
Saturday 7 August 2010

My Pollycraft freebie

Good evening crafters arn't I doing well another post in the same day I'm starting to get accustomed to crafting on my kitchen bench lol. Can I tell you tho what a truly fantastic family I have I have taken over 1 bench in the kitch, well & the table to be honest thats got things on that have come in the post this week, but considering the mess & my stuff cluttering up the place it not getting on my family's nerve at all its me who's moaning about MY mess!!!! The family tell me off & tell me to chill out & stop worrying........well me loves ya, loves ya, loves ya loads!!!!!
Right now onto my card....last week I think it was, sorry but I'm kinda losing track of all time lol, anyway last week Pollycraft was giving a Digi Image away, it was Cuthbert & Kiki & their challenge was 'love & marriage' & I really wanted to enter but because of things been a wee bit hectic at the mo I forgot :-(. The thing is tho that I had already coloured them in so I decided to do my card today. Today I came across a blog & found her creations AMAZING to say the least & she also has tutorials on her fab blog & so when I saw this particular 1 I just had to have a go this is the link, I'm really sorry but I dont know how to shorten them peeps.
Here is the freebie image........arn't they sweeties....

Ilove this image & so just had to make a wedding card with them

Here is the card in all its glory, I'm actually really quite pleased with how its turned out. All the punches were edged with Antique Linen distress ink, the flowers are just from my stash, just some little stash I've managed find....cant wait find the rest woo hoo!! All the dots I have used my stickles just to add that bit of bling & sparkle cus all weddings should have that. The sentiment is computer generated I have a load ready printed inside a folder which I actually managed to find tonight, yay. The paper is from once again My Minds Eye, it went perfectly with the colours I thought.

Here is a piccy from the side to show the 3d aspect of the card.

Well I think thats about it I'm gonna go link this up to a few challenges....hope they like it & I hope you have liked it too. Thank you again so much for sparing the time to visit me next time I will make you a cuppa lol. Enjoy the rest of your weekend hugs to every1. Goodnight peeps.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Favourite things (mine is flowers, colouring & stamping anything) - Animals & Bugs (I have butterflies, hope this counts, not sure if bears do....fingers crossed!!) - Teddy Bears - Animal Antics - - Punches

I'm off now to do some more crafting, Wags 'n' Whiskers is next..... I'm on a roll!!!!!

Updated to add Unfortunately I miss the Cowgirl Sunday 1 boo hoo, I need to find out when the entries have to be in for, never mind I will try to remember for next time.

Ronnie Reading - Emma's new charity image

Well good afternoon all you lovely crafters hope you are all fine & dandy & having a nice weekend! I got to do a bit of crafting today in between picking up my eldest son's girlfriend & taking my youngest son to get a new mountain bike......why are the 6 weeks hols so expensive, actually why are kids so expensive lol!!
Last night I went over to the lovely Emma's blog & saw that she had been given another digi image to raise money for Yorkshire Air Ambulance in memory of her beloved dad. Well as soon as I saw him I went straight over to her store (link is in my sidebar peeps) & brought him straight away! Now I told my hubby that it would be rude not to have a peekski round Emma's shop whilst I'm there..........of course its even more rude to leave without buying things......tee he he. Emma hunni you really shouldn't stock papers in your shop honestly I have such a weakness for them........the thing is I dont even need any you know these big plastic boxes on wheels that can go under a bed I have 2 of them full of papers....12x12 in 1 & 6x6 & 8x8 in the other, I really need to stop buying more.....aaarrrgghhhh I need help!!!!
Anyway think I better show you my card that I managed to knock together is Ronnie Reading & he is just adorable....

As soon as Emma e-mailed him to me I printed him out & coloured him straight away, I think he is sooo sweet & cute, even my sons think he is 'mintas' in their own words lol. Now please excuse the pics, cus hubby was busy with my craftroom...he is laying laminate flooring today, I'm getting excited.....I thought I wud take the pics so as not to disturb him so they are what you would called crookedyyyy lol. Honest I was sober when I took them, its not me thats crooked mind its the camera......honest lol ;-)

Here is the card.......taken with the crooked camera......if you tilt your heed it will be straight!!

Are you you are now tho aren't you tee he he. Every1 knows me as Mad Vicky cus I am rather ermmmmm silly or is it stupid???.....I can never remember which 1..... My youngest told me today that I am like some1 on blue smarties.....permantly!!!! Eeeee the cheek of 14 year olds these days lol. Back to the card anyway, I do ramble dont I.....the papers are My Mind's Eye as too is the ribbon. The dots are distress stickles, antique linen & brass & the sentiments I actually cut from a DP & layered it on top of some beige strips of paper & stuck them on foam pads to give a 3d effect. Behind Ronnie has been distressed with olive distress ink. I hope you like my card & I hope Emma would like it with it being her charity image......hope so.
Well that is it from me but I will be back later with another creation that I'm working on I've coloured the images see's ya later folkies, take care now.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx
P.S. This card was not done for any challenge but more for fun & basically just because I wanted to do it.....its been ages since I made a card for the heck of it. Thankyou for visiting & thankyou so so much for all your wonderful comments I appreciate each & every 1 of them xxx

Friday 6 August 2010

Picking Flowers.....

Hi there peeps, yes its another late post from me yet again, at the moment I'm busy all day so its late at night before I get the chance to craft. I'm hardly having time to my lovely followers I'm so sorry if I've been a bit of a bad blogger recently my craft-room nearly done so normality will resume hopefully by the weekend depending how long it takes me decorate & put everything back.......
Last night I found a shop on the internet called Charmed Cards & Crafts & I thought it was fab & ended up buying a few Digi images. Well tonight I printed them out & decided to colour a few in with my Promarkers. I coloured in 1 image & thought she looked so so pretty that I ended up needing to make a card straight away to place her on.....well it would be rude not to!!!
The image is called 'Picking Flowers' & its from the Sugar & Spice range, absolutely delicious images.....anyhoo here she is....

All the papers are from K&Co big collection (still on limited supplies, I cant wait to get my stuff unpacked, its gonna feel like Aladdins Cave lol) All the edges have been distressed with Tattered Rose distress ink including the edge of the image.

Here is a close-up of the little cutie. I'm really sorry about the lighting it was a struggle to get it right tonight for some reason.....I'm putting it down to tiredness, thats my excuse anyhoo lol.

The flowers & ribbon are from my stash. The gems are Prima & the butterfly was punched out of my parchment vellum which arrived just the other day. I put stickle glitter down the middle of it to accent the body a bit.

I also decorated the back with the same base paper.

I really hope you like this card, I enjoyed making it & I certainly enjoyed colouring her up, she is such a cutie.

Well thats it gosh this is actually quite a quick post.....for me anyway, he he he I'm getting good.................sometimes!! lol. Goodnight all take care & sweet dreams & thank you SOOO much for stopping by, hugs to you all.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Whatever - Ribbons & Flowers

Thursday 5 August 2010

A New Type of Card with Tilda

Good evening crafters....or should I say morning as its past midnight...... I have a wee little creation tonight which I made for PFP....yes girls how early am I this week.......YAY ME!!!! I decided at 10.30 tonight that I felt like making a card & after having a mooch around to see what bits of crafting necessities I could get a hold of I decided to try something new!!! Well I thought new Tilda = new type of card.

So here she is......

This is Mermaid Tilda from the new Bon Voyage collection, isn't she just SOOOO pretty. The dots are done with Pink Petal Liquid Pearls & they represent bubbles.......

Now you have seen new Tilda here is new card......

I have to say I am really pleased with this & I thoroughly enjoyed making it!! I came across it by accident tonight & when I saw it I just had to make it straight away. The tutorial for this is here its such an easy to follow tutorial & you will really enjoy it....go on pop over......hold on not now you havn't finished the rest of my post yet!!!!! lol. The Tilda I actually coloured last week with Promarkers, so again cannot remember the colours I didn't actually make this card to go with this image it all hap by accident really. I have had new papers today so decided to use them espec as I'm limited with my stuff in boxes :-( The papers are My Minds Eye, Wild Asparagus, this is the 1st time I've used this brand & I loved the papers I was spoilt for choice by this collection. The flowers are from my stash & too the ribbons. I have followed the sketch on PFP as that is their challenge this week which has been set by the lovely Tracy. It is all there its just made smaller to fit on.

This is the inside when unfolded. The stamp was from The Papermill when I ordered some coloured card, this was half price....who can no to that!!! As I'm not sure where my stamping inks are I coloured the stamp with a bright pink Promarker. All the gems are Prima. You can actually use velcro to fasten it together but mine is in a box.........just dont know which box!!!! Thus I used ribbons & as I didnt have pink & green ribbon, I just used 2 together. The edge os the sentiment was distressed with Crushed Olive distress ink.

Now I said in my earlier post I would put some pics on of my craft room, you know the working project lol. Well I forgot to take new pics today & now its too dark so here are a couple from I actually have a roof.......WOO HOOOOO

Well here is my craft room, or should I say what was my craft room!! You can just see the benches at the back & side & the shelves that my stamps sat on, you can also see my wood burner. Where the fresh wood side is on the right by the blue plastic is how much its getting extended.....I drive a Renault Traffic van & I could fit that in there.....its mahoosive!!! All the stuff at the back on the bench is the wall insulation from the wall they have took down, I think they got it down by lighting a big, huge, mahoosive BOMB!! At least by the mess you wud think so lol.

You might be able to tell better on this pic how much bigger it gonna be......I'm getting SOOO excited now mind lol. The man in the grey vest is my wonderful hubby & the 1 next to him is my step-brother, they have just fitted a new bigger window.

This is where the explosion has extended to my garden.......I think I've got some cleaning & tidying up to do lol, still it will certainly be worth it!!

Well thats it finally from me I'm going to the land of nod.....zzzzz's. I am so so sorry for this very long post & if you managed to stay til the end I whole-heartedly thankyou, you are truly wonderful people & hugs & kisses for all of you. Hope you like my creation cus I certainly enjoyed making it, its always enjoyable trying something new isn't it lol. Well see ya tomorrow crafters, sleep tight......TTFN.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Sketch

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Come Into The Dark-Side............

Hello there peeps, yes I've managed to do a little card in-between making cuppa's, cleaning,washing & helping the men with little things on my craft-room....not that I can do much lol but I can stain the wood..................YAY GO MEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Today I received a few goodies that I had on order some from Bunny Zoe, 1st time I've ordered from there & I have to say that I love it.....I did spend quite a bit but no-where near as much as I could of!! Well it was the new Magnolia's they were literally screaming at me 'Plzzzzz buy us.....we lurrrvvvveee you Vickyyyyyy, plzzzzz let us come home with to you.' Well come'on how can I resist that whilst lokking at their ikkle faces...... Do you know what I told my hubby this story & he didn't believe me whatsoever.......blooming shocking I thought it was quite convincing.................maybe!!!! ;-)

Anyway on to my card....well do you recognise the boots above. 'These boots will keep on walking thats just what they'll do....sorry peeps I starting the tune is stuck in your head now tee he he. These boots ladies & gentlemen belong to this cool & sexy woman....

Isn't she just sensational!!!! This image is from none other than Kenny K, its his new line of Digi images Gothik Angelz & this 1 is called Lady Raven. As soon as I heard about these I went straight over to buy 1.......ok ok I brought 4 but they needed my help!!!!!!!!!

Here is the card I made for her to sit on....stand,crouch...well whatever.....

The challenge over at Kenny K's is the 'On The DarkSide'. I have used papers from K&Co's big collection, the front & back had their edges distressed with Black Soot & Victorian Velvet distress inks. These are the only papers I can find at the mo & I've kept my inks,pens & Prisma's out so I can still at least colour images whilst everything is packed away.

This is the inside which will get panels stuck to them but I cant get to my cuttlebug at the mo.... its in a box!!!!

The red paper she is on is the m iddle from a doilie & then sprayed with Red Firefly cosmic shimmer....which arrived thru my letterbox this morn. Behind this sits another doilie with skull & crossbones on. Now when I ordered these off a shop on Ebay they sent cupcake cases instead by mistake, when I told them of this mistake they immediately sent out the doilie's but told me to keep the cases as their way of saying sorry for the mishap.. Well today I finally used 1, I cut the bottom out of the case, scrumpled it up a bit, sprayed it with CC Spray & Shine(new tin arrived today lol) & then stuck a gem in the middle to make a flower...I think it looks ok really. I dont actually have any black ribbon so I cut the ribbon off a top, you know the ones that go on the coat-hanger when hanging but when wearing annoy you cus they keeping popping out of your top.....grrrrr, damn things!! Obviously this Raven is coloured with Promarkers, can't really remember the colours as I did her last week as soon as I got her....sorryyyyy.

I think thats it peeps for now just gotta go link this up, I hope you like it & I REALLY hope it makes up for my last card YUK!! Altho lovely Sue over at PFP did put it in her top for that I thank you SOOOO much > coming your way hunni. Pop back later if you have the time I'm gonna post some pics of my new craftroom....well work in progress that is....fingers crossed I will be back in there at the weekend, I'm really missing it actually, does that make me sad do ya think?? Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for all your lovely sweet comments, crafters really are the best & kindest people, BIG HUGS to all that visit me.

See you soonies, lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - On The Darkside(MY 1st entry) - 2 Colours (black & red) - Make Own Flowers


Tuesday 3 August 2010

A-Round Card

Hello there all you lovely jubbly crafters, how are you are doing?......Well this is again a really really quick post its after midnight & me wants to go peepies.....that sounds like I want go no no I want go beddy know up wooden hills to bedfordshire.....except I have no hills I live in a blooming bungalow!!! Shall I get on with my card.....yeah I think I should lol. I have made this card for PFP whose theme is green, now initially the last 2 days I decided not to make a card & to miss this weeks challenge completely.......really really sorry girls for thinking that!!!!! The reason is that my hubby.....might I add my FANTASTIC hubby is building an extension on my craft room (hobbit) I am running out of room so he's building me some more room lol....I know I am SO SO lucky, I love him to bits....well I should I've been with him since I was 15 years old & I'm now (counting on my fingers.....)..........38....sssshhhhh dont shout it, I dont want every1 hearing you!!! However even tho my plans were NOT to do a card I got itchy fingers & withdrawal symptoms.....honestly I've only missed PFP once & it was terrible...just terrible. So with VERY limited supplies cus EVERYTHING is boxed up,packed away & scattered all over the blasted bungalow.....I didn't realise I had so much stuff!!!! Anyway here is my easel card with a difference...... This did not quite turn out to plan but it was made within an hour, with limited supplies & it was my 1st time doing a round would think I would keep it simple being without a lot of my stuff.........ner not me( I'm knocking on my head now.............HARD).

All the papers are K&Co which I think are scrummy & the bottom stamped image is Lili Of The Valley. The other 2 images are from colouring pages on the internet & the big circle was also distressed with distress ink & all edges distressed with my scissors. The vase

of flowers are supposed to be black & white & then another image coloured in put over the top with 3D foam squares but cutting the image shorter so that some of the black & white image is seen on the edges. It all didn't go quite accordingly to plan but never mind.........sometimes it works that way doesn't it.....

Well thats it from me, it was sort of short....I am gonna take my sleepy head to my pillow now. Nitey nite peeps, you all take care hope you like my card, I would LLLUUUURRRRVVVVEEE to hear from you if you have a little spare time. Thankyou to all that visit, big big hugs for each & every1 of you.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Sorry about the pics the lighting wasn't great tonight. - Green (hope you like it girls)