
Saturday 13 November 2010

CES Challenge DT Card..........Challenge 12

Guess what.............its me again he hee!!
Yes I'm back again with of course another DT card.......but dont you think I did well on my previous post on keeping it quite short....well short for me howay normally I dont half gabble on lol.
Well as its still Saturday lol its also time forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Thankyou for all your wonderful entries last week they were all gorgeous & its so hard to choose the Top 3 every week.
This week we are on Challenge 12 & its the lovely Carries turn to choose the challenge.
So this week we have another nice easy 1......
Think Pink
We have a sponsor this week giving away the prize & we are sponsored by Stamp Fairy
They gave us girlies on the DT a few images to play around with, I used this 1.....
This is Ginger with Ribbon, so of course I have made my card to raise awareness for Cancer. I have of course made an easel card, these are still my faves lol.

This is just a simple poem which I typed into this frame I had (link will be at the end) I love this poem a friend brought me a ceramic type heart trinket holder when my dad passed away & inside was this poem & a white feather & I treasure it!!! The outside of the frame has been inked with 'Worn Lipstick' distress ink & also the card underneath for matting has been inked.

A close-up of the flower which I spritzed with glimmer mist & then sprinkled glitter over the top....its so hard to photo glitter I ended up putting my daylight lamp behind the card to try show it a bit better. It was taken last night in my bedroom so lighting obviously is not bright, thankfully this lamp always help save the day lol.

I even had some ribbon with the same ribbon symbol on as the image & the charm which was hard to photo says 'Hope' on it.

Materials used & links.....

Paper is Memory Box 'Gossamer', Curly Mulberry 35mm Pink Rose, Pink Rosebuds, Prima e-line flowers & Dewdrops are all available from Crafty Emma's Store
Also available from Emma's are Promarkers which were used to colour the image & also the Super Smooth card which I used to print out the digi image on.
I am actually going through testing different cards at the minute, its good to keep trying new 1s cus there are a lot that a VERY good at not bleeding. The 3 I'm mainly using at the mo is Emma's Super Smooth A4 card, LOTV Super Smooth A5 card & last but not least Neenah Classic Crest Super Smooth A4 card from Hobbyhouse. Only you can decide what is best for you these 3 are certainly the best I've found although Sir Stamp A Lot also does a good 1 as well.
Dont forget to pop over to have a look at what my fab teamies have been busy creating, they are such a talented bunch that I'm sooooo lucky to work with, pop over & give them some love.
Well thats it all you need do now is make something with pink on, anything, pink image, ribbon, flowers whatever your heart desires lol & then enter it here you could win 3 images of your choice & also be in with a chance of been picked as one of our Top 3. You have to be in it to win peeps.

Well thankyou yet again for stopping by I will get the choccy bickies out next time. Have a fabby weekend & I will be stopping by your blogs real soon.
Love to all & huge huggles.
Vicky xxx

Sweet Stampin.....Challenge 52

Well good morning all you lovely crafters.....hasn't this weather been total poop this week....!!!
I have 2 posts up for you this morn 1 scheduled after the other 1.......I like to make things hard for myself lol.
Its been a very trying week this week, hubby has had chickedn pox & then I take my youngest son Jake to the docs cus he's complaining about pains in his ribs so he is kept off school for the day & goes to see the quack.........the quack then informs us he thinks my son's heart is on the opposite side to what it normally is!!! My Jake has always liked to be different lol anyway now he is undergoing a couple of tests to find out if it is, then if it is he will need further tests to check out the rest of his organs..... Life sure does take you by surprise sometimes only in our household it does it quite a bit lol....never mind.
Onwards & upwards & today isssssssssss.........
Sweet Stampin Challenge time....
This week is Team Carries turn to host which includes moi, this week the challenge issss....
Given the time of year it is its perfect really isn't it.
We are sponsored by Tiddly Inks this week & the DT were given a few images to play with,
so here is mine........
This is called 'Yay'......yayyyyyyy for crimbo day lol, that bit I added as if you couldn't guess he hee. She has been coloured with Promarkers & the presents have been coloured with the Metalic Gold Promarker.

Close-up of 1 of the snowflakes which of course I made myself basically using Glossy Accents on some acetate, I drew a pattern free hand with the accents then sprinkled Diamond Dust all over & waited very patiently til it dried!!!

The rest of my teamies have made some very fabberlicious cards so why not pop over & show them some love, they have worked so hard.

Materials used & links....
Paper - Memory Box 'Spiceberry', Snowflake Charm, Poinsettia & Scalloped Card are all available from - Crafty Emma's Store
Red Velvet Ribbon - Crafty Ribbons
Butterfly made using Tonic punch.
Gems, doily & button from my stash.
Doily was inked with 'Vintage Photo' distress ink & all papers were distressed.

Well thats it for me for now.......'I will be back' she says in her best Arnie Baconsarnie voice.

Tatty bye for noo peeps see ya very sooooooooonnnnn.
Thank you for popping by you are all wonderful & I loves ya.
Loadsa huggles Vicky xxx

Friday 12 November 2010

My Country Bumpkin........Falmer Tilda

Howdie doodie peeps how ya all doin'? Well its been an hectic week to say the least but I'm not gonna bore you with the details cus this is gonna be my quickest post lol. I'm crying out for my bed & for my peepies so I'm just gonna get on with it.
Tonight I've been busy with DT work but the other day I coloured up my latest new Tilda that I've been after forever but no-one ever had in stock but then I found her, so I thought I would quickly put her on a card tonight.
This is Falmer Tilda apparently she is an older Magnolia stamp but she is now my absolute favourite Tilda she is just soooo darn cute.

She is coloured with Copics, soz but didnt write the colours down...oops. The trunk she is sitting on is coloured with Promarkers & it was in my image box coloured long long ago.

I followed the sketch over on Sketch Saturday which this is getting entered into.

List Of Materials Used
Papers - memory box 'Gossamer', scalloped card & all flowers are from Crafty Emma's Store
Gingham paper, friend charm & the gem thingy's are all from my stash.
Well off to link up then my ass is going to the mattress & my heed is hitting that pilla!!!
I will catch up on all commenting tomorrow & I will explain more why I've been a bad blogger this week.
Thank you soooo much for stopping by I loves ya al & I'm sooooo sorry if I've not been over but I will catch up with all ya creations.

Nighty night sweeties, god bless ya al & sweet dreams
Lotsa huggles Vicky xxx

Wednesday 10 November 2010

CANDY WINNERS COME ON DOWN........................

Good evening all well its time to see who the candy winners are......
Can I just say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who entered you have all blown me away with your kind messages I didnt expect this much response. So as a ickle wee thankyou I'm gonna have a couple of small give-aways over the next 6 stay tuned in!!!!
Anyway onto the moment you have all been waiting for, the numbers got picked by the randomy thingy gosh I certainly couldn't of done it. Now I actually feel awful cus I cant give you all something I never thought it would be this hard so can I say I'm soooo sorry for those that didnt get picked but there will be other chances in the future peeps......please forgive me.
The numbers for.........
2nd & 3rd place are........drum roll pleassssssseeeee

24 - Lizzy
162 - Carol
Ladies if you could please e-mail me so I can have your address then I can post your goodies out.
You each win the scrapbook & bag of charms.

Another drum roll pleassssssssssssseeeeeeeee

1st place issssssssssssss

143 - Debs S
Deb if you could e-mail me please so I can also have your address, your goodies are in a box ready to be shipped out.

I feel soooo guilty cus you all havn't won its awful I didn't know I would feel like this but THANK YOU again soooo much for entering & for your kind comments you have no idea how much they have all meant.
Hope you will all enter my next candies peeps you all rock & are totally awesome.

I will go now & be back shortly with a card.
I will keep this post at the top for a short while until all goodies are posted & received.

Thank you & big HUGE huggles to everyone of you
Loves ya
Vicky xxx

EDITED TO ADD: Ladies who have to e-mail could you type 'Challenge Winner' where it says subject please......Thankyou girls xx

Monday 8 November 2010

Ching-Chou Kuik's Purple lavender,lace & pearls...

Good evening peeps how ya all doin'? I did mean to photo & post this at lunch-time but its been 1 of those days where I've not had time for anything.....are there really 24 hours in a day cus I think I'm being jipped ya know!!! Anyway I have a hubby who has chicken pox according to our nice doc today....just lovely & I have children who need fed so I'm gonna TRY & keep this short.
Stokie Shell if you are reading sweetie I havn't forgot to ring you sweetie I will ring you later as long as my 14 year old son keeps off the phone to his girlfriend long enough lol.
Anyway onto my card PFP have a challenge set by my lovely boss Emma & the theme is Lavender, Lace & Pearls. The lace & pearls are easy peasy however I'm not really a lavender-lilacy-purply kinda gal.....BUT I really enjoyed doing this card & I have even used 1 of my new stamps hubby got me about a month ago.. woo-hoo. Here is my card..........
Here is 'Purple Comfort' by the super talented ching-chou kuik.....I absolutely love this artist!!!! Isn't she soooo pretty & I love the puddy-tats. She is of course coloured with Promarkers.

It is of course an easel card.......I bet you thought I forgotten about the lace & pearls....way-not-likely, they are the important parts lol. I am really pleased with how this card has turned out & I'm gonna seek out some more lilac paper as this was my only 2 sheets lol & I think I will be making more lilac creations. OH NO I've got to shop for paper.....but a gals gotta do wat she gotta do.....he he hee. I'm sure I will survive an hour or 2/3 on the net shopping lol.

I got my 'Amour' stamp which I hadn't got around to using til now, I pressed it onto Versamark Watermark stamp pad & randomly stamped onto lilac card. I sprinkled on embossing powder & applied my heat gun & voila this is the result....I LOVE it!!!

This is the remainder of the card, I also stamped it onto off white card & used black embossing powder & then cut out the tag using my Magnolia Doo Hickey die & inked the edges with 'Milled Lavender' distress ink. I had some lace in my stash tied it into a bow then attached a string of pearls which I got from my jewellery craft stash. Oh notice the stitching my darling hubby brought me a sewing machine this morning so I just HAD to use it lol. It was on a sale actually for 69.99 down from 139.99....bargain & you can buy it from here

This is to try show the sparkle.

List of materials used.......
Paper is Websters Pages ' Lullaby Lane & Life's Portrait', 30 mm Lilac Mulberry Curly Rose, 20mm Lilac Rose, Lilac Cherry Blossom & Pearl Bead Spray are all available at Crafty Emma's Store she also has the new 35mm Gardenia's in her shop now which are gorgeous!!!!!
Everything else is from my stash.

Well thats about it I hope you like my card. I also want to thank peeps for leaving me comments regarding a printer. I have decided to stick with my Epsom even though for some reason I have to run a clean on it way too often, the quality is still good & the ink is sooo cheap off the why replace it??? Thankyou every1 for the advice I really appreciate it.
Well off to link up now maybe I will be back later but no promises lol.
Thanks for stopping by & sending you all hugs for leaving the lovely comments you leave, you are all the best!!!!

Loads huggles Vicky xxx

The short bit didn't work did it??? lol I did however stop mid-way & got tea sorted so they are happy, its cake & custard for after mmmmmI luuurrrvvveee cake!!!!
 'Purple Comfort' - Crafts & Me

Challenges I'm Entering...... - Lavender, Lace & Pearls - Recipe.....2 Cherry Blossoms & 2 lilac roses

Sunday 7 November 2010

Could anyone help with a bit of advice plzzzz

Good afternoon peeps I could really do with your input. I currently have an Epsom printer I've only had this 1 about 6 months but I've always had Epsoms just because of the cheap ink cartridges. I originally brought a printer years & years ago for my business when I was a DJ & also for the kids, they use computers that much at school that a printer is a must now....its like needing a pen & ruler lol. Do you know how we joke on about when they used to have to write on a piece of stone kids in the future will soon be saying...'do you remember when people had to write on paper'!!!!!!
Anyway I'm thinking its about time I invested in a laser printer but I'm not sure what to go for so if anyone out there knows of a really good printer that doesn't cost the earth to run lol.....I need my craft money lol. If you could help me out that would be just fabberooney.
Thank you soooo much.

Hugs to all
Vicky xxx

Flapper Anya........shake ya booty!!!

Good evening fellow lovely crafters, hope you have all had a fabby explosive weekend lol...... sorry for the pun but I just couldn't resist he he hee!
Right less jibber-jabber & onto tonights card. I have decided to try & get through all of my neglected stamps, whilst searching through I have found all of my Anya stamps.....I have neglected them sooo much infact except for 1 I have not made a card with any of them!!! How darn shocking is that??
Well tonight peeps for your eyes la la laaaaaa (sorry getting carried away wit the singin) here is 'Flapper Anya'..........

I absolutely love the sepia look & I thought this Anya was the perfect stamp to create this look with & also I am sooooo in love with these papers......ssssshhhh dont tell hubby!!!
For this card I followed the sketch over at Anyone For Anya, this is the 1st time I'm entering their challenge. My 1st Anya card I ever did was actually the 1st card I made & the 1st time I had used Promarkers & stamps back in March.....I then started blogging a few weeks after....its been nearly 8 months already...gosh!!!

For the charm I cut a small oval piece of paper from the patterned paper used for matting & then glued it inside the charm & then covered it in glossy accents & put it aside to dry. I think these look fab & there are quite a few things you can do with them, once dry I just attached to a foam pad to raise it up a little on the card. For Anya's hairband I attached a cream feather & a smaller black feather.

Paper edge has been distressed with my scissors cus sometimes I can get a better effect than with the distresser they have then been glittered up with Diamond Dust stickles. All layers that Anya stands on have been inked with 'Vintage Photo' distress ink. A Flapper girl needs her sparkle so Copper stickles have been added to her dress & some on the backing.......

Flower were also edged with Vintage Photo & the middle rose has touches of Copper stickles also. The tag is a set of digi stamps I won I just printed it off, inked the edges in the same ink & attached a sparkly gem & adhered it to the card with a foam says 'To The Birthday Girl'.
I am quite pleased with the card.....I think lol. I certainly love the stamp & papers lol.

List Of Materials Used & Links.....
Promarkers for colouring, Gcd 'paris Nights' 8x8 paper, Cream Curly Mulberry Rose & scalloped card are all available at Crafty Emma's Store......she has a sale on at the moment so why not pop over you REALLY ought to look at these GCD papers.....OMG they are just lush!!!
Ribbon - Crafty Ribbons
Beige Mulberry Stem paper flowers - Wild Orchid
Tag digi image - Cutting Cafe
Magnolia Flower Doo Hickey Dies - Bunny Zoe's
Feathers, gems, stickles, distress inks, charm & Anya Flapper rubber stamp are all from my stash.

Well peeps thats it for me I'm off to link up then will go calm down my daughter cus she has a screaming tantrum on her........just what anyone needs at this time of gotta love her lol.
Nightey-night all thankyou for stopping by & leaving all of your lovely messages its funny how your messgaes can really cheer a girl up & brighten her thankyou so much, MMWAH

Loadsa huggles Vicky xxx

Challenges I Am Entering...... - Use 3 Different Shapes