
Tuesday 27 July 2010

My Altered Creation

Hello peeps hope you are all fine & dandy. This is gonna have to be a really quick post cus its nearly 1 0'clock in the morn & I'm tired & running really late tonight. I'm running late cus we have had family up from Manchester & over from Australia.....really worth running late for it was fab seeing every1. Anyway onto this creation I have made an altered book which is actually a 1st for me, I've never altered anything to be honest!! I brought some LOTV stamps last week so thought I would ink this image up & use this on my book cus she is so cute & it sort of fit the theme.....altho none of this project has actually gone to plan, but I will try harder next time. Here is the image....

Isn't she adorable wearing her mummy's hat & shoes along with her bag as well, she even has everyhting colour co-ordinated.....thats my kind of girl lol. She is of course coloured with Promarkers & the nestie that she is on is distressed with Worn Lipstick distress ink.

This is the front of the book. All of the papers used are from K&Co & they have been distressed with my little distressing tool. The flowers, ribbon & buttons are from little shops on Ebay & the love heart is from my jewellery stash.

This is the inside of the book, the middle has been cut out & all the pages glued together around the edge. It has been covered in K&Co paper again which has been distressed with Worn Lipstick ink & Tumbled Glass ink. The idea is that Mummy has made her little girl a secret treasure trove inside a book which is just hers. There is little charms & chains & flowers & pearls, all the things that little girls love. All of which is from my jewellery making stash. There is even a mini bag & hat in there.

This is the front & back & for the edges I used the paper which I cut out of the middle, I inked them up again with Worn Lipstick. I have put all the rest in a container cus I know it will come in handy for other creations.

This is the inside back cover which I thought once it was covered in paper it should be left like that. This book is going to sit on my daughters dressing table when her bedroom is re-decorated. I initially made this project for PFP whose theme is Distressing, well there is certainly plenty of that on this lol. Well thats it from me hope you like what I have made I certainly honor all your comments good or bad. Thankyou to all that spare the time to look at my little blog I appreciate it very much, hugs to all that visit me <>

Take care byed-d-bye.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Distressing - Anything but square (hope this counts) - Anything goes (2nd entry) - Something flowery - Vintage - Anything goes (2nd entry)

Monday 26 July 2010

A male card

Good morning.....well only just morning lol. I made a card last night cus I had to wait for bits of my PFP creation to dry & yes you have read the heading right 'a male card'. I know I dont like doing them I've hardy made any & I really do struggle with them but I saw this stamp & had to buy it straight away, its just brill I love it lol!!
Here is my card....

Doesn't he look fab he is the typical dad every morning would take the newspaper to the loo with him & do the crossword lol. It helped him concentrate I think lol.....maybe men really do have poops for brains lol, only kidding, my hubby will kill me lol. The stamp is from La Pashe & it comes with the sentiments.

I dont know any1 who takes a pint in the loo with them tho.....YUK

This is the inside of the card, I think this is what made me like this stamp to be honest was the fact to saw the back of him as well lol. The inside papers are from K&Co & I have distressed the edges with vintage photo & the middles were cut using 1 of my nestabilities thru my Cuttlebug.

The toilet roll also came with the stamp which I stamped with Stazon & distressed it with vintage photo. The main images were stamped with Memento onto Premier quality smooth card & coloured with Promarkers. The card you can get from here its good card especially for Promarkers, no bleeding which is brill & it even goes thru my Epom printer for when I want do Digi Images.....what more could I ask for!!!

This is the front & back of the card, the papers have been distressed with my distressing tool from Mr Tim Holtz, the paper is from the Paper Cellar. I have put ribbon under the image, I dont normally use ribbon on mens cards but this could actually be used for both sexes I think, The buttons are from my stash, I always struggle with bellies on Mens cards, its the decorating I find the hardest!! The sentiments came with the stamp of course & I again distressed them with vinatge photo.

This card was made for a few challenges including I love Promarkers whose theme is buttons. Well thats it folks will be back later with another post......I know I've never done so much crafting in so little time, but I'm not gonna knock it cus 'I'm lovin' it'(she says singing out loud & getting weird looks from her son's friend he he he,good job he knows she is loopy lol)

Take care every1 & thankyou for looking at my creations, please leave a comment if you have time I have just realised that I had comment verification on so I've turned it off now......DOH!!! how thick am I lol. Anyway byed-d-bye peeps take care hugs to all that visit,

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Buttons - Men - Recipe (hope its ok, I've got 2 papers inside & out, 3 bellies & my image is sort of 1.....its just the front & the back of him....hope it counts,sorry if it doesn't) - Anything Goes (my 1st time here) - Anything goes (this is their 1st challenge)

EMMA'S DT CALL........

Hi peeps no project to post at the minute, hubby has not took pics yet. This post is about Emma's DT Call. I put a post on here about Emma's shop, there is a link on my side bar for any1 who missed the post, her shop is fab I ordered straight away & BOY!!! is postage fast, absolutely excellent service. Anyway Emma is looking up to start a 'Crafty Emma's Store' Challenge Blog but she needs some teamies. She is looking for 6 people to be on her Design Team, you dont even have to make a project to enter, all you have to do is promote it on your blog & leave your name in Mr Linky.....its as easy as that!!!! Pop on over to Emma's blog to read all the details about her DT Call if you dont fnacy been on the DT then you must at least go on over to her shop it really is fab & she is adding new stuff all the time.......good prices too & my hubby is a 'Penny Pincher' lol only kidding he's the best. Well I've put my name in Mr Linky, WOW this is the 1st time I've applied for a DT spot but Emma is just fab, she is the 1 who helped with my very 1st challenge at PFP & was my 1st follower & I know she will be excellent to work with. Well my little crafters I will be back later with 2 creations, providing I like the end result of my PFP creation...........hope so!!!! Take care all you lovelies thankyou for taking the time to read this & dont forget to pop over to Emma's, byed-d-bye for now.. Lotsa hugs Vicky xx

Sunday 25 July 2010

My Rolling Saturday Night....part 2

Hi its me agin he he he....I hope you liked my 1st card. My 2nd one is I think my fave 1 out of the 1s I made last night, I used Butterfly Keeper from, she is gorgeous & I inked her & coloured her as soon as she popped her head thru my letterbox, unfortunately it was about 2 weeks ago so cant actually remember the colours I used.....sorrrrrryyyyyyy. Here she is........

I love the colour of her hair altho I dont know why I did it these colours but I'm so glad I did I think she can carry off bold colours.........

The papers are from Basic Grey & they are called Kioshi, I love these papers, I love the colours mmwah bellisimoooo..... I have done this card for the Crafts & Me challenge which is a sketch. The sentiment is computer generated I made a few up last night & printed them off, the organza ribbon is from my stash, I've had it for so so so long & the butterfly charm is from my jewellery stash. The butterfly is of course Martha Stewart which has been inked up in Lavender Mill & had a sprinkling of glitter & 2 gems from my stash & I've also used MS punch for the middle paper & then inked the edges with Lavender Mill distress ink. The butterfly on the image I covered in transparent Gloss Gel but unfortunately it doesn't show up very well in the pics.

Well thats it for me if you want to see the final card I made pop on over to my Magnolia blog to see Tilda & Edwin, they will be delighted to see you there.

Can I welcome a new follower before I go....welcome Sandra who is on the DT over at Creative Craft Challenges thankyou so much hun for becoming a follower......pop on over to her blog her creations are fab....

Take care every1 thanks for visiting me, enjoy the rest of your weekend, hugs to all...

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Sketch - Birthdays

My rolling Saturday night

Hi there peeps hope you are all having a fab weekend. I am gonna keep this post short as I have 3 to do & I dont want to bore you......yes you heard right 3, I was on a roll & decided make the most of it. I decided at 10.30pm last night that I wanted to craft I had been in pain again all day so didn't do away I went to my hobbit & I didn't resurface until 2.30am & I made 3 cards. I'm also on doing a project for PFP but I'm only half way throught it as I had to wait for sprays & inks to dry last night.......its something I've never done before so check back later when hopefully it will be finished. Last night I brought 2 Kenny K images they are fab & I really enjoyed colouring this 1 in, I followed the sketch on their blog but then when I looked this morn it ended at 8pm DOH!!! I really sgould read things......oh well never mind I still enjoyed making it. Here is my 1st card from last night.....

She is called All That, it actually reminds me of me when I would go out clubbing when those hats were the height of fashion a few years ago, she just needs belly button piercing & a tattoo above ......I have quite a few of those hats actually & even tho I dont wear them I wont throw them either lol.

The flowers I made a few weeks ago & to be honest I cant remember the colours I used, it was pure accident that they matched this I was actually looking for something else when I found these lol.

There is a challenge that this card fits, well I hope it does anyway. Its Sketch & Stash, my neglected is the flowers I made, me new is the Digi Image, wish me luck!!!

Thankyou with all my heart for visiting me big hugs to each & every1 of you who do I appreciate it SOOOOOO much. Take care crafters.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xx - Sketch