
Saturday 16 October 2010

Sweet Stampin Challenge......Challenge 48

Guess what............I'm back he he hee.
YAYYYYY Saturday which as well as CES it also my 1st DT card for..
WOOOO HOOOOO.....altho to be honest I do find the first DT card to be rather nerve-racking, I worry incase they realise they have made a terrible mistake in asking me to be on their fab team. All the girlies over there are sooo talented, they are brill.
Anyway onto this weeks challenge is .......
No excuse not to join in as we all luuurrrvvveee ribbons dont we girlies??
Here is my contribution.....
This is Ching-Chou Kuik's 'Soft Goth Night' who is sooo pretty. I absolutely love these stamps & dont use no where near as much as I should.......bad bad girly I am!!! I have had this stamp for ages I got it from none other than Crafts & Me I love the stamps this artist does they are different to the cute ones we all use, I just think they are 1 of the best stamps there is......I went on to buy some more the other day & they arrived 2 days ago but sadly I've still not had time to play yet......:0( Hopefully I will get the chance today.

Here is a closer piccy of her, she has been coloured with Promarkers but the end of her tail that has been coloured with Sakura pen to give it a nice glittery sheen........isn't it lush!!!

Now for the details are all the thingy-ma-bib-bobs. Right the ribbon is from Bunny Zoe's The large light blue mulberry flower is from Crafty Emma's, the small dark blues 1s are from Wild Orchid & the rest of the flowers are from my stash, also the gems are as well. The swirls were cut out using the cuttlebug & the frame around the image I made with 2 different sized nesties. I sprayed some paper a few weeks ago with different sprays I was just playing you as you do lol. When it was dry I put it to 1 side & thought mmm maybes I will use it 1 day..........well guess what, you'll never EVER guess.........I DID use it here lmao. I think it goes pretty well. The doily again from my stash & I inked it up a little with 'Tumbled Glass' distress ink I also inked up all the paper with it to which is K&Co.
I think thats it from me but go over to Sweet Stampin Challenge Blog to check out my teamies creations I tell ya you are in for a wowing......they are fan-dabby-doozy.
Well I'm away to find some challenges & then I'm off to look after hubby. I've put him to bed to sleep off the sleepy stuff lol. Will hopefully get some crafting in. Until then catch ya soonies thankyou once again for stopping by you are all wonderful & if I could give each of you a hug I would but here are some HUGE <> cyber hugs for you all.
Vicky xxx - Stamped Project (anything goes)

CES CHALLENGE.............Challenge 8

Well good morning you lovely crafters its Saturday so we all know what that means......
Its challenge 8 already I cannot believe how quickly these weeks are flying by. I did however get my daughters main pressie yesterday I got her the Ipod Touch 32gig, she absolutely loves music more than anything so hopefully she will be really pleased with it......yayyy for me I actually have a present in woo hoo.
Anyway onto this weeks challenge, this week the lovely Jane has set the challenge & she has chosen....
Male Card
Thats right get making those male cards for all the men in our lives whether its your son,hubby, nephew, grandad.....etc etc.
I normally hate doing male cards but this week a lot of the DT have used the digi images that Pollycraft & Digital Delights designed to raise money for Yorkshire Air Ambulance in memory of Crafty Emma's dad who was tragically killed at work in September 2009. Yorkshire Air Ambulance rely solely on contributions, they are a charity who go above & beyond to help the lives of every day folk like you & me. They do an absolutely fantastic job they are our unsung hero's in the sky. PLEASE pop on over to check out these Digi Images all money from the sales goes to Air Ambulance, you can also buy them here.
Here are Relaxing Ronnie & Ronnie Reading......
They are just the cutest fella arn't they?? We didn't have to do 2 cards but I love these images & couldn't decide which 1 to do so I thought I would do them both to show how versatile they are....
Relaxing Ronnie....

Finally I have done some paper piecing, I've kept meaning to have a go at this for sooo long but always forgot lol. For this card I have followed the sketch over at Friday Sketchers & also the theme over at Cards For Men is 'Happy Birthday' so I've combined the 2 on this card. All the papers are from Crafty Emma's & they have all had their edges inked with 'Walnut Stain' distress ink. They have been layered up with card also inked with the same ink to match. The buttons are from my stash & the twine is also from Emma's.

This is with the tag pulled out. The smaller tag is printed off the computer & I coloured it with a Cinnamon & Tan Promarkers & inked the edges with Walnut Stain & put a small hole at the end & threaded some twine through & then it just slides back in. The nestie is actually my new Spellbinder which I got this week from Magnolia Crafts which I was pleased to find on the net this week as so many shops were sold out on the Magnolia Doo Hickey tag which is what I really wanted but thought it was bit rude just ordering 1 thing he he hee.

It was all layered up with 3D foam pads.
Ronnie Reading......

Here is another cute 1 this 1 I have done as a Get Well Card because he is sitting in his dressing gown I think he could be for birthdays, get well, thank many posibilities & I love images like that lol. For this layout I followed the sketch over at Craft Your Passion. I have coloured the chair this time on this image, both images have been coloured with Promarkers & Copics. The papers again are from Emma's, as to is the Twine & the Dew Drops. The button is from my stash as is the gems. The sentiment I made on the computer. All papers have had their edges inked with 'Tumbled Glass' distress ink.

I printed out the image twice so I could cut around Ronnie & layer him up onto the 1st image to give the 3D appearence....what do ya think?

I put some glossy accents onto Ronnie's glasses which I've just managed to capture in the photo.
Go over to CES Challenges & check out what my  fabulously talented teamies have made, they are all gorgeous.
So come on over & enter this weeks challenge there is a chance you could also win this....

A selection of Flowers, Leaves, Buttons & they say you ave to be in it to win it.
Hope you can join us this week we would love to see what you create.
Well thats it from me I hope this has published as it was scheduled I have to take hubby to dental surgery for minor op to get his tooth removed, apparently the tooth is as stubborn as he is lmao. Will be back soon tho with another DT card so until then TTFN.
Soz for the long post peeps, lots of piccies lol.

Bye-D-Bye & thank you sooo much for stopping by
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Challenges for Relaxing Ronnie...

Challenges for Ronnie Reading.....

Thursday 14 October 2010

My Quickie Hanglar card

Hellooooo again check me out 2 posts in 1 night......I think they may of put something in the water up here lol....
This is gonna be a quick post as I have a bath running as I type lol. I have made a really quick hanglar & stanglar card, I have brought quite a few stamps lately but was still yet to ink them up & make a card so I've slapped my wrist & made a is 1 of them....
This really is a quick card, probably my fastest ever lol. The image of course is from 1 of my new sets that I managed to catch on Ebay, I absolutely love hanglar & stanglar my addiction is getting huge!!! The leaves underneath his feet are also from the stamp set I coloured them with 2 greens & an orange promarkers & then smothered them in crackle accents. The leaves I did last night as an experiment. The nestie is a new 1 that arrived this morning, of course I had to try it out. The edges were inked with Vintage Photo distress ink.
I'm gonna show a photo of what my card looked like before I switched on my daylight lamp....

Bit of difference isnt there lol?  The ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons & the papers are from Crafty Emma's. The sticker in the top corner I found in my stash & not sure where it was originally from. All papers were inked with Vintage Photo & then distressed.

The flower is made by moi but I cant remember what I sprayed it with as I made it about a month ago I found it tonight in my stash lol. The leaves are from my local craft shop they were on a sale for 50p for a packet so I grabbed what was left which was about 5 packets I think lol.

Well I'm off to link it up on the hanglar challenge blog. There theme is 'Seasons'.....this is Autumn. I'm not quite sure if I like it or not I will see how I feel in the morn but it was just a quick card as their challenge ends in 1 day I think & I knew I would forget. Well nighty-nights peeps sleep tight & thank you once again for stopping by huge hugs to you all will be hopping around very shortly & I'm sorry for the wrong info on the previous blog, I really should do my homework lol.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

My 1st Shaker Card

Hello peeps a quickie post from me I've been busy making DT cards today & last night but though today I would take a little break & make a quickie card.
I've done a Shaker Card, I've not made 1 before but I have been seeing them around Blogland & love the look of them so thought why not try it...........I like to try different things.
So here it is......
Its a Mo Manning image which you can get here I cant remember the name of it I brought it ages ago but then my hard-drive broke so I lost all of my images fortunately for me I have a few images printed out here & there so coloured this 1 in......will have to go over & buy it again tho but I do not have the name of the image. She is sooo cute tho isn't she?

She is coloured with Promarkers & all the white on her coat, boots & earmuffs is covered with Diamond Stickles. The plastic-ky-thingy (not sure of the name lol) I brought a couple of months ago from my local craft shop here. The doily in the background I coloured green with a Promarker. Inside the plastic I put a mixture of Diamond Dust & glitter from my stash which I cant remember the name of & it got transferred to a tub & I threw away the packaging....ooops!!

All the flowers have a sprinkling of Diamond Dust on. The large white is a Large Curly Mulberry flower from Emma's & the large green & 2 small green & cream 1s are from Wild Orchid, others are from my stash.
This is shaken to show the effect which is supposed to look like snow, sparkly snow lol & because of the diamond dust it gives a nice sound when shaken.
Papers are K&Co
Large white flower - Crafty Emma's
Green flowers - Wild Orchid
Diamond Dust - Hobby House
Sentiment - Sentiments 4 You

I'm entering this card into Mo's Challenge Blog which is a sketch, its the 1st time I've entered there so I hope its ok, I might have a quick peeksie see what other challenges it may fit then get more crafting done....of course lol. Will be back later to catch up on some blogging.
Hope you like my shaker card would love to know what you think whether its good or bad I appreciate every 1 of your comments.
Thank you for stopping by I will pop kettle on next time & hand out the bickies lol.
Bye-D-Bye for now
Hugs Vicky xxx

EDITED TO ADD.... A fabulous follower has kindly pointed out that this image is NOT from Mo's but is indeed from Karen's Doodles so I've been over to find the image & update my blog. It is called 'First Taste Of Snow' & thankyou soooo much Elaine I like to give credit where credit is due. Sorry every1 its no wonder I couldn't find it on Mo's lmao. xx

Monday 11 October 2010

Life Is A Journey When You Dance With Tilda...............

Good morning everyone hope you are all fine & dandy this fine Monday Yeah right I hate Mondays, Monday should be part of the weekend I blinking fab would that be!!!
Anyway onto my ickle card. An idea popped into my head last night for making a card, I was actually in the middle of another project & ended up dumping it to finish another day & making this 1.....well I may of forgotten to know how it is dont you?? lol. I have diagrams & notes written all over the place with idea's etc & still never get around to doing them.....I will 1 day tho you will see lol.
Right I'm just gonna push on cus their are a few piccies to share for this 1. Over at PFP this week their theme is is my attempt at reclycling.....
I have also followed an old sketch from Papertake Weekly, its Sketch 40
This is Ballerina Tilda....I think she is soooo pretty. She is of course coloured with Promarkers & I went for the sepia look which is a first for me but I quite enjoyed it. All you need are 5 Promarkers/Copics depending what you use......the promarkers I used are; Almond, Putty, Tan, Cinnamon, Henna & its sooo quick to do. I have a few bits of recyling on this.....1 of them is on the bottom I will show you what it looked like before it fell into my hands....

Yes its a cd I brought these a few years ago to put some music on, they actually look like mini records but its hard to capture on photo......this 1 however has got scratched over the years & usually I will coasters out of them for the kids bedroom or something, they choose the design. Well i thought I could add it to my card lol. I also recycled some lace & some tulle from some old clothing 1 being a very pretty party skirt of my daughter's that was not too small, I have put the rest of it in my stash lol.

Here she is with her black lace & her white Tulle but I coloured it a little with a bit of distress ink, she also has 'Platinum' & 'Antique Linen' Rangers Stickles on her crown. The ribbon is from my stash & the pearl buttons are from The Hobbyhouse. The papers are a mix of DCWV 'La Creme Stack' & GCD 'Paris Nights' both are really beautiful & are available from Crafty Emma's Store The 1 with the eiffel tower on is the 'Paris Nights' one. As I was using french style paper I decided to make a French Sentiment. So I created my tiles by printing out the letters in a biggish size then rubber over them with 'Brushed Cordroy' distress ink & then smothered with 'Crackled Accents' & left overnight to dry, hence why its this morning before I could post it on here lol. It says 'Dance' in french & I think they have turned out quite well & I really like them. Gems & pearls are from my stash.

A better look at the tiles...well a bit better lol.

This is the bottom of my easel card with the CD. Both of these papers are the 'paris nights' one. The large curly mulberry flowers are from Emma's, the cream one I added a bit of 'Brushed Cordroy' to it. The tag is one I printed off & the sentiment which I absolutely love is actually a digi from here. I inked the edge with the same distress ink that has been used throughout the card & smothered it in Crackle Accents.

This also I am really pleased with. The tag I inked with 'Brushed Cordroy' distress ink & all papers & card were inked with this & the papers were also distressed.
Well thats about it I think. I hope you have all had a nice enjoyable weekend. I will hopefully be back tonight with something else, hopefully lol. I'm off to get some cleaning done I've still got Natalie off school with a bad cough bless her so hopefully I will manage to get everything done.
Thank you for stopping by & for leaving your wonderful comments it really does mean a lot to me. See ya soonies.
Hugs To All Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm Entering - Favourite Challenge From Last 3 Years - Something For A Teenager (all teenagers like to dance)