.....she is just soooo pretty. Again its 1 of those images that doesn't require a lot of colour, she speaks for herself I think.
This is Whimsy's new Crimbo Angel digi image which you can find here. She has been coloured with Promarkers & Prisma pencils blended with sansador. Her wings have had diamond dust stickles on them & she is stood on a layer of 'Diamond Dust' from here. The image was printed onto smooth white card from here & the papers are Websters Pages which you can also get from Crafty Emma's. The lace flowers & the gems are from my stash. The holly & the gold star are actually from Wilkinsons crimbo section, the star is a gift tag which I cut down a little bit. The lace going along the top is from Bunny Zoe's. All the paper edges have been distressed them embossed with snow effect embossing powder & blasted with my heat gun.

Excuse the bits of diamond dust I didnt blow it off until after pics were taken & I really didnt want to re-do them....  Awwww isnt she the cutest??

My fabulous talented teamies have all made stunning creations for you, go over & show them some love they would love to see you.
Get those lovely lace creations made & entered into our challenge for a chance to win this........

Fancy Pants Lace Wrap & Crochet Flowers.....very beautiful & fitting in lovely with our theme this week.
So what are you waiting for get on over there we are waiting to see your beautiful creations.
Thank you to everyone who also entered last week's 'Pink' goodness you are a very talented bunch, we loved every single 1 & picking the Top 3 gets harder each week.

Well thats my lot for now......phew I'm in need of a cuppa now I think & a bickie as well cus as my nan always said ''A drink is too wet without 1'' lol.....she was a Potteries lass lol!!!!

Thank you again for popping in & leaving your fabby comments love you all.
Huggles Vicky xxx

Sweet Stampin DT card is the post below

Challenges I'm entering......  -  Anything Christmassy/Winter  -  Fave Things (mine is Angels....I adore them)

Sweet Stampin Challenge.......Birthday Celebration!!!!!

'Celebrate good times, come on.....
There's a party goin on right here, a celebration thats goin last the week,
So bring your paper & your rubber stamps too
We gonna celebrate your cards with you....
Come on now............(sing along now).......Celebrate Good Times.....'
Thats right peeps we are having a Birthday Celebration this week over at Sweet Stampin' Challenges & we are having a Birthday blog hop so come along & join in the fun..............So grab a pot of tea this is a long post.....ppssssttt bring the choccy bikkies as well....oh & the cake mmmm
Here is what they have to say over at the challenge blog.....
'Welcome to the Sweet Stampin First Birthday Blog Hop! If you've just come from the lovely Vals Blog then you are in the right place! While you're here, please leave me a comment, enter my Candy and then hop over to Sweet Stampin for your final hop. Don't forget you need to enter this weeks Sketch Challenge at Sweet Stampin to be eligible to win any Design Team Candy! If you think you've lost your way, head back to Sweet Stampin and start from there!'

Did you get that peeps? Basically each of us girls have a wee bit of candy & in order to win the fab candy you need to leave a message on every DT hop along the way & leave a message on the Sweet Stampin blog & enter the sketch......really easy when you think about it lol.....
Here is my interpretation of the sketch....dont forget you can flip & rotate the sketch we dont mind.....

This is a new stamp I got about 2 weeks ago but our household has had its drama's this last 2 weeks so its bin hectic so to speak lol. Anyway this is from Crafts & Me she is called 'The Gift' & she is by Molly Harrison, you can find this stamp here. She has been coloured with Promarkers, Prismacolour pencils & Diamond Dust stickles & Baby Blue stickles. This is 1 of those images that doesn't need much colour she is pretty enough as it is....

The papers are from Bearly Mine Designs the 'Christmas Delight' digi set here. The snowflake I made free-hand with acetate, stickles & a button for the middle & left to dry of course. The sentiment is by WOJ but its not showing up too good, it was stamped with 'Tumbled Glass' distress ink as too were all the papers. The ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons & gems from my stash.

The netting stuff behind the image I found in my stash, its white with blobs of white stuff on to look like snow....its so pretty IRL. The blue card is from Papermill & the edges have been embossing with snowflake embossing powder. There is lots of sparkle on this card.
Right onto my little bit of candy.....I couldn't actually decide what to give away but I have had this stamp for months & its never been undone which I just think should be illegal to neglect stamps like this.....ssshhh I do so many times I should be ashamed.........

Crafter's Companion Flower Fairies stamp 'Zinnia'.....I have had this in my drawer kept new for about 4 months so I am offering it as candy to 1 lucky person who I'm sure will not neglect it like I have.....
Well thats it for those who stayed to the end WELL DONE!!! WOOO HOOOO, for those who fell asleep get some coffee lol.
Pop on over to the blog to look at what my fab teamies have made & also what candy is being offered.
Above all else don't forget the most important thing in all this.......
Have Fun!!!!! Its what crafting is about.........

Thankyou for stopping by & leaving your wonderful messages huge hugs to every1 of you
Huggles Vicky xxx
Psssst pop back in about an hour for my next DT card......

Challenges I'm entering.....  -  Crimbo with no red or green  -  Let It Snow Let It Snow

Friday 19 November 2010

Silent Night Tilda

Good evening peeps I'm gonna try do a fast post cus its late & I'm tired & hubby doesn't like it when I'm tired lol.....I get rather giggly & laugh at absolutely everything & anything & it can take ages for me to stop lmao. I'm actually more stupid than I normally am......yeah I know who would of thought it eh!!!!
Anyway onto tonights card I have been after a Magnolia stamp for the last 6 weeks but I couldn't find it in stock....that is until I popped along to Simon Says Stamp & they had it in & I thought that its silly to just order 1 stamp to come all that I got a few lol. Here is ''Silent Night'' Tilda...
Isn't just lush? The papers are Bearly Mine Designs this lot is from the Designer Extreme volume 3 cd which arrived through my letter box today...woo hoo, I've also downloaded quite a few other sets of their digi papers....they are all gorgeous, absolutely stunning!!!!!

Tilda has been coloured with Promarkers & Prisma pencils blended with Sansador.

All edges have been distressed & inked with 'Vintage Photo' Distress Ink & then had a sprinkling of gold glitter on. The ribbon & flowers are from my stash. The card that I used to make the card & card for matting are from Papermill Direct.

For the fur on Tilda's coat I glued on some Fun Flock which I've tried to capture here. The image was then cut out using my 'Beaded Oval' nestie....I love this nestie its 1 of my faves!!!

Well I'm off to link this up to a few challenges then away to peepies.
Nighty night everyone, sweet dreams & thankyou for popping in to see me, huge hugs to you all.
Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm entering.......  -  Sketch & Add Some Distressing  -  Traditional Crimbo Colours

Thursday 18 November 2010

Crafty Purple Frog DT card...........Flowers

Good moring to everyone. WOW.....I cant believe its been 2 weeks already since the last CPF Challenge, these days & weeks sure are flying by will be crimbo before you know it!! Are you ready for it yet????? No I'm not either yet although I have now got the Ipad for my 2 sons PC World delivered them yesterday woo hoo......I'm always happy once all the big expensive pressies are in.
Anyway onto this weeks challenge which is unless you have already guessed from my title...
Yep thats right flowers of absolutely any kind, as long as it has a flower on then come along & play with us at
Here is my contribution......
This is Ching-Chou Kuik's 'Merry Season' decoupage & you can get her of course from
Hubby chose this decoupage for me cus he thought it was really pretty & to be honest I needed all the help I could get lol. I've been very ill the last few days which is why I havn't been in blogland & then I was in hospital Tuesday having a procedure done which really took it out of me. I only pulled myself around last night finally to do my DT card.....altho Amy & the rest of my fab teamies told me to rest & not worry about this week lol. I did try but then my crafty hands got the better of me.....but please excuse my Mojo at the mo, the NHS have stolen it from while I was out for the count....the buggers!!!

The papers are Websters Pages which have become my all time fave papers....they are truly beautiful, these I got from Crafty Emma's Store, all the flowers are also from there, I just added Iced stickled to them to give them a bit of blingggggg.

The decoupage is stunning in RL...its so hard to catch their true beauty properly on photo. I added Iced stickled to her wings as well.......I think the only problem I truly have when using these sheets from CPF is it takes me a while to choose which 1 they are just all that stunning.
This week we have a fabulous sponsor yet again....we have the fabulous Emma with a fab prize from her fabby store.......

This yummy pack of Memory Box papers......I love MB papers!!!!
Of course we still have our other prizes...
2nd prize - 3 downloads from The Crafty Purple Frog
3rd prize - 2 downloads from The Crafty Purple Frog
4th prize - 1 download from The Crafty Purple Frog
We had a wonderful amount of entries last week, we loved looking at all your sparkly creations & we hope you will join us again this week with your flowers.
Don't forget to pop over to the challenge blog to see the other fabulous creations my ever-talented teamies have made.....they are Blooming Marvelous!!!!
Now dont forget that you DONT have to use a CPF sheet altho we do love seeing them & also a few people have asked if you can enter more than once.......well enter to your hearts content we just love seeing your creations so enter as many times as you like.....

Well thats it from me I'm hoping to get some crafting done later I really need a good crafting session lol.
I will also be catching up on my blogging so I will get round to all of you hopefully today.....I have a lot of catching up to do its amazing how much can go on when you have been ill & not around blogland for few days lol.

See ya soonies thank you for stopping by & for putting up with my rambling you really are the best.
Big HUGE huggles to you all
Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm entering....