
Saturday 14 August 2010

READ ALL ABOUT IT...........Crafty Emma's New Challenge, Come Check It Out

Good morning there peeps & what a good morning it is. Now you may wanna turn your volume down for this cus I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops!!! I am SOOOO excited honestly how I havn't peed my pants in excitement is beyond me.....well that & my hubby says I cant get the sofa wet.......he he he only kidding folks lol!! I applied for Crafty Emma's DT call but to be honest I didn't expect to be chosen but then on Monday night I got an e-mail from Emma & you just know whats coming next.....THATS RIGHT BABY I'M ON THE DT TEAM WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOO. Would you believe I've had to keep that to myself ALL week, let me tell ya thats bin hard, VERY HARD!!
Anyway enough of my shouting & let me tell you about Emma's new challenge blog.....its going to be a weekly challenge with FAB prizes & a Top 3 & its gonna be fun. The challenge doesn't start untill the 28th August BUT get yourself over there now as there is AMAZING candy on offer, actually I would love the candy lol. Here are what you could win.......
This is 1st prize.....AMAZING this is!!!!
This is 2nd prize....which is FAB.
All you have you do is shout about it on your blog & put your name in Mr Linky.... how easy is that!!!
So trot over to here....

Well thats it I cant wait till the end of the month I'm so SOOOO excited its gonna be fun peeps so come & join us!!!!!
So get yourselves over to this fabby challenge for a chance to win some FABBY prizes.....go on what are you waiting for!!!!!
Come back soon peeps I have a challenge card to have to go to Emma's 1st though!!!

Bye-D-Bye peeps......
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxxx
can you tell I'm excited lol!!!

Friday 13 August 2010

Check out my Check Faery!!!

Well good evening all you lovely crafters hope you are all fine & dandy. I havn't made a card for a few days due to been very busy painting my new craft-room I should be in by Saturday WOOOO HOOO I cant wait honestly this is where I am crafting at the mo
This is the corner of my kitchen, I end up spreading out onto at least 1 other bench at night when I'm crafting & then when I'm finished it gets squashed back up this corner. Its actually usually more squashed up to make sure everything is clear of the hob.

On the left is my new papers & dew drops from Crafty Emma's store that I ordered, the dew drops are gorgeous let me tell ya. On the right next to my buttertub which at the mo is housing some ready made punched outs thingy-ma-jigs, you know what I mean.........don't you? Anyway in front of the tub is a couple of bag charms I'm making for a friend & she wanted Betty Boop on 1.....why wouldn't she want BB... Anyway come Sunday my benches are going to be kitchen benches, I will be able to actually get to my slow cooker, probably still wont use it mind!!!
Here is my card I've made tonight......

It feels like I havn't made an easel card for a lifetime.......slight exageration there I think!!!! I had no end image in my head for this 1, all I knew was that I was following a sketch at Cowgirl-Up Sunday Challenge & it also had to be something to do with music for PFP Challenge which the lovely Andie set. The lovely pretty image is from Cowgirl-Up Design & her name is 'Check Faery', they have sooo many lovely images I was actually spoilt for choice. Head on over to their blog to enter this week's challenge, it has a fab sketch to follow & the winner will receive a selection of cutting files from Kandrew Designs & you will also get to choose 3 fabulous images from Cowgirl-Up Design Ranch & of course you will get your Winner's badge. Also the Top 3 will also get to choose 1 image from the store & get their Top 3 badge. Also they have a DT Call on for this week, so round yourselves together & get over there fast girls.
Here is a view from the side to show the dimension of everything.
Right I will quickly tell you what has been used on my card. 1st of all I used a different card for colouring my image tonight, its actually Smooth White Card from Crafty Emma's Store & its blooming FAB, no bleeding when I used my Promarkers & its nicely priced, actually its cheaper than what I usually get. The papers are again from Crafty Emma & they are called 'Queen Bee' by Pink Paislee & they are gorgeous. Everything has had the edges inked with 'Bundled Sage' distress ink, when I say everything I really do mean EVERYTHING....the papers, the sentiment, the flowers, the card itself, the butterfly & ME!!!! All the flowers were made by MOI, except for the middles they were from my stash.
This is the bottom of the Easel card. The sentiment is printed from my Lappy of course & the ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons & the buttons are from Bunny Zoe's & the leaves I got from my local craft shop, they were being sold off for 50p all diff gotta love a bargain, especially a craft bargain!!
I think that is it peeps, I'm worn out & inked up & stressed out, even my knicks are in a twist lol.... Anyway thankyou SO SO SO very much for stopping by & leaving your wonderful comments it really does mean so much to me, big huge MAHOOSIVE hugs to you all.
Bye-D-Bye crafters see ya soonies.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Music (the image is me prancing round like a fairy lol) - Open Challenge as long as it has wings

Tuesday 10 August 2010

He Loves Me......he loves me not........

Hi there all you lovely crafters, hope you are all fine & dandy. 1st of all I would like to welcome my new followers which I'm so chuffed about, thankyou so so much girls it always cheers me up when I get new followers.... so in no particular order I would like to welcome Nicole, Alison, Carina & last but certainly not least Queenlarubba from Cowgirl Up. If you haven't been over to her shop or her challenge blog then get yourself over, the link is in my sidebar, they have a fab sketch to follow this week & whats good about this Challenge Blog is that even runners up get a fab is that!!! So what are you waiting for......trot yourself along.
Right now onto my ickle creation. To be honest I didn't have much time this morning but I wanted to do a card for I Love Promarkers whose challenge this week is a sketch but also you cannot use more than 3 colours eeeeekk!!! I've had a busy day trying to get this craftroom done & its getting there, hopefully painting will be fin tomorrow then up to Ikea pick some storage-gy thingy-ma-jigs up (say that 10 times fast lol) & then hopefully back in there on Friday WOOOO HOOOO!!! Crafting on a kitchen bench is not for me, I get too stressed lol, altho the family find it funny when I do!! Here is my card I quickly made this

She is called 'He Loves Me' & she is another adorable image from 'Wags'n'Whiskers. I've stuck to 3 colours, not an easy task actually this is my 4th image lol, I kept forgetting about flowers...damn it lol. The colours are green, browns(diff shades but still brown) & every girl needs a bit of pink.
Here is the card, I'm kinda hoping the silver isn't counted as a colour as they are metal so....hope its ok!!! The papers are My Minds Eye, the silver corners & butterfly are from my stash, ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons (love that place) & you see the little pink gems in the corners they are are from Crafty Emma's shop & they arrived this morn. Let me tell you tho the camera does not do them justice they are SOOO pretty, I got blue 1s as well & when Mr Postie posted them this morn I was nearly finished my card but when I saw these they HAD to go will be seeing more of these. Pop on over to Emma's shop my DP's that arrived today are blooming is on my sidebar peeps.
Here is the card from its side

Well thats your lot for now but......'I'll be back', wow women were not meant to have deep voices lol....oooh my poor throat!!! That will teach me to do Arnie Squashinegga, his name hard to spell & thats what we call him lol. Right I'm defo going now peeps, take care every1 & THANKYOU SO SO MUCH  for visiting hugs to you all, you are all treasure's.
See you soonies
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Sunday 8 August 2010

Triple Play - My 1st Wags'n'Whiskers

Good evening all, another late post from me I'm afraid! I've been painting my craft room all afternoon so by the time I made tea & everything it was early evening before I made a start on my project.....well actually finish my project as I really started it last night. Over at Wags'n'Whiskers their challenge is 'Triple Play'......which means 3 of something whether it be papers, flowers or techniques. Well I couldn't decide what to do I had a few idea's in my wee I did all 3.....
I made a card which also has a matching box & there is also a little hanging to go with it all & to top it off it has the most gorgeous image......I've never actually been over to look at their images the last time I was at Bunny Zoe I was just looking for Magnolia...of course.... Well I went over to the lovely Michele's blog the other day (Michele from Wags'n'Whiskers DT & PFP), anyway I loved her card & it had a lush image on it & you never guess what she MADE me go over & buy some images, 1 of them was the 1 she had used..........ssshhhh I told my hubby it was Michele's fault I had brought these images, I told him she forced me into it, I was held by WI-FI!!!! (Its gunpoint for geeks lol, just kidding lol) Sorry Michele hunni for blaming you lol.
Anyway enough of my waffle here is the image close-up....

Goodness she is sooo adorable.....I love cute things lol....

I love Digi Images cus you can print them off absolutely ANY size you want!! This is the Triple Gift Pack......handbag card which really opens & has a matching box & there is also a picture hanging, I've never done a hanging before (well maybe wanted hang hubby now & again ssshhh dont tell him lol).

Here is the picture hanging, I'm actually quite pleased with it to be honest!! The papers I've used are K&Co Big Collection, flowers (bottom left corner) are from Hobbycraft & my stash,all other flowers are handmade by moi, the leaves are from my stash, as to the broderie anglaise. The little pearl like gems are from Crafty Emma's shop. I used MS punch for the strip across the middle. The sentiment I brought for scrapbooking 2 years ago.... naughty me tho has not even started it....shame on me!!!!

Here is the bag & box, I actually thought it would all make a nice keepsake for some1 which is why the sentiment says 'When this you see remember me'

This is the bag card opened which you can then write whatever you wish, it does open flat to make it easy to write in there. The bag then closes & is kept closed with velcro. I've made a couple of these before, my 1st 1 hangs from my notice board in my Hobbit to remind me of the 1st project I did that was NOT a card & the 2nd 1 I did for my step-mum for Mother's Day & I made a stand for it to sit on.....she actually still has it on top of her unit displaying proudly, she wont take it down lol, I am EXTREMELY touched by that, I love her to bits!!

Well that is it for me as its late & I need to link this up....its my 1st time on this challenge so I hope they like it.....I always get nervous when I'm entering for the 1st time, do any of you or is it just silly old me (ermmm clearing my throat) YOUNG me lol.

Goodnight lovely crafters thank you so much for taking the time to visit me hugs to each & every1 of you I love reading your comments. Take care & I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend....sweet dreams & god bless xxx

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

P.S.Thankyou Poppet for your helpful comment on my last post <> big hugs to you hunni xx - Triple Play (my triple gift) - Make Own Flowers - More Than 1 Fold (defo got that lol)