
Saturday 30 October 2010

CES Challenge DT Card & Sweet Stampin' DT Card............

Well good morning everyone hope you are all feeling bright & cheery......I am actually typing this at 1 o'clock this morning & sceduling it......fingers crossed it posts when I ask it to.....I will ask it nicely.
As you can tell by the title I have 2 DT cards to show you this morning so I'm gonna get straight to it....
Firstly we have
I have combined my DT work this week so I'm posting the challenges to refer to my work, hopefully you will understand once you have read/seen it all lol.
So sit yourself down with a nice cuppa, grab a few choccy bickies & put your feet up & relaxxxxxx...
This week over at Sweet Stampin' it is Challenge 50 & this week its team Carrie's turn.
The challenge this week is a fab Sketch.......
Here is my interpretation of this weeks sketch......
This is Henry from WOJ & he has been coloured with Copics, list will be at the end of post. I love this little fella he is soooo cute & he is carrying sweet stuff mmmmm yummy!!!
Here is the sketch to follow this week...

Now you can rotate it however you want as long as we can still see the sketch. For my card I have used My Mind's Eye 'Holly Jolly' papers from Crafty Emma's Store they have been distressed & then inked with 'Bundled Sage' distress ink.

To make the corners I used my corner die cut run through the Bigshot. The mint coloured & the dark brown card are from Papermill. I also put a Dew Drop on each corner which are also from Emma's as is the Curly Brown mulberry flower (I love these things) & also the pearl hat pin which I coloured in with a Copic to make it green. The heart is from my new MS punch which I got from here I then inked the edges with 'Vintage Photo' distress ink. There is also some gorgeous pretty lace under there which I got from Bunny Zoe's

The sentiment is actually from a set I won on Charisma's challenge blog & won a few sets from The Cutting Cafe which has a lot of fab sets & so it was sooo hard for me to choose. I printed it out onto card & then inked the edges with 'Bundled Sage' distress ink & stuck a Dew Drop on. Henry has diamond stickles to all his white fur on his hat. The flower has been sprayed with Glimmer Mist & then had a sprinkling of magical dust. The flower at the bottom corner I made using my Magnolia Doo Hickey die which works a whole lot better in the Bigshot, it got inked with the same inks used throughout the card & then a button from my stash added.
Get yourself over to Sweet Stampin' Challenges & check out my fabulous teamies creations, they are stunning!!!!

Onto my next DT creation. This 1 is for none other than
This week it is the lovely Sandie's turn & the theme this week is.....
Chocolate Caramel
Now again I kind of screwed up a little & forgot about the caramel by the time I had remembered I had already made the card.....I was going for Mint Chocolate.....I am such a numpty!!!!
Anyway here is the other part of the set...........

Here is my choccy creation. I have used all the same materials as I have with my card & tried my best to keep to the same layout as well. This was actually made with a mint aero in my mind, hence the colours but all that was in the fridge at the time was my son's Caramel bar......see I got Caramel into it somehow lol.

It is a the big bar of Caramel. My hubby did actually pop to the shop after & get me a big bar of mint Aero but unfortunately the Aero bars are bigger & so wouldn't fit in..................oh darn it!!! You can guess what happened next...........yes thats right it melted away.......mmmmm lol!!

Here is Henry up close & personal. Behind him you will see I've stamped a Magnolia Christams text stamp as a background, I also did it to the card & it was stamped in the same bundled sage.

Here they are as a set. Copics used are........
BG34,G00,G000.R46,R11,E95,E33,YR20,E37,E33 & E53.
The prize to win over at CES this week is......

Pop yourself over to CES Challenges & check out the fabulous creation the girlies have made, they are very yummy!!!!
Well I'm sorry for the long post & the trillions of piccies lol....just a slight exageration there lol. I hope you will join us at both challenges we would so much love to see you there.
Take care & thankyou once again for stopping by. Big hugs to everyone that does, you are all fabulous.

Bye-D-Bye for now
Lotsa huggles Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm Entering..... - Sweet Treats With A Twist



Wednesday 27 October 2010

Cuttlebug Folder sample-thingy-ma-jig!!!!

Good evening all hope you are all well. I had a day planned in my hobbit today tidying & sorting.....well gues how much I've a darn thing!!! My angel of a daughter had me up all night so I never got to bed AT ALL, no sleepies for me altho I did sneak 2 hours this afternoon lol. So today I didnt have the energy to tackle storage issues & come up with new nifty ideas. Altho I have come up with 1 for my ribbons which are starting to overflow the drawers & I've just put a new order in for 50 more, not 50 rolls might I add lmao just lengths of 2-5 metres but I will show you that once the items come to do the project. Anyway last night I told you about something I had done concerning my Cuttlebug folders, or should I say embossing folders. This idea came to me a few weeks ago when I had my monthly subscription of Papercrafts magazine through the door & as always it had a free gift, here it is.......
Sorry for the dull piccies I've took these photo's on the kitchen bench & couldn't be bothered to get the daylight lamp sorry!! This is what I got free they are crimbo templates....which I've still never used!! Anyway when I started making cards in March this year my hubby brought me a Cuttlebug & then started getting embossing folder & other paraphanalia altho except for my nesties I've not brought any for about 2 months. I always forget about my cuttlebug which has now been replaced with the Bigshot which I think is SOOOO much better, it rocks!! I always forget to maybe add a bit embossing here & there. So when I received this with the mag I thought....'ooooh I could make 1 of this for my embossing folders & hang it on the wall right next to my workstation so I start to emboss more without having to search through my drawer & look through all the folders 1st.

I thought if I had all my embossing folders in eye view of me everyday I may use it more & also deciding which 1 to use could be easier. So yesterday I got to work, I have still got about a dozen more to do but they can wait til tomorrow!! I cut tag shapes out of a template I have on my laptop & cut them out in red card & punched holes in the tope of every 1 to then slide onto this opening metal ring....I've got loads of these & had them for ages, I cant even remember why I brought them lol. I then embossed each & every 1 & so that I could see the pattern easier & clearly I then just inked over the pattern with a black ink pad.

I then attached a sticker to the reverse to tell me what each folder is called. I keep all of my folders in a drawer like a filing system & once I have finished this folder-hangy-thing (dont know what call it lol) I will then attach a number to every 1 that will correspond to each embossing folder in the drawer that will also have the same number attached. Because I have kept all of mine in the packaging I can just put the number on the actual packaging & not the folder.....altho to be honest if I hadnt come up with this idea soon I think it wouldn't be long before the packaging went on a trip to MarBIN lol its only cus I've not had them long lol.

I have a plain tag on the front so that I can decorate it if I want to you know to make it look pretty hanging on my craftroom wall lol. As you can see some of mine are not perfect but cus I was actually in the middle of other jobs I was trying to rush & its only me who sees it so who cares lol. I do actually think this is a canny idea but I'm sure that some of you more experienced crafters have already other ways of storing your crafting things....I'm just on my learning curve of storage solutions lol
Well thats it from me I just wanted to pop on to show you this like I said I would, I actually nearly forgot to be honest I'm thinking my heed wants its pillow soon.....well after another cuppa that is lol.
Hope this as at least been helpful to a few of you, if it has let me know it really would make my day lol.
Thankyou for stopping by, night night all, sweet dreams & take care.
Lotsa huggies to all that stop by
Vicky xxx

Tuesday 26 October 2010


Good evening peeps hope you all wrapped up & toasty warm cus its blooming freezing oot there tonight brrrrr.
For the last 2-3 weeks cus I've not been too good with my health (I have kidney & bowel probs I'm in hospital for yukky tests next month....yukkkk) anyway hubby doesnt like me crafting in my hobbit when I'm not well he prefers me to clog up the living room & kitchen & be close to the family....aint he sweet!! The problem with this is while I enjoy being closer to the family my mojo does tend to struggle at time cus of limited space & not having all my goodies to get too used to a good thing really lol. Anyway I have took all of my craft stuff into my hobbit today to let our home breathe a big sigh of really does take over everywhere craft stuff does!!!! When I was dumping all my stuff I have decided to have a move around & reorganise things better.......hubby says I'm like Monica off Friends cus I like everything organised & in its own place with a name on everything.......if I can put a label on it I will.....there is even 1 on me lol....its my tattoo lol. I've been on all day but tonight I've took a well deserved break to make a card. There are a couple of challenges this was particularly made for.....Create 4 Fun has a sketch & KK's challenge is 2x2. So I've gone off the sketch & apart from the image it is all 2x2.....
Meet this lubbly-jubbly-cuddly-santy isn't he just adorable!!!  Of course he is from none other than KK Downloads I love their images they are soooo easy to colour, I cant wait for the new 1s to be released I've been over & brought the crimbo 1s.....on hubby's orders of course! I have made a circle easel card because the sketch is based on a circle card & as KK is 2x2 I thought well lets make it 2 layers, top & bottom.
The 2x2 list is as follows........
2 DP'S
2 of each colour flower
2 gold pearls
2 nestie shapes in 2 different colours.

The paper is My Minds Eye 'Holly Jolly' & its available at Crafty Emma's Store the sentiment came with the papers..... All the papers have been distressed & then heat embossed with white embossing powder to give the effect of snow tipped.....if that made sense lol. The 2 large brown curly mulberry flowers are also from Emma's Store.

Santie has been coloured with Promarkers & Prismacolor pencil blended with Sansador. The deep red & cream roses are from Wild Orchid & all the flowers have had Stardust Stickles added to them. Also Santa's fur on his coat & hat has had stickles added but it was hard to capture. The nestie's are my latest new 1s from Craft Obsessions & the beige/goldy coloured card is from Papermill Direct, I have just put in another order with them cus they had knocked a tenner off their box of card, I dont actually need any but it was a sale & I cant just turn my nose up at a sale.........I mean how totally rude...they had even sent me an e-mail telling me about the sale so I HAD TO oblige!!!!
Right now I have a new release image for you.........

This is 'Ronnie Says Cheers' & is only available here. The fabulous Sally-Ann from Digi Stamp Boutique very kindly donated this image to Emma to raise money in memory of her very dear dad who was tragically killed last September at work. The image costs just 1.50 & ALL proceeds go to Yorkshire Air Ambulance our unsung hero's in the sky who do a fantastic job every single day saving the lives of thousands of people but who soley rely on charitable contributions......PLEASE pop on over to Emma's & help to keep our hero's in the sky!!! Also pop over to Emma's blog she has some fabby-scrummy candy on offer, pic is on the side with the link.
Well I think thats it from me I'm in my hobbit tomorrow reorganising all of my stamps so you may not see me for a few days lol. I have organised my embossing folders & created a little something to make choosing what I want a little easier.......I will post a piccy tomorrow.......altho knowing my luck half of you prob already use this way to do yours, I do tend to be the last 1 catch on to things lmao.
Anyway thanks for stopping by & leaving your fabalicious comments. I am having a nightmare with Mr Blogger at the min I cant seem to follow any1 & its taking soooo long to load people's blogs up, I am on doing my rounds of commenting its just the journey is taking a wee little while longer.....

Goodnight all sweet dreams & take care & do bundle up its gonna get nippy.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Forget the sketch I read it wrong that was last week's challenge....oops lol, never mind its very rare I follow a sketch I normally just decide everything last minute on my cards lol.

Challenges I'm entering..... - Christmas Card with Flowers - Winter Wonderland (whats winter without santa)

Sunday 24 October 2010

Tilda's Crimbo Tag................

Howdie Doodie ya 'al doin'? Well as you can tell I didnt get any crafting done yesterday or last night dont you just hate those days or weekends where nothing goes to plan? Well yesterday I ended up with a house full so couldn't get anything made, I did however get to read my Magnolia Ink magazine which is fab as always!! Last night was just 1 of those nights & I just sat & coloured in between getting up to my daughter every 10 seconds..........lets just say she can be a ickle bugga at night time & its not like you can tell her off...well you can but she normally just laughs atchya......mmmmm what an angel!!! lol The hubby & youngest son were out fishing & the eldest was sleeping at his girlfriend's this it was just the girls....... Anyway I did manage to get a couple of my new stamps inked & coloured & I decided to have a play with my Prismacolors as I have neglected them lately & they had started to get rather upset with me. I have also used 1 of my new stamps that I brought about 2-3 weeks ago....I'm doing well.
Meet Tilda in Winter Night from the crimbo 2010 collection. This is 1 of those stamps that I really wanted but so many places were out of stock & I also wanted the magazine. I eventually found the 1s I wanted at Craft Obsessions it was the 1st time I had seen this shop & I am sooo pleased with it I will def be ordering from these again. Not only was the delivery exceptionally fast they also sent me a free gift....The red fibre on the tag I got free, I got a long length of red & 1 in white....I just think thats such a nice thing to do especially in the economy we are in at the mo. I thought I would make a tag altho the papers I cant remember what they are called but I do know they were from Crafty Emma's Store as to were the flowers, the hat pin & the label die cuts. The cream rose I just inked up a little with 'Brushed Corduroy' distress ink & added diamond stickles around the edges.

Here is Tilda up close & personal...she has been coloured with Promarkers & Prismacolor, list of colours I will add to the end of this post. I have added diamond stickled to the fur of her coat & hat & added Crackle Accents to her lantern. The card she is on I cut out using 1 of my nesties & then stamped my new Magnolia 'Silent Night' stamp inked up with 'Brushed Corduroy' this is the stamp I have had for a couple of weeks I've got a few more still to get through & I gave hubby my crimbo list yesterday of crafting items that he can get me.......he's just gotta choose which 1s to get me lol.....its quite a list & there are still things from Magnolia I want yet....ooops. I have brought him a new touchscreen computer though & my list comes no-where near the same amount as that..........I'm trying to make myself sound better here is it working???? lol

The sentiment is from here & I just chopped it down a bit & inked the edges, everything that has been inked has been inked with the same colour distress ink.
I have tried to keep this tag quite simple & have left room for a message.
List Of Promarkers Used
Skin..... Blush, Oatmeal, Apricot, Sunkissed Pink & Baby Pink.
Coat, Hat, Gloves & Tights.... Burgundy, Crimson & Black Prismacolor pencil.
Socks & Inside of Lantern..... Putty, Honeycomb & Canary Yellow.
Hair..... Cinnamon, Tan & Satin.
Boots & Lantern..... Black Prismacolor Pencil

Well thats it for me Craig & Jake are playing on the 360 Natalie is actually quiet for a bit & the eldest has gone bed ready for work tomorrow so I'm gonna try do some more crafting.......fingers crossed anyway lol.
I have not made this for any challenge I just wanted get a start on my tags cus I plan on making them all myself this year.....but I'm gonna go see what I can enter it into...
Thankyou for popping in & thank you even more for leaving the wonderful comments that you do....they really do cheer me up & bring a smile to my face. You are like my own rays of sunshine....MMWAH.

Sending big huggies to you all
Vicky xxx

Challenges I've Found & am entering..... - Elegance (luxurious thread & glitter of course lol)

Would you believe it my darling ickle daugher is now being a bugga & crying but then when you go in she starts smiling.......aaaarrrrggghhhh......I am gonna look for the three 6's tonight I'm sure they are there you know. Actually she was born on the 6.6 & weighed 6lb 6oz, how freaky is that? I'm tellin ya them numbers are on her somewhere lol.