
Saturday 9 October 2010

CES CHALLENGES.....................Challenge 7

Good morning everyone, we have a very miserable start to the day up here in the North. It is grey, ugly, damp & we have mist off the sea, the weather is just down-right poop!!! Hope its better where-ever you are.
Right its Saturday once again so you know what that means don't you.....
yayyyyyy.....altho it also means another week closer to crimbo arrrgggghhhhhhh.
This week over at CES the lovely talented Kaylou has chosen the theme, which this week is...
Thats right as long as it has a tag on or is a tag, basically as long as we can see a tag then please enter it lol. Just think of all those crimbo pressies that you will be doing or more birthdays that are maybe coming up.
Mine this week I have done for my daughter, we are getting her an Ipod Touch for crimbo cus we are getting her 1 of those TV's with an Ipod dock in as well. It is soooo hard to buy for Natalie the only thing she can play with is rattles but she does love watching TV & like her mummy she loves music, but Natalie loves absolutely any kind....& I mean ANY.
Now this week we are honoured to have the fabby Pollycraft sponsoring us so the winner will receive 5 digi images of their fab is that.....
Pollycraft were kind enough to let the DT have a play with an image.

This is Lilybean Snowfairies 'Clover Snowclouds' I love these images sooo much that yesterday afternoon I ended up going over & buying the set lol. I also brought some sentiments from them as well...
I will put a list of items used & their links at the bottom of the post to make things easier....

This is Roundabouts Christmas Sentiments & I printed it out twice so I could cut out 'Christmas Wishes' to layer it up a bit, 3D it lol. I made it into a card type thing......

I stamped a Cats Life Press stamp onto card, this is ' A Day To Remember Calender' which I think is just fab because it can be used all year round. When I cut it out I cut a little tab out on the side so I could attach it to the pollycraft sentiment.....what do you think.....

These are my handmade snowflakes.
Right onto the ingredients......
Papers are My Minds Eye-'Holly Jolly' 12x12 which are available at Crafty Emma's Store. The image was coloured with Promarkers which you can also get from Emma's, also the gorgeous Poinsettia's.
The snowflakes were punched out with a Woodware punch & then covered with Diamond Dust from the Hobbyhouse & I then popped a Prima gem on top from my stash.
I popped my papers into my sewing machine which my fabby hubby fixed for me. All the papers were edged with 'Brushed Cordroy' distress ink. The ribbon & buckle are from my stash & parts os the image I added some stickles to various bits. Its sooo hard to capture the sparkle on camera, well for a novice like me it is & I use the super macro setting all the time, I will be doing something wrong no doubt lol.
Well I think thats it from me pop yourself over to CES Challenges to check out the wonderful DT's creations, they are stunning!!!!
Well hopefully I will see you later with something else providing my Mojo agrees with me, its kinda gone a bit AWOL this week so I have been struggling.....but I will fight it all the way lol.
Thank you sooo much for your fab fab FAB comments, you are all wonderful & big hugs to each & every 1 of you.
Bye-D-Bye for now
Hugs Vicky xxx

Also just to update you know I'm a bit thick yeah, I'm actually a blonde in disguise thats what it is, I was given brunette hair to fool you all lol. Anyway I got my GDT a bit wrong I am actually on the DT over at Sweet Stampin Challenge blog how awesome is that I am sooo pleased & extremely honoured to work with a group of very talented ladies. Head on over there their new Challenge started today which is 'Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friends' & we all love our bling dont we girls, the prize is fab for the winner, so head on over.
I'm really going now so TTFN peeps xxx

Challenges I'm Entering....


Thursday 7 October 2010

My Fantastic News

Hi peeps just a quickie post at the mo will be back later with a few things.
This is to tell you my exciting news.....I was absolutely jumping about & woo-hooing last night when I got an e-mail asking me to join........................

YAYYYYYYY I am sooo excited to join the DT over there they are a very talented bunch of ladies....
DT Team.....(in no particular order)
I tell ya I was sooo excited my eldest son (who is an apprentice plumber) started hitting me playfully with a rubber glove so I took the gloves off him & put them on my feet & put my toes into the fingers, obviously they were flappy cus they were too long lol.....I then started waddling around doing a penguin impression lmao...... I thought my kids were gonna wet themselves laughing lol. I'm what my kids call a mad mum, their friends call me mad cool mum lol. Well life is too short to be boring isn't it.
Now the 1st challenge over at CPFC does not start until 21st October but until then there is still time to enter for their candy........mmmmm candyyyyyyyy (I'm drooling now like Homer lol).....3 winners will get picked to win candy, how fab is that!!!
Pop on over to the challenge blog & give the team some love & check out their individual blogs, I'm sure you will agree that they are awesome, each 1 of them!!!
Now I also got an e-mail last night asking me to be Guest how shocked was I when they approached me.....both of these people last night 1 being Amy have no idea how honoured I am feeling, its awesome it really is. Anyway I'm not sure if I can say who I will be GD for yet so I will keep my mush shut.....makes a change doesn't it lol. Anyway I am going to celebrate. I had started collecting bits & bobs over the last month I was building it up ready for when I hit 100 followers or my 1st Anniversary, which ever came 1st. Well because of all my DT news I'm going to give what I have now in a Candy Giveaway for my lovely followers to enter. Check back later on when I have sorted some piccies out & put your name in the linky...........providing I can figure out how it works!!!!
Anyway thank each & every 1 of you that truly make my day every day with your comments & words of encouragement because all of what I do is down to you, my followers, my from the bottom of my heart I say THANK YOU

Bye-D-Bye for now see ya laters with my candy....mmmmm sweeties!!!

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Wednesday 6 October 2010

New hAnglar stAnglar

Hi peeps just a quickie post to let you know about new hAnglar stamps on Ebay
Arnt these just gorgeous, here is the link here 
I have a serious problem......I'm am starting to have a huge addiction to these little guys & if they keep putting these on Ebay I will end up skint lol, yes I ended up buying these as well but I've told myself NO MORE hAnglar!!!! Dont know how I will manage that 1 but I can try
I got chosen in the Top 3 over at I Love Promarkers for my 'Old Fashion Girl' candle box cardy thingy I have no idea what you call them lol but THANK YOU SOOOO much girls it really means a lot to me.
Thats it I'm off to have a play with my new Copics & my new hAnglar which Mr Postie delivered to me this morn woo-hoo, hopefully will be back later with a card.......Hopefully I say lol.

Hugs to all & thank you sooo much for all your lovely comments they really do make my day, better than any pick-me-up pill I tell ya lol.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

A Card For Crafty Purple Challenge Blog

Hi there peeps I'm in a major rush today with this post. My computer went down last night & I only have til midday get this entered. Its for a DT position on the new Crafty Purple Frog Challenge blog. They sell decoupage sheets of work of ching chou kuik, which I absolutely love. I already have a few stamps by that artist but now I have also brought a sheets of decoupage from Crafty Purple's amazing shop.....believe me I was spoilt for choice. I brought 3 & you dont want to know how long it took me to decide which image to use for this card but here it is lol.......
Now I'm really sorry about the crappy pics its been 1 of those mornings. I have done an easel card which is hard enough to photo the best of times never mind when you are in a rush.

This is to show the layers I will put better pics on later but I really need to link this up before I run out of time. I would soooo love to be on this DT its super & the images are fantastic the photos on the web dont show the true beauty but believe me they are stunning.

Thankyou for popping in & wish me luck I have absolutely everything crossed.


I think this is a better pic I tried not put too much on the top half cus I didn't want to distract from the beautiful Sweet Pea image itself.

This is the bottom of the easel.
Hope you all like this, I will put a list of materials used at the end of the post later.

All my hugs to you all
Vicky xxx

Monday 4 October 2010

Old Fashioned Girl

Hello all you lovely crafters I didn't get round to finishes my creation last night as my daughter decided to load my washer again & spent all night lovely bless her!!
Anyway I've managed to finish it this afternoon so thought I would pop it on.
Over at PFP this week the lovely Sue C has chosen the theme of 'Vintage/Shabby Chic' & over at I Love Promarkers they have the theme of 'Pearls & Swirls'.
Here is my creation of both combined........

This is another digi image from Secret Crafter this is 'Old Fashioned Girl' which I thought went well with the Vintage theme.

Here she is close-up & she is coloured with Promarkers.
I am trying to keep this post short as there is a few pics.
Here is the inside.....

I love these candle boxes, in this I put Vanilla 1s in so it smells beautiful lol. I made this for my step-mum for her birthday as a little treat, we are paying for her to have her hair done she is wanting it permed again so then when she first has it done my lads say she looks like a Poodle lol....arnt they lovely lol. The patterned flowery paper on this is from my stash, I originally brought it over 2 years ago some1 on Ebay was selling about 30 sheets of A4 sheets & at the time we were putting together a Victorian Dolls House for Natalie so I thought this would make lovely vintage wallpaper......I never used it tho as I saw some nicer stuff a few weeks later in a shop lol. Its come in handy eventually tho lol......actually I had forgot I even had it!!

YAYYYY....sorry peeps I got excited this pic has took me nearly 25 minutes to upload.....bloggie is doin my heed in the darn thing!!! The brass corners & all the pearls are from my stash. The ribbon is from Bunny Zoe's. Everything has had their edges inked with 'Vintage Photo' distress ink.

This is the pocket on the inside which also stores the tag for you to write on.
The beigi paper is Prima 'Annalee' & is from Crafty Emma's Store, she has a sale on at the mo you can get 10% off everything in her store. The sentiment is from WOJ. The button is from Hobby House.

Last piccie now just to try show some of the dimension. The flowers are from Wild Orchid except the large 30mm brown curly mulberry 1 that is from Crafty Emma's & the flowers are all topped with a bit of Diamond Stickles.
I think that is it from me peeps, I'm off to link up now.
Thankyou so so much for stopping by & leaving your wonderful comments I appreciate each & every 1. I would also like to welcome my latest new followers big hugs & big thank you's to you for following me.

Bye-D-Bye for now 
Hugs to all
Vicky xxx  -  Vintage/Shabby Chic  -  Blooming Marvelous