
Saturday 24 July 2010

Pretty in Pink

Hello all you lovely lovely crafters, hope you are all fine & dandy!! I am great I absolutely luuurrrrvvvvveeee the 6 weeks hols, honestly I really do if I could teach my kiddies at home they wouldn't even go to school lol.....altho they probs wouldn't learn that much......well howay its me!!!! I have been a terrible blogger this last week & barely been on blogland.....BUT.....I will make it up to you I will visit all of you over the weekend & post a few creations.......well I will certainly try to post a few....
Right letz zee what iz on ze menu toooday.. ....isn't my French accent great????? he he he.....I'm not on drugs I Anyway as I was saying on ze menu is of course a ickle creation from moi & what I consider to be most important I will be welcoming some new followers.....LOOK 21 FOLLOWERS CAN YOU BELIEVE IT ME SOOO SOOO HAPPYYYYYYY. So without further ado here is your 1st course............

Don't they look pretty in be honest, I'm goona blame it on been ill but I think my Mojo kinda pissadeared oops, thats my French sorry ;-). 1st it was the colouring then it took me ages to pick papers then decide where to put things & dont even get me started on the bellies, ribbon & flowers...................Anyway after what seemed like an eternity it sort of finally came together. Now most....actually ALL of the bellies were of course off Ebay at some point lol, so too were the flowers. The sentiment is computer generated & the pink pearl bead in the corner was from my jewellery stash & I threaded some silver wire through it. The bottom paper I really cant remember who its from but the top 2 are from Magnolia, 1 is 'Angel Dots' from the Once Upon A Time collection & the 1 underneath that is 'Angel Love' from the same collection. This is only the 2nd time I've used Magnolia papers but I'm addicted already.

I love this stamp but it has took me weeks to ink it up & actually make a card & unfortunately I cant remember the colours altho the pink I think is baby pink??? The bride's dress has little bits of pink on to create shadowing etc but most of it is covered in Lace Stickles which I do think looks pretty. I also toned down the pink with my blender pen I also found it helped blend it all in better. I didn't actually make this card for anything but I may have a peekskie around to see if it will fit in any challenges. Hope you like it, I would be sooo happy to hear your views, good or bad I really dont mind.....

Well onto the 2nd lovely jubbly followers.....please welcome 2 new ladies who I think are FAB, welcome Denise who is blog owner of PFP....Love that challenge blog, you should go over cus they have a fab candy up for offer, see my sidebar at the top.....go on girls you wont be dissapointed. I would also like to welcome Andie who is also on the DT over at PFP & both of these ladies do FAB cards, I absolutely love what they create!!

Well I think thats it for now.....PHEW!!! lol I've have given up on trying to do short posts cus I ALWAYS gabble on too much & ends up been long........but you never know 1 day I could surprise you................................. & me for that matter lol. Well hope you all have a fabulous weekend......dont do anything I wouldn't he he he.

Thankyou to everyone who visit & leave comments I love each & every1 of them & actually always read them more than once......they cheer me up!!! Take care every1 see you soonies...

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

I have found a few challenges he he he......... - Shabby Chic (my 1st time on this blog) - Here comes the bride

Monday 19 July 2010

Kickin' It For Michelle - Sending Donkey Smiles

Hello there every1 I'm running rather late tonight so this for the 1st time in the history of blogging (I'm now coughing my lung up for saying this in a deep voice) will be a quick post.... yes I said QUICK!!!! lol. I've been very ill the last few days I will be glad when my appointment comes through for the hospital but never mind, also last week was my dad's memorium so had a rough week......... but I'm back now with a little creation for Michelle. I'm sure you have all heard about poor Michelle's accident & her love for donkey's, as this is a quick post please go to to find out more....they have a great card drive on for her. Everyone is sending her get well wishes, there has been a lot of very beautiful cards made however I thought I would be a bit me to have to be different lol. Anyway us crafters I think are very kind & thoughful people so I'm quite sure Michelle will want to say a few thankyou's when she feeling better, I thought I would try help out & made her this.... Its a little box, naturally with a donkey on, its decorated on the front with a sentiment saying 'You're special', just to remind her that she IS SPECIAL......take a look inside....
Inside is 6 little thankyou cards & envelopes that each have a donkey on & they each say thankyou, inside has been left blank so Michelle can write whatever she needs to inside.
Here are the 6 cards & box. I really hope she likes it, I will make her a card to match as well but with been poorly I didn't have time so I will get the card done tomorrow. I needed to post tonight because I'm also entering this into PFP challenge which is Animals set by the lovely Julie, you should go over & see the DT cards....absolutely FAB as always!!! So this I'm entering there, I hope they like this 1......wish me luck......
This is the front of the box I thought I would finish it with a ribbon around it & a bow. It is propped up with my box lid which contains all the promarkers I used on this project, I dont think I've ever used so little......I normally dont like doing animals as I'm still not used to them & yet I did 7......dont figure lol!!!!! Well thats it peeps untill tomorrow....well it was sort of short...................ish!!!!
Take care & keep on smiling, love to all that visit & leave comments I really appreciate every single 1 & each 1 makes me smile like a chesire cat..............purrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxxxx TTFN
P.S. Welcome my new follower......the lovely Julie who is on the DT at PFP, you should go on over to her blog her creations are FABULOUS.........go on you wont be dissapointed.........trot along then lol!!! Hugs to all xx - Animals (My cute little asses he he he)....ooops lol