
Family Photo's

Photo's Taken April 2017 when we went to Berwick for a long weekedn in our caravans.

This is my Grandson Arjay, isn't he growing up into such ahandsome young man. He has difficulties with quite a lot of things & its causing concern for Drs etc but given his birth its no wonder. (for those that dont know you can read about his amazing journey into this world on my sidebar.
This laddy always makes me smile & cheers me up ;-) He is nearly 4 here.

My beautiful granddaughter Payton she really is such a pleasure to have around & is so clever & quite grown up in a lot of ways. 
She also takes after her Nanny & loves music & dancing.......we dance around the kitchen A LOT!!

She had just fallen off the slide.......always has a smile lol.

Of course this is my gorgeous Natalie, she is my hero. I cannot believe she will be 25 in June, time goes way too fast.

This of course is her daddy, my hubster Craig giving her kisses to get her smile for the camera........she is so stubborn lol.

Thats me standing next to Natty & of course our  mini Goldendoodle Poppy who adores Natalie & the grandchildren so much.
Me & my daughter in law this lassy to bits & couldnt be happier that she is part of our family.......though I class her as my daughter not daughter in law.

This is my eldest son Ben with his daughter Payton on the zip line..........she loves this thing & its so hard to get her off. Ben is pushing her back as it stopped halfway back lol.

This is my youngest son & the youngest of my children ;-) This is Jake with his nephew Arjay on the zip line....I love how happy they are.

Uncle Jake with his niece.
Ben pushing Jake & Arjay back to the starting point......I love how Arjay is sat comfy watching his daddy lol.

We are always laughing, always having fun. I thank myself every day for having a close family & I know I must have done something right as a parent as really are so very close. Holidays we still go away together all the time......Ben & his family in their caravan & us with Jake & Natty in ours. The only time we go away without them is if its mid week & my sons cannot get time off work......otherwise we go away together every month & a long holiday in the summer.
Life is too short to waste, enjoy it to the max, we certainly try to......we have lots of fun all the time........its never dull around us lol.

There are more pics but havnt finished them uploading them all to my camera yet.

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