
Saturday 4 September 2010

CES CHALLENGES.........Challenge 2

Good Morning every1.....Well its Saturday again peeps...these weeks now really are flying by I'm actually going to buy my 1st crimbo pressie next week, my youngest wants an Ipad & I like to get the expensive ones out the way first lol......BAH HUMBUG!!!lol.
Anyway onto this weeks new challenge over at Crafty Emma's Challenges. Last week we saw an amazing amount of entries.....we were astounded by it & we would like to thank every1 for entering their gorgeous creations.....we hope you will all join us again with this weeks challenge which is......
'Floral Frenzy'
Thats right we want to see flowers, flowery paper. flower embellishments anything thats flowery........we all love our flowers so we know a lot of you will like this challenge. Get yourself over to the challenge blog to get some inspiration, Emma & the rest of the DT girls have done FABULOUS creations that will certainly inspire you.
Without further ado I will show you mine.........
This is my Kinetic card, I've never made 1 of these before I had seen a few about but thought they looked a tad too complicated for me......but then I thought what the eck I will have a go!!! I'm glad I did actually because it unsurprisingly easy, the only time consuming part was put all the layers on lol.
The papers are Websters Pages from Crafty Emma's Store & they are called 'Lullaby Lane & Life's Portrait' I tell ya these papers are truly gorgeous, I sort of didn't want to use them cus of how pretty they are & they are all double sided so you end uo being spoilt for choice.

This is 'Farewell Tilda' another of my new Magnolia's that has took a month to be inked up....oops!! I really need to stop buying stamps but I NEED them!! Tilda is coloured with Promarkers which are also available in Emma's Store. The flowers I have actually made myself which I am quite proud of, I will be making more of these. I made them by printing out a flower shape in 3 diff sizes & coloured with pink Promarkers before being put together.

This is the sentiment in the middle which is from a stamp I brought some time ago & actually forgot I had. I placed gems down the side & along the top....gems were just from my stash.

This is 'Longing Tilda' which I've had for a few months & only used her the once & thought it was the perfect stamp to have on the other side with 'Church Window', both are Magnolia. The flower is a smaller version of the 1 I made on the other side. The Rose charm is from Emma's Shop & thought it was perfect to add to the flower, its really pretty. All the gems are from my stash & the Dew Drops again are from Emma's shop.
Well I think thats about it so why not pop over to CES Challenges & enter this fabulous challenge for a chance to win ...........
A Basic Grey card kit
There is also a Top 3 that gets picked as well.

Hope you like my card I would love to hear what you think....I dont mind whether its good or bad. Thankyou with all my heart to every1 that visits.
Big hugs to all....Bye-D-Bye for now...
Vicky xxx

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Another Award.......WOW Cooooooolllll

Hello peeps I meant to post this the other day but forgot so I'm posting it now. The other day I got another award, this 1 was off the lovely Susie, thankyou again so so SOOO much.....
Now I think I'm doing this right.....oh gosh please tell me if I'm not its all new to me lol.
Anyway apparently I need to....
1. Thanks the person for giving it to me....again thanks SO much Susie MMWAH.
2. Post the award on my doing it now
actually you should see me doing it I've got this page open & Susie's & have to keep flicking between them both to make sure I'm doing it right.........but then getting me knockers in a twist when I do it wrong......hehe hee..........
 OMG I'm laughing my ass off at the mo cus I've just read what I put & it says 'knockers' pmsl.....honestly I can barely type thru laughing that much its supposed to say 'knickers', may be a bit wet soon if I dont stop laughing........LMAO.....sorry peeps...
3. Say 3 things about myself........WOW really....oh god here goes then lol....well obviously as you know I'm very stupid & silly lol, I am like this 12 year old stuck in a 38 year old body.....age really is just a number & life is for enjoying to the max cus who truly knows when our number is up.....I've had so many things happen to me since turning 16, even losing children but I truly believe in making the most of what I daughter taught me that when I was 18, she was only meant to live for 2 weeks, she is now 18 thats how amazing life can be sometimes, she is our diamond!!!!
The 2nd thing is my family, I am utterly devoted to them, my kids & my hubby really are my life & I enjoy spending as much time as I can with them.....I feel like I'm the luckiest woman in the world not only do I have the most beautiful daughter, I also have 2 sons 1 14 & the other nearly 20 & who give me hugs EVERY single day & tell me they love me, even if their mates are here...............that is PRICELESS.
The 3rd thing you should know is that I'm not really a girly girl, the only thing I'm girly in is obviously my clothes lol, Y Fronts really dont suit me lol....crafting is the only way of me being girly....I HATE soaps, I love action films, shooting games on the xbox but my biggest CARS, OMG I would love to race cars for a living that would be a dream, I reckon I could do Clarksons job on Top Gear & would take less pay as well lol........I am a petrol head & proud of it lol. I want know whats under the bonnet before I even get inside the car loI want the torque of the engine I want know what BHP it has... not whether it electric windows or heated seats or little mirrors for re-doing my make-up in.....I want the machine varoooooom!!! lol.
Right now I have to post a fave now this was really really hard but it can only be a pic of my hero, MY DAD, he really was my best friend & we didnt go a day without seeing each other as well as talking on the phone & texting, he was amazing & if I grow up to be half the person he was....well then I will find myself privliged & very proud.

This was the last ever pic of my dad he died of cancer 10 days later, we found out he had cancer 3 months before & it was like he aged 30 years overnight. This is a pic taken the year before.....

He was always very tanned....he thought he was gorgeous actually, he blinking said it often enough lol. Here he is singing with me on karaoke......I'm Celine Dion lol...........yeah like you believe that, actually I used to be a DJ but still couldn't sing like Celine..........its good pretending though lmao.
Well now I have to pass this onto 5 others....this is the part I REALLY dont like so I'm gonna pick 5 that I didn't pick in my last award.........(or how about ALL of you take it cus I love you all ssshhh dont tell)
1. Coops....
2. Meesh
4. Andie....
5. Crafty Emma....
Now I know I had Emma in my last award but she truly is an inspiration to me, not just crafting wise but also the things she does in her dad's memory amongst other things......Emma hunni you really do inspire me.
Well thats it peeps.........its took me longer to pick just 5 people to pick than to write this whole post, I need a cuppa now........ to every1 who is not in this list grab the award anyway cus I really truly would pick you all, as you are all an inspiration in some way & you ALL deserve an award!!!
Sorry for the long post I hope you got yourself a drink before sitting to read this lol.

Hugs to all
Vicky xxx
See ya soonies lovely crafty people lol.

Meet Japanese Tilda

Good morning peeps well I amazed myself last night & did actually make another card but as it was late I didn't post it.....I've finally got time now to post it lol!!!
I lost track of time completely last night, hubby came out to me at 12.45 & asked if I realised what time it was.........oops!!!
I got the new Magnolia collection from Bunny Zoe's just before hubby did my extension......I will put piccy's of my new craft-room on soon.....its very messy at the mo lol.
Cool as I'm writing this post Mr Postie has just delivered my Hanglar stamps that I put a post on here quick was that all the way from Sweden as well!!!
Anyway here is my card.....
I actually coloured this tilda the same time as I did Indian Tilda but only finally put her on a card now, she is coloured with Promarkers except her hair which was coloured with prisma.
The papers are Wild Rose Studio, called 'In Love With Japan' & I got these from Crafty Emma's Store these papers are soooo pretty, the colours are lovely & delicate.
The butterfly I got off Ebay & the flowers except the buds were from Wild Orchid. The buttons are from The Hobbyhouse. Ribbon & flower buds are from my stash. All edges were inked up with Tattered Rose & Tumbled Glass distress inks & then they were distressed. The sister sentiment & tag were cut out using my cuttlebug & then covered in glitter.
I followed the sketch on Just Magnolia

Here is a close-up of Japanese Tilda.....

I hope you like my card, I certainly think Japanese Tilda is sooo pretty.....this is the first oriental card I've done. Well I'm away to do my DT card now ready for Saturday, hopefully will get another card made to put on never know lol.
Thankyou for visiting & looking at my creations I really hope I may of inspired you in some little way. Take care every1.
Bye -D-Bye for now
Hugs to all
Vicky xxx - Just The One (1 ribbon)

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Whiff Of Joy is missing you

Good evening lovely crafters I feel as though I havn't posted for ages when in fact it was just Sunday!!! I'm lost in time I think lol.......oooh it would be being lost in the Seychelles................right I will wake up & stop dreaming!!!!!
The card I have made tonight is for the Whiff Of Joy Challenge the lovely Jane has done a sketch to follow. Well as I've had all my craft room extended I have found all my old stamps so I've been "ooooh I forgot I had that......eeeeee its like an aladdin's cave..........ahhhhhh arn't they pretty.......ooooohhh eeeeee aaahhhhhh....." The last bit I shall not tell you what my husband thought when he heard the noises!!!! (I think you can guess tho lmao)
Anyway I've decided to get some use out of my oldies but goodies............
here is the sketch over at WOJ.....          
I thought that a tent card again would suit this sketch quite well so thats what I did......

This is 'Willow with hot chocolate' but to me as I dont like hot choccy its black tea instead lol. These stamps I've had since March when I 1st starting stamping & colouring so its been really nice to use them again. I stamped Willow onto card 1st then masked her, I keep spare copies of stamps which have been stamped & cut out & they stay on my notice board, then if I want to mask they are there ready & they go back on the board after. It saves having to stamp twice everytime. Anyway I masked Willow & then stamped the chair over her & attached her using some of my jump rings. The papers that I used on the card are by K&Co & its K McKenna. The image was coloured with Promarkers.

The flowers are from Wild Orchid & I put some Stardust Stickles to give some sparkle, I've tried to catch it in the photo but only caught a little bit. The leaves are punched out with my Woodware punches & then they were inked with Crushed Olive & Forest Moss distress ink.

This is my sentiment, I'm hoping it will be allowed over at WOJ, so fingers crossed!!! The key & heart I made myself out of card, used a couple of jump rings from my jewellery stash & a couple of gems from my craft stash. I stamped the heart & the key with a heart shaped stamp that I got from Crafty Emma's Store with text on it, its lush, I stamped it on in Worn Lipstick & then inked the edges with the same. I then wrote missing you on it with my black Memento pen & sprayed it all with CC Spray 'n' Shine.

The gems going around the middle are from my stash & I used a nestabilitie through my cuttlebug to cut the middle out. I placed a doily on the inside which was inked with Sage & Tattered rose. The ribbons are from my stash & also from a craft magazine, a freebie lol. The top of the tent card I punched 3 holes along the top & decided to fasten it shut with ribbon knots.
I think thats its peeps I am trying to keep it short as I'm gonna try make another card.....try I say!!!!!
So bye-D-Bye for now I'm gonna go link this up & make a cuppa cus Willow here is making me thirsty lol. Hope you all had a lovely weekend see ya's soonies.
Thankyou for all your wonderful comments they mean the world to me.

Hugs to all
Vicky xxx

Monday 30 August 2010

hAnglar & stAnglar stamps for sale.....get 'em while you can peeps

Hellooooo every1 just a really quick post to say that Ebay have got a hanglar & stanglar kit on for sale, its direct from hanglar & stanglar themselves. These go really, REALLY quickly so get them while you can, here is the direct link... Ebay .The lovely Jane posted it on her blog so I was able to go right over & buy some & thought I would post a quick note to let all you lovely crafters know.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xx

Sunday 29 August 2010

Some More News & a Blog Hop

Hello everyone how are you all enjoying your weekend....a long weekend for the UK!! This is a longish post as I have quite a bit to tell you but its worth staying til the end if you will, so pull up a comfy chair, relax, have a cuppa on the ready!! 2 weeks ago tomorrow I had such a fabulous Monday, in the evening I had a fantastic e-mail off Crafty Emma offering me a DT position & in the morning of that Monday I received an e-mail from Rachael aka Cowgirl Up Designs offering me a position to be on their posse......I was not feeling good that day but by the end of the day I was running around waving my arms in the air like some lunatic who has just escpaed from some asylum lmao. I was grinning all day long....actually all week long if I'm being honest I never EVER thought I was good enough to be on any DT yet alone 2, there are such a lot of talented crafters out there I am in awe of them every single day.
Anyway I'm done with my exciting news now I will get on with my post. Finally I can shout that I'm on the Posse over Cowgirl Up & today is my first posting & whats more they have a Blog-Hop over on  Cowgirl Up Designs there is candy on offer for the blog-hop. Also Crafty Ribbons is the sponsor of the challenge this week & they are giving away these fab ribbons......
Arn't they gorgeous!! The winner of the challenge will win these AND they get to choose 3 images from Cowgirl Up Ranch & a winners badge for their blog. There will also be a Top3 & they get to choose 2 images from the ranch & they get the Top 3 winners badge to display on their blogs.

Right now onto the 'Hop' there is candy to win in the hop I will post pics as soon as I receive them. If you have hopped here from Tina's then you are on the right track if not then you need to go here & start from the beginning Cowgirl Up.
The blog-hop is to kick off the new images that are being released today, also there is a 25% sale on the flower range for this week only. So why not get yourself over to the ranch & check it out, all of the images are fab!!
To win the candy for the blog hop you have to hop along the list in order & look for a letter, once you have collected all the letters they will spell out a sentence, when you have the answer e-mail it to 
So can you see my letter??? The letter is repeated in a few places but you only need to write it down the once lol. When you hop on to each posse's blog leave a comment so we know you have been there & finish off by returning back to Cowgirl Up & leaving a comment there. Your next hop is over to the lovely Alison

Here is my 1st card for the challenge.....the Challenge this week is 'Make your own flowers'

I decided that the image would suit a tent card fabulously so here is my 1st tent card. I really enjoyed making this so you could be seeing more of these as well as my beloved easel cards lol. The papers are from Basic Grey but I cant remember the name of the pad....oops sorry!!! The ribbon is of course from Crafty Ribbons which I brought a while ago. The flowers I made by using my retro flower punch & adding a gem to the middle. The hanging bracket at the top was made using my Tim Holtz Hanging Sign & running it through my Cuttlebug. The leaves & butterfly were also made with punches & the image is from Cowgirl Up & was coloured in using Promarkers. The middle I cut out using 1 of my nestabilities through my cuttlebug, I then added gems every so often around the edge.
Did you make it too the end??? If you did then 'Well Done' you get yourself another cuppa as a reward he he hee. Well thats if for me I will be back later with another card,  see ya soonies, thank you for visiting me....I luuurrrrvvvveeee visitors!!!

Also I would like to welcome my new followers & send them thanks. I would also like to thank all of you that have left comments they really do cheer me up so thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU!! lol
Bye-D-Bye for now
Hugs to all
Vicky xxx